I could eat the house

lovelyloola Posts: 33 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
Well I quit smoking 6 days ago and could eat everything in site. I have been on MFP for about 2 years now, never felt like posting because I wasn't like most people on here, I only want to lose about 10 lbs. Well maybe more if I keep eating. I'm so glad I found this board. I'm a 48 yr old mother of 3 and grandmother of soon to be 2 next month. I'm a shorty at 5'2 and generally stay around 135, but would like to be 125. I got down to 119, about a year ago but got back into bad habits. Would be nice to have friends similar to me.


  • SamathaDain
    SamathaDain Posts: 17 Member
    I also am trying to lose about 10 more lbs. I am a mom of two and let a bit of the weight stick around after the last baby and the holidays. I'm usually busy at nights running after kids so my workouts are restricted to my lunch hour when I don't have other errands to take care of. I am mainly focusing on my diet and eating clean. Trying to get back to good habits and a new schedule with the extra kid in the mix.
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I am also trying to lose about 10 more pounds. I am 36, 5'6" and currently at about 140. I am just finishing up my first round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and have been really devoted to the videos and running (I run about 25 miles per week), but I am constantly hungry and it is really hard for me not to indulge in the things I love. 21 Day Fix doesn't allow for sweets or any sugar really and that's my sore spot. I too smoked for 10+ years, but quit a little over 4 years ago. It was really hard at first, but every day gets a little better. I used to crave a cigarette, but now I almost heave when I walk by someone smoking.
  • mmcdowell
    mmcdowell Posts: 9 Member
    Hey girls, I would like to drop just 5 more lbs, it helps me run faster to be lighter. I am 56 years old 5'4" and started tracking here when weight watchers changed their program again. I pay the 50.00 for the premium MFP which includes blog posts.

    I run between 30-40 miles per week and get in about 3 days of weight training. I know what you mean about running making you hungry. I try to drink 64 ounces of water daily and eat 6 servings of raw or steamed veggies daily to fill me up. It works most days. I'm just looking for some new friends to help keep me motivated.