Fitbit Calorie Adjustment wrong

cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
Sooo anyone seeing from sometime yesterday (Thu 28th Jan) that the FitBit calorie calculation appears to be somewhat wrong:-


Usually the adjustment tends to be Fitbit - MyFitnessPal = Adjustment which by my reckoning from that image should be 2964 - 2366 = 598.

(Same thing for the projection calculation today but it was fine until at least 20:30 UTC)


  • cbkm2k12
    cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
    ...and seems fixed now.
  • denorios
    denorios Posts: 38 Member
    I've been having issues with my calorie adjustment, in the opposite direction - but the problem seems to be more on MFP's side - it's showing my estimated daily burn as too high considering my Sedentary settings, which is affecting my calorie adjustment.
  • cbkm2k12
    cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
    Yep - it's now doing that to me as well. It did briefly get fixed though.

    Now the calculation is technically correct but the numbers don't work out for the daily goal anymore.
  • denorios
    denorios Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah, most days MFP estimates my daily burn, based on my settings, as 1830 or so. Today it's 1980, so my FitBit adjustment is about 150 cals too low. But it keeps changing too, and I can't figure out or where it's pulling that figure from, as my settings and stats are all unchanged.
  • cbkm2k12
    cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
    So the funny thing... It looks like it's calculating the correct difference between FitBit and MFP calories and then adding it to MFP calories burned before calculating the adjustment - for example for me at the moment:-

    Fitbit : 2688
    MFP : 2679
    Adjustment: 9

    Usually I'd expect to see MFP at 2360-2370 based on the activity settings:-

    2679 - 2370 = 309 (which is also pretty much what I'd expect the adjustment to be at this time based on previous days).
  • denorios
    denorios Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah, that's a similar problem - surely the MFP estimate should be static based on your settings, rather than as changeable as it seems to be at the moment.
  • cbkm2k12
    cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
    I think they're trying to change something without testing it properly :)

    (It's currently okay for me now - again!)
  • denorios
    denorios Posts: 38 Member
    cbkm2k12 wrote: »
    I think they're trying to change something without testing it properly :)

    No, they'd never do that, surely! ;)

  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    having a similar issue - MFP not picking up calories burned through fitbit...or it picks them up, then loses them again. so yesterday, I went from a 1000 calorie adjustment (workout, walking, moving boxes) to 0! hoping this isn't permanent as half the advantage of syncing fitbit with MFP is so that I don't have to track these activities manually!
  • cbkm2k12
    cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
    Saree1902 wrote: »
    having a similar issue - MFP not picking up calories burned through fitbit...or it picks them up, then loses them again. so yesterday, I went from a 1000 calorie adjustment (workout, walking, moving boxes) to 0! hoping this isn't permanent as half the advantage of syncing fitbit with MFP is so that I don't have to track these activities manually!

    My yesterday was messed up too (I think when they started trying to make updates) so I added a 1kcal exercise in MFP which made it recalculate (now that the formula is working) so yesterday is correct again for me.
  • cbkm2k12
    cbkm2k12 Posts: 12 Member
    ...although now it appears to be wrong again! :neutral:
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Ugh. Glad I am not the only one. I thought it was odd that when I went to the dojo last night it had me still in the green by 600 and when I got home from 2 hours of aikido it was telling me I was in the red by 500. Then this morning it says I was actually in the green by 2300.....

    I sure hope whatever is going on resolves quickly.
  • mrschikin
    mrschikin Posts: 45 Member
    Saree1902 wrote: »
    having a similar issue - MFP not picking up calories burned through fitbit...or it picks them up, then loses them again. so yesterday, I went from a 1000 calorie adjustment (workout, walking, moving boxes) to 0! hoping this isn't permanent as half the advantage of syncing fitbit with MFP is so that I don't have to track these activities manually!

    The same thing is happening to me. SO annoying. Every time I sync my FitBit it updates MFP, and MFP briefly shows the correct calorie adjustment - but then it looses them again within 5 minutes.
  • denorios
    denorios Posts: 38 Member
    I'm having this issue with MFP losing the adjustment after a while, or showing one number and then another next time I refresh or sync - but in my case both figures are wrong because the MFP calorie estimation is wrong! Gah!
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I about had a heart attack at the end of my very active day yesterday and MFP showed I was over my calories by nearly 800. It keeps on bouncing back and forth between correct and incorrect, even when I sync my Fitbit and immediately check MFP.

    Whatever it is, I'll be very much thrilled whenever they fix it.
  • ktothema
    ktothema Posts: 37 Member
    This keeps happening for me too. Suddenly went from big projected deficit (hadn't put dinner in yet so was what I expected) to being negative, still without dinner. Looks even worse now I've put dinner in. Keeps changing though. MFPs burn for me should be 1600 but its been between 2250 and 1738 today. Fitbit figures are showing as expected. Its all too confusing for my addled brain!
  • Oceantech
    Oceantech Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2016
    Same Issue. It's been messed up for two days now. I'm just using the fitbit site until they get this fixed.
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    Looks like everybody else is having the same issue. Hopefully MFP is getting this fixed.
  • secbro
    secbro Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2016
    Same thing happening here. Calories estimated burned for the day on Fitbit are ~2900, but MFP pal as me at -30 calories even though my goal for calories consumed is ~1600 without exercise. I burned 800 calories running this morning according to fitbit.

    I've also only consumed about ~300 calories so far today, so I should be around ~2000 more. But MFP has me at only 1200-1300 more. Thats a 700-800 calorie difference from what I am expecting, plus the 500 that MFP already calculates based on your weight loss goal. That's a 1200-1300 calorie deficit instead of the 500 calorie one I'm looking for.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mine has been all over the place this week as well. Every time I refresh it will swing from big negative adjustments to big positive adjustments.

    Tuesday I had 18,471 steps, burned 2219 cals per FitBit, and had 3 separate calorie adjustments. (-337, 337, 337)
    Weds I had 13,959 steps, burned 2019 cals, and cal adjustment of 131
    Thursday I had 17,982 steps, burned 2222 cals, and had 3 separate calorie adjustments (35, 35, 35)
    Today I have 10,464 so far and my adjustment keeps vascillating b/w negative 60 or so and positive 200 every time I refresh.

    It's very frustrating. Fortunately I've had the FitBit long enough that I know about what kind of an adjustment I would get based on my activity, so I'm just kind of disregarding the data and eating the way I would normally eat that day.