Weight loss has stalled....HELP!!

xaoifex Posts: 8 Member
Hi All,

I would love some advice in this area for anyone that has gone through the same thing!

After losing 2 and half stone my weight loss has seem to have plateaued the last few weeks even though my eating has been a lot better. I work 9-6 every day so I only do about 30 mins of walking everyday but have autoset my calorie intake at 1200 per day and try to eat the extra 100 cals or so that I burn from walking as too make sure I am not eating too little so I am always ending the day just under my target!

My general diet is mainly focused on protein and veg/fruit with 2litres of water a day!

Typical day:
Breakfast: egg & cottage cheese quiche with tomato/ham/mushroom
Lunch: Salmon fillet and salad with a pear/banana
Dinner: Lean chilli/curry/stirfry all with lean meats and veg with no creamy sauces/oils and all served with cauliflower rice/salad

I would have a treat in the evening but only a small snack that fits my Macros and my calls and is generally low fat!

Also to make sure I meet my fibre goals I would have either 2 cereal bars/ 3 ryvita but that's it and again within my cals! So frustrating!!!!! Any ideas?

Aoife :)


  • nescobin
    nescobin Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe try splitting your meals into 6 smaller meals so you're eating about 200 calories every 2-3 hours. It seemed to help me out a bit rather than just having 3 meals and 1 snack a day.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Are you weighing everything with a kitchen scale? Fruit and meat can be misleading with serving sizes; I've eaten bananas that were between 150-200 calories.

    Also, do not fear the fat. The fat is good for your body, as long as it isn't saturated. Many low-fat options are loaded with sugar and aren't nutrient-dense.
  • xaoifex
    xaoifex Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the replies! :) I don't measure all my food to be completely honest but I would generally be very good with weighing things so I couldn't imagine my calories are too far off but your right I should probably be more careful with items that I take as a given!

    Yeah I could try have smaller portions and see if that helps, but I would try and have a piece of fruit in between breakfast and lunch then lunch and dinner so that I am not going longer than 3 hours without having something!

    Just a bit frustrated I guess because I feel i am eating really well!
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    Well it definitely looks like a healthy meal plan you have going on there! The only thing I can think is maybe your metabolism has slowed down on you. Maybe up your calories one day a week to kick start it. I don't know firsthand I just see it as an answer on these forums a lot lol.

    Its so unfair to eat so healthy and plateau eh? I hate when I get a cold and all my junk-food eating coworkers seem immune. lol
  • hh353
    hh353 Posts: 37 Member
    I agree! I add 1- cheat day a week. It shakes up the metabolism ( I think?) I don't go totally crazy! Approx: An extra 500-600 calories than my usual 1200 for one day only. Plus it gives me something to look forward too!

    quote="Miss_Mabee;35277037"]Well it definitely looks like a healthy meal plan you have going on there! The only thing I can think is maybe your metabolism has slowed down on you. Maybe up your calories one day a week to kick start it. I don't know firsthand I just see it as an answer on these forums a lot lol.

    Its so unfair to eat so healthy and plateau eh? I hate when I get a cold and all my junk-food eating coworkers seem immune. lol[/quote]