Woman losing baby weight

Hi i had my 3rd child dec 31st 2014 and waited a yr before i started to get the weight off. At the start i have 39lbs to shift. 19 of which is gained from my pregnancy.
I'm 5ft 3" and at the start 2 fridays ago i was 179.6 yesturday i weighed in at 172.6. That just from cutting back from the crap i was eating at christmas And by sticking to 2000cals the best i can and as I stopped weighing myself in October when my scale battery died. I put on 10lbs since that weigh in,but sooo pleased with the 7lb loss this last week.
I've got about half my friends list either not logging or just logging for their days but nothing much else seems to be showing up as activity or status updates.
I would love a few new ppl who are actively losing their extra weight right now. But i do stress i do not want anyone who trys to only eat tiny amounts.
Ppl tend to dislike me saying that but i just can't stand having under eaters on my list. Or those who support them.


  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    just sent you a friend request - i'm getting in shape now after my second baby and would love more support. i'm about 20 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight and still working at it. i'm definitely NOT an under eater :)