Returning member say's 'hi!' - *waves* :-)

Hi all!
I'm Ellie and I'm back with the group :smiley:

About a month ago I fell off the LC wagon, previously being on LC for about 4 weeks.
My nemesis is cappuccinos and lattes :neutral: I'm think I'm addicted to it! lol So while eating high fat diet and high ish carb cappuccinos diet :smile: I wasn't losing weight. I did get fed up and just started eating normally. I maintained my 175lbs weight but now I'm missing the way LCHF made me feel. I wasn't bloated, clear head and really 'different'!
So now I'm back with my 'tail between my legs' :smiley:
I've got esspreso machine now that I can make my own full fat cream low carb cappuccinos haha

I realise that maybe I set myself too much too soon?
So now my stats are:
height 5'3
age 38
weight 175lbs
BMR 1450 I'm thinking 1300 calories to eat?
I have macros set at carbs 20% (65g), protein 20% (65g) and fat 60% (87g)

Does this ^^^ look OK to you?
Your advice and comments to help me stick with this lifestyle is highly appreciated X

Thank you :blush:


  • tgriffi3
    tgriffi3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ellie, I'm Tim and I'm back as well! I used the ketogenic calculator to come up with my numbers. But then I read the Diet Doctor and he said don't count calories! It gets confusing. For me when I'm trying just to get into ketosis, I don't count calories, and try and only track carbs/macro ratio. If I start to get the severe headaches I know I'm doing something right, although I had a big cup of chicken broth and had no headaches yesterday. I guess from everything I've read, if you can have carbs under 50 g it seems to be ideal.

    Good luck!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome back .....Here is the calculator I used

    Wishing you much success :)
  • fitxstrongxellie
    fitxstrongxellie Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both :-)

    I used keto calculator and set my macros :smile:

    You are right, Tim. I was below 50g last time and I lowered it now.

    I will stick to it this time :smiley:
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome back!! I follow a low carb life style, but occasionally have treat days. Even though it's nice to have a treat day now and then I've realized they have contributed to my stall. This is my last week of moderate carbs 50-100_ next week I'm back below 20...
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Welcome back! I too love cappuccinos! I have an espresso maker as well. I usually make them with the Fairlife whole milk. It has less carbs. :) If I go out for coffee with a friend I'll make room in my carb counts for a short cappuccino!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Welcome back. :)

    I like to drink my calories so I pan for coffee with cream and / or coconut oil every day... Perhaps a few times per day. LOL It often turns into breakfast and lunch nowadays. My family thinks it is odd but it keeps me happy.

    Have fun with the espresso maker. Can you use cream with it? Yummy.
  • fitxstrongxellie
    fitxstrongxellie Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for a lovely welcome :)
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Welcome back, Ellie. I've fallen off of LC about 5-6 times already. I'm back on track and close to hitting my lowest weight in over a decade. I've still got a long ways to go yet, but this board is really helping me stick with it. Keep up the great work!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Welcome back! My issue used to be frappucinos! I thought I was doing good by using the sugar free syrup, and skim milk (lol! How wrong I was!!). I had one everyday (wish I had the money back!!)!! I am now happy with just heavy whipping cream! This woe is amazing!!