Let's share our goals



  • TraciBru
    TraciBru Posts: 15 Member
    I am 43 5 ft 1 138.4 lbs want to get to 120. Feel free to add me
  • bnichols0713
    bnichols0713 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am 5'4
    SW 140
    CW 128
    GW 120

    It has been a long time since I have seen 120 on the scale. My late 30's have been hard for me to keep the weight off. I want to get my weight under control before my 40's for sure!
  • Iggiepop
    Iggiepop Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Igna, I am 45 years young.
    5'5" tall (1.72m)
    I started MFP in July '15 at 185lb (84.1kg) lost 31lb (14.1kg)
    Current weight: 154lb (70kg)
    Goal weight: 140lb (64kg)
    Dream weight: 132lb (60kg)
    My aim is to reach my goal in March.
    I aim to get fit and be able to run 5km by the end of the year.

  • tassiaocalla
    tassiaocalla Posts: 12 Member
    Hiya, all!
    I'm 5'7"
    Current weight: 145lbs
    Goal Weight: 120lbs

    I used to be 120lbs and I felt so much better, so I'm just losing bit-by-bit (no fad diets) with the help of my FitBit and MFP :) Feel free to add me on the FitBit, I can't get my ID at the moment, but my email is t.agatowski@hotmail.com :) xoxo
  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm 5'8"
    pre-pregnancy weight: 182
    10 days postpartum (starting weight): 208
    current weight (8.5 months later): 166
    goal weight: 150 - I plan to re-evaluate at this point.
    ultimate goal weight: 135 - This was my weight in high school, but I'm not sure if I want to go this low, hence looking at goals again at 150.

    anyone feel free to add me as a friend. I'm not doing anything special - just eating normal foods in moderation. running during breaks at work and doing some strength training at night when the kids go to sleep.
  • equestrianhealthy
    equestrianhealthy Posts: 12 Member

    I am 5'7 and I currently weigh 160. My waist measures 80cm. I want to be down to 135 by June 12th (last day of school).
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member

    I'm 5' 9.5, age 47
    CW 146
    Goal weight 137

    I was always around 140-155 until I had DD after which I gained more weight until I was 196lb at my heaviest. I lost some weight by just cutting back and then joined MFP and started counting. I hit a lowest weight of 138 and then have been back up to 155. Lost back and then went back to 148. Now I want to get to goal and stay there, try to increase muscle mass and generally get fitter.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Howdy! I am 5'10, 178. Want to get to 160. My lowest weight this year was 166.7...have been slowly creeping up since October. UGH.

    I workout almost every day (running, yoga, elliptical, weights). I count calories and try to keep them at 1200 or less-- but some days I eat my face off. :( Anyway, my lack of discpline has led me to where I am with the "creeping".

    My highest weight was 350 pounds. I lost 50 and then stayed at 300 until I had weight loss surgery 2 years ago (a vertical sleeve gastrectomy). I got to 180 my first year out from surgery, then down to 166 by being really strict with my eating and doing loads of exercise...need to buckle down and get there again!
  • mytrasjp8449
    mytrasjp8449 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!

    I am 5'4".
    CW - 180
    GW - 155 by October

    I am committed to the life style change needed for this weight loss.
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm 5'4".

    Started at 160 (or possibly a bit more, this is before I got a digital scale and my old scale wasn't that accurate) in mid-late March last year.
    Currently 138, which is 22 lbs down after 10 months of calorie counting.
    Goal is 120, but I could potentially safely go a bit lower if I want to when I get there. I'd like to lose at least 2.5 inches off my 29.5 waist!
  • strongliz16
    strongliz16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'7
    Gw: 128
    At my lowest I was 116lb but deeply affected by an ED and unhappy. I worked hard to gain muscle and now I want to shed a few pounds to show my hard work!
  • mrsAngie906
    mrsAngie906 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Angie, and I am 28, and I am just wanting to lose 37 lbs. I have gained around my stomach, thighs, and butt because of polycystic and from not having self-control. I am not really big, but i can stand to lose some weight. I am hoping tonight when i go work out to talk to a trainer and get my measurements. I just got married, and so i am also learning to make good and healthy food at home for me and my husband.

    So my goal is to lose 37 lbs, tone up my stomach and build a little muscle in my legs and arms.
  • TheWidowJones
    TheWidowJones Posts: 29 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm Cid.
    5 ft 3/4 inches tall (yes I count the 3/4 inch! haha)
    152 pounds (lost from 196 from February 2015 to November 2016, gained weight since the holidays YIKES)
    GW 126 lbs (for now)
    47 yrs old

    The weight I'd lost was belly, thighs, and butt! Also weight train so everything is toned, but the weight I gained from the holidays was from drinking (mostly wine and margaritas - no regrets!), snacking on crap, and eating my way through an entire loaf of bread once. It was garlic bread. I made it for the kids. They didn't eat it. So...you know how moms are about not wasting food. The new weight settled itself on my belly and thighs. I have those dimples that were completely gone, and my inner thighs? That's what makes me the most angry at myself!

    Anyway, I was actually up to 159 at one point, but I lost it pretty quickly when I went back to the gym 5 days/week and went back on my 1200 cal/day eating plan. I see the head trainer at my gym tonight for a nutrition check, I also joined a "biggest loser" team at my gym that counts points for checking in and completing food journal on MFP, checking into the gym, and being within +/- 200 calories of my daily calorie count. Right now it's 1200, we will see what we come up with today. I am eating 50% carbs, 35% protein, and 15% fat daily (trying to).

    My goal is to lose the weight I gained, and then continue to lose until I reach my goal weight. I need to keep going to the gym 5xweek, and step up my interval training on the treadmill.

    Thanks for any/all support! Will take friend requests. My profile is open so you can see my food and shake a virtual finger at my for any bad behavior. :smile:

    Also, cheering me on is also appreciated! Looking forward to keeping up with the group.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi all!!
    Height 5'7
    Age 36
    Current weight 150
    Goal weight 140
    Dream weight. 135

    I have just recently put on like 8 to 10 pounds. I am so uncomfortable. My main goal is to just back in the jeans I was wearing 2 months ago.
  • lovecraftiana
    lovecraftiana Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 29y.o., 5.6, who used to weight around 114 in my early 20s. Now 142 and honestly mostly trying hard to lessen my hip circumference and overal tone up - more pronounced abs, arms. Losing 18lbs would be nice, but don't mind of swapping them to lean muscle.