Let's talk Exercise!

agreenid Posts: 218 Member
Hey all!

What do you do for your exercise (if that's part of your plan)?

When I started I was just going to move more in a day, walking on the treadmill or going on the elliptical. I'm really proud to say that while I started doing about 2 miles in 45 minutes on the Elliptical to between 4-5 on higher resistance in the same amount of time now (9 months later).

For me, I try to get to the gym 6 or 7 days a week--I'm not ashamed to say it's because I really want to have those calories back to eat during the day :smiley:

I've recently upped the weights circuit I do and try to do weights every other day (or every 3rd depending on how sore I am) and cardio every day. Just in general for the last week this is what I did:

Monday: Biceps and Triceps (weights), Elliptical, squats
Tuesday: HIIT cardio homework (elliptical, stair stepper, Precor multi cardio machine), squats
Wednesday: Biceps and Triceps (weights), Elliptical, squats
Thursday: Back and Shoulders (weights), Elliptical
Friday: HIIT cardio, squats
Saturday: Elliptical
Sunday: Biceps and Triceps (weights), Elliptical, squats

Most days I'm at the gym for an hour though sometimes I'll go a little over and under depending on how much time I have/daily motivation!

I'm really trying to work on toning what I have right now. I know that the above looks a little crazy but it's been working for me. I'm doing the 30 day squat challenge from PopSugar with a friend right now and am hoping for a better booty before we leave for our trip in March!

What do you guys do? What are your favorite exercises? What have you found to keep you motivated in the gym?


  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited January 2016
    I :heart: Exercise! I also love :love: variety and trying new things when it comes to exercise, so I pretty much do it all! Don't get me wrong, I go through some fitness funks now and again, had a pretty serious bout starting last spring that went all the way to this past fall, but finally managed to shake that off! :blush:

    6 months out of the year (October thru March) I join a local gym for their classes: Elite Fit, CIZE Live, and Cardio Boxing, they utilize body weight mostly--some other mobile type equipment and TRX and then heavy bag work is included in the Cardio Boxing. These classes follow an interval type timing which is basically HIIT. 5 months out of the year I like to take my workouts outdoors and PLAY, this includes Kayaking, bike rides, hiking, jogging, jump rope, hula hoop, quad outdoor roller skating, and walking the dogs. I also participate in our local Parks and Rec community center as my backup and they have some classes, a pool, an indoor track, a weight room and a cardio room. I'm usually in the cardio room where they have treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, rowing machines and stair steppers.

    @agreenid I think it is AWESOME that you are using weights and making improvements! WAY back when, in my H.S. days I took weight training as a class and have looked into getting back into it, but have since discovered that I have some sort of mental block that has kept me from getting into the weight room to use the free weights--I have no problem with the nautalis machines and I have some low number hand weights at home...it's weird. I seem to prefer body weight type exercise?

    My workouts vary in time, but one thing I would really like to do is get on a more consistent workout schedule, it seems lately I go from a steady workout schedule to TONS of workouts and then back and forth, I think I would benefit more if I just stuck to things for longer bouts of time, but I like change so we shall see if that actually happens.

    I also workout 5-6 days a week and once in a while 7 days in a row, but usually if I am trying to make up for something else :lol: I like to have at least one rest day. My biggest motivation right now is losing a 20 pound RE-gain that I managed from last march through September and also the fact that I am getting married this coming September and would like to feel great and look great for myself on that day! :mrgreen:
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I committed to doing some type of activity - even if it was just yoga and a walk - every day unless I'm ill.

    So far - I've done it. Yahoo!

    Not doing anything overly structured as of yet, though I'm planning to look at some structured programs that involve dumbbells and see what I can do at home.

    I'm canceling my gym membership this weekend - the location nearest me is far too crowded at the times when I can go, and I don't feel like driving another 15+ minutes to get to the next one. I'm not that dedicated, lol. Also put my DailyBurn subscription on hold, which will force me to try other things and see if I really do need that (my guess is gonna be no). Saving my pennies for a treadmill purchase this fall, which will be a marvelous, marvelous thing and an excellent investment.

    As far as workouts go, here's what I've been doing:

    Monday: rest day, usually includes a walk and yoga
    Tuesday: 3-5 mile run with the group from a local running store
    Wednesday: upper body workout from DailyBurn
    Thursday: run on treadmill at work
    Friday: upper body workout from DailyBurn
    Saturday: rest/yoga/walk
    Sunday: upper body workout from DailyBurn

    I've made some pretty good progress with the various upper body exercises I've been doing, which is nice. But I'm ready to change it up.

    Now that I don't feel like an absolute weakling, I want to try a "real" program and see how I do. I have a good variety of dumbbells, so we'll see. Will be looking into that this weekend and giving it a go in a week or two.


  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member

    Yeah, I've found that the most important thing for me is forming the habit of working out daily. If I go too many days in a row skipping (like 3, 3 days without is my limit) I hit a 'meh' kind of mentality and it suddenly becomes so much easier to skip out on the rest of the week. I also tend to make better meal choices when I've been to the gym and don't get into the mental rut of beating myself up if I make some not-smart choices sometimes.
    Now that I don't feel like an absolute weakling, I want to try a "real" program and see how I do. I have a good variety of dumbbells, so we'll see.

    I love it! Let us know how it goes.

    It's funny because I am still using 10lbs for my bicep curls or bicep squat routine and sometimes I look over and notice that the tiny lady next to me is rocking her arms with like a 25lb weight... I've finally gotten to the point where I look at that and go "AWESOME! I can't wait to get there" and think good for her instead of feeling embarrassed that I can't lift that much. I started with 5lbs and moved up to 7.5 so that 10 is an accomplishment for me and I'm proud of it! :smiley: