
A lot of us in this group already know each other but let's introduce ourselves :)

Name - Pink ;)
Location - Aberdeen
Age - 29
Height - 5ft

SW - 214.5lbs (Feb 2011)
CW - 173lbs
GW - 140lbs

Tell us a little about yourself:

I got married last year and have had numerous 'careers' I am now doing Admin for a building company.

I first started on MFP in 2011 and I was doing great for about a year and a half. I then got into this kind of slump where my weight wasn't budging. I maintained for about 3 years. Then last year it started creeping on again. In the mean time I have still been teaching Zumba and Kettlebells and am a keen runner (this is mainly my thing now). I completed my first marathon in 2013 and I have signed up for 2 and entered a ballot for 1 this year! Exciting! I made the mistake of eating what I wanted the last time I was training and I am determined not to make the same mistake again. I have come back on MFP to regain my determination and motivation and I hope I can help others and be supported myself.



    SLKMERC Posts: 70 Member

    Name: Sarah
    Location: Derbyshire, United Kingdom
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'10"

    SW - 213lbs (Jan 11)
    CW - 206.75lbs
    GW - 175lbs

    I'm happily married, with no kids. Work full time in accounts. I am a yoyo'er :( I've gained & lost 3 to 4 stone, twice! The problems starts when I stop weighing myself. I started MFP 2011 and I do love it, but I get fed up with logging food. I love food, I love cooking and baking and feeding people! I love pottery and messing with clay (that stops you eating). My current weekly exercise includes PT for an hour, ballroom dancing with my hubbie, broadway dancing (show girl style). The plan is to add two runs and possibly Badminton (if I can get a court). I'm good food wise mid-week, but weekends I'm bad to bone!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My name is Kristen
    Location West Virginia
    Age 42
    Height 5'0
    Start weight 236 January 2011
    Current weight 199
    Goal weight 125
    I don't have any kids of my own but I do,have 3 nieces and 1 nephew that I love to spend time with!
    I love them like they are my own! I'm involved in my church and I enjoy going to
    Gospel sings ! I've always been overweight even when I was little and I've always
    Been working on losing weight it seems like,! I workout at least 5 times a week,and
    I feel so much better already!
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm kitty
    Live in Scotland
    Age 32
    Height 5'5"
    Sw 201 in 2012
    Cw 151
    Gw 126
    I was always very slim as an adult (under 120lb) until I went on a combination of 4 horrible medications and I piled the weight on. High dose steroids for 6 months was the worst offender. Not just fat but moon face, stretch marks the lot. I got off the drugs and discovered exercise and worked super hard to get down to 133lb in 2013. Unfortunately I relapsed needing more medication and my weights up again. throughout all of this I've kept up with exercise and I now do about 8 classes a week plus a few yoga sessions. Im the fittest I've ever been. my favourites are body pump and shbam.
    I never quite reached my goal the last time but now I'm determined!
    I hope this group will help keep us all on track!