15-20 lbs away from goal?



  • hapollock07
    hapollock07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I am new to this group! I'm 5'2, 155lbs and would like to reach at least 130! About two years ago, I logged faithfully with MFP and was able to go from 161 to 143! The weight is slowly creeping back up on me, which is why I'm here! This is my first time being in a group. I really think having a support group and having to hold yourself accountable will make such a difference!
  • milina137
    milina137 Posts: 10 Member
    I came to 11 pounds to my goal weight last year then i gained 11 pounds this winter.Now I'm 132 and i plan to come to 110 until summer. I started getting back slowly by not dieting and just reducing calories little by little so that I can get used to it. I can't wait to lose all this belly fat and look good again.I believe I can..and not only me,everyone else :)
  • xlollipunk
    xlollipunk Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there! I am 5'4'', 140 lbs. I am 20 lbs from my goal. I am mad because in September, I was 15lbs away. I got married in September and I think I got a little too comfortable with the fact that I am no longer working toward getting married!

    Since June 2014, I have lost a total of 106 lbs! These last 20 are definitely the hardest. It's a mental challenge every day. I have had a really hard time combining diet and exercise and I've seemed to have been really focused on either one or the other. This year, my goal is to combine as I know that's the only way I'll reach my goal.
  • Expat4Life
    Expat4Life Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 22.5lbs away from my goal weight, having lost 43lbs so far. It's going so slowly now but I'm starting to wwitch things up, mainly focusing on really increasing my exercise and being sure to not be slacking with logging every little thing I eat (no more 'this extra bite won't hurt!' ;)
  • valskira
    valskira Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'10" and 170lbs. My goal weight is 155, but it's been a while since I've been there...
  • smis92103
    smis92103 Posts: 58 Member
    I would love to drop another 10-15 lbs of fat and build more muscle, it is super hard now because I do not feel the sense of urgency. But it would be so amazing to be able to get there. Just need accountability :)
  • lachellerininger
    lachellerininger Posts: 11 Member
    I am 10-15 lbs. from my goal and struggling to get there. I am pushing the big 5-0 next month and that is not helping. I am on the high side of my BMI and want to be on the low side with some toning. I am glad I found this group and hope to add some friends to keep me motivated.

    I was going to a trainer twice a month and was starting to feel pretty good then I reinjured my back and now I am leery of exercising again. I do the elliptical about 5 days a week but that is all. :(
  • Newl17
    Newl17 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I a newbie! I would like to lose 15-20lb. I beginning to get to grips with all the calorie counting! I do find it very helpful and it has made me really aware of how much calories are in actually in the foods we eat! I've began a exercise schedule, it's only 30 mins a day, if I look at any more for now it puts me off! I have to keep it realistic and doable, otherwise it won't happen. I try not to be to hard on myself and enjoy doing the amount I'm doing as I'm doing it, I will progress as I get stronger and in will power and fitness. There is always hope!
  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    i'm new to the group as well! i had my second baby in may. i've lost 42 lbs since then and am now 20 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. i have another 16 to go until i get to the weight where i want to re-evaluate my goals. i'm just being super strict about hitting my calorie goals (not even really thinking about macros at this point), running in our work gym during the day when i get a chance (about 2 miles), and then using strength training workouts from fitnessblender.com at night - usually about 5 nights a week.

    motivation definitely starts to wane when you get in the home stretch and your goal weight is in sight, but i just keep telling myself to keep plugging away and you'll get there eventually...slow and steady!

    anyone feel free to friend me - i love getting (and giving) extra support!!
  • HappyHippie87
    HappyHippie87 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 28, military, and I've always been right on the cusp of being overweight... I'm right around 5'9, and float around 176-181 ish... currently at the top of that range this week, thanks hormones. I've restarted Les Mills Pump in my dorm again, and did my first week of C25K, but then we got about 8 inches of snow so no more track for me till that melts. I've been practicing logging my food and have over the course of 2 months, become more regular and more honest about what I log. I'd say it's a pretty concrete habit now, and I love the accountability it offers. I would like to lose maybe 15 pounds or so, but it's so hard working and logging for a few weeks and not seeing any difference. I'm into week 3 this go around, so hopefully I'll see something here in the next few weeks. I quit drinking when I got stationed overseas for a year, so that's been since August, and I quit smoking about 3 months ago. I know what I'm doing is the right thing and I can see small differences (can run without wanting to vomit, etc).... I just need someone to help me maybe be craftier with calories, or just have someone to talk to about the daily struggles!
  • smallsopro
    smallsopro Posts: 5 Member
    Yes. I would like to lose 12-17 pounds, I feel like I have a grasp on healthy eating and exercise but I find it so hard to eat below maintenance calories. Looking for the willpower and trying to reconcile myself to being hangry a lot of the time. Currently doing the 30 Day Shred (day 6), taking 1-2 days off each week and doing less high impact stuff (yoga, walking) instead on those days.

    I've never been obese, but right now I'm 5 pounds over "normal" into the "overweight" category. I hate it. Time to buckle down on diet so I can see results in 2016!
  • rgbmore
    rgbmore Posts: 85 Member
    Today I stepped on the scale and had not lost any (my weigh in day isn't until sunday) I have a problem of stepping on the scale too often and then if the results are undesirable, wanting to eat a bunch of crap (today the incredi-urge was gas station pizza...it's bad guys). Somewhere along the ride to the gas station though, I realized that I was just reacting to be disappointed and that this pattern of disappointment followed by eating crap is what is keeping me from reaching my goal. OK, so I know the pattern, and admit that it's a problem...and that's the first step. I think the second step will be moving the scale to the basement so I'm not tempted to weigh myself so often.

    Does anyone else here have that problem, and if so do you have any solutions? I don't want to be obsessive about the scale, esp not that I realize this unhelpful series of events overweighing is a part of.

    I can so relate. Place the scale somewhere inconvenient. On top of a shelf so high you need a chair to get it down. Same with the junk food--try to make it inconvenient(although driving to the gas station probably as inconvenient as it gets).

    Its very hard, but keep at it. I don't lose any weight my first month or so of dieting and exercise, and then it drops in large staggers later on. So keep at it! (And have that one slice of gas station pizza if you must and just plan it into your calories. ;))
  • hollyell88
    hollyell88 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 21 lbs from goal... I think I am mostly off track because I am making rediculious choices like nuts over carrots, I have to schedule my weigh days, I am being completely willy-nilly and as a result I have been stuck between 145 - 153 for the past year. I was at my goal of 129 but then seemed to eat everything in sight for a year and am now back up to 150 - I need some suggestions for motivators.... maybe join an oatmeal reduction support group.

    Goals: Body fat: 28.4 - 15% (lose 22 lbs of fat)
    Weight 151 - 129

    Squat: 100lbs
    Pull up: 30 unassisted
    Deadlift: 150lbs

    By March 16th
  • TheWidowJones
    TheWidowJones Posts: 29 Member
    sonyapita wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new too! I have a goal of losing 20 pounds ! I'm at 156 now, trying for 136...wish me luck. I have been logging in all this week and am really hungry...;), working out 4 times a week, with 2 kids, FT work, it's hard, but this is our year 2016! We can do this!

    Yes! It can be done!

  • sarahspenceee
    sarahspenceee Posts: 38 Member
    im 20 pounds away from my goal.....im dying . stair sprints and under 50 carbs.. let me tell u it falls off. I gained all my weight when drinking and going out became a thing ... now trying to do damage control...
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I am 19 pounds away. It is so dang hard! I'm right there with the rest of you ladies!
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    I am also in my early fifties. I have found that losing weight plus middle age has slowed my metabolism to crawl. For me accepting that I must eat less than 1200 calories a day to just drop one pound a week has been tough to accept. But the consequences of denial have finally caught up with me. Cutting out even moderate drinking has saved me tons of calories and has also helped my metabolism to come back on line. Good luck to everyone!
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 38, 6'0 and about 15 lbs from my goal weight, at 182 this morning. I've been on two cruises and had the holidays in the last six months so I've gained a bit of weight. I'm about two weeks into C25K, running 3-4 times a week and walking an hour Monday-Friday. Tracking my calories the best I can without a food scale. Anybody else just starting to run?
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    aniucha83 wrote: »
    I'm less than 20lbs away from my ideal weight. I'm starting c25k tomorrow anybody wants to join me?

    I just started C25K! Good luck!
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I'm down 3 lbs since I last posted here, which is encouraging! 17 lbs left to goal. I'm on Week 9 of Couch to 5 K which has been great at motivating me to stay active! I'm currently on a 1 lb a week deficit but I'm wondering when to switch to a 0.5 lb a week deficit...