Newbie progress :-)

michelski Posts: 44 Member
Compare to a lot of you, I am only just starting but I've just completed my first week and in that week I have increased my calories from 1200 to 1400 daily. The big difference however is I have paid very close attention to my macros. Protein being the hardest one to hit, however for the last four days I have hit my protein target. I've been over on my fat, and at times slightly under on my carbs so I'm a bit tied to my computer every time I want to eat in order to get that right ! but I'm hoping that as the weeks go by I get better at budgeting nutrients.

I've ordered a single protein shake to try to help with the pro teen and if I like it then I will buy a tub of it and that should help, as I'm really struggling to eat enough protein and it's very hard to include it in every meal – breakfast being the hardest when I'm always in a rush.

Anyway just so that I have it written down,my progress from the start is as follows:

Week 1 - 1400 cals
Activity level - sedentary
Exercise - nothing specific
Weight 153lbs
Daily Weight change? 152, 151, 150.6, 150.4, 150, 150
Today's weight : 150lbs

Whilst I'm building up to my estimated TDEE i'm going to eat back any exercise cals as they are not included in my activity level (because sedentary is effectively bed rest). However next week I will do 2 X 30 cardio for the week.

So the mood here is pretty happy ! Who would have thought that I could have a week eating an additional 700 calories and lose 3 pounds in weight ?!


  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Off to a great start!
  • KickboxDiva
    KickboxDiva Posts: 142 Member
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    That's awesome-That happened to me too!!
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    ambsnic17 wrote: »
    That's awesome-That happened to me too!!

    Go us eh ?! My weight has held steady at 150lbs for 4 consecutive days now. Dreading the enevitable gain at TOM though (imminent!) ...
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    For me, when I increased my TOM increase actually stopped. So maybe you will find that too!!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Awesome progress!!!!
    May I repost your message here to share with followers? I think its a great thing that you have gotten yourself not only a scale victory, but a HUGE NSV with the protein increase!!
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    Raynn1 wrote: »
    Awesome progress!!!!
    May I repost your message here to share with followers? I think its a great thing that you have gotten yourself not only a scale victory, but a HUGE NSV with the protein increase!!

    Feel free :-)
    Now that I've upped my cals this week by another hundred I have even more protein to eat so am enlisting the help of protein bars and am trialling a few chocolate (protein) shakes ! (The first one by Maxi Nutrition was not nice !)
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    I use Optimum Nutrition Gold. The chocolate powder and the vanilla ice cream powder. Tastes great, doesn't cause stomach upset. I mix with either chocolate almond milk and ice, for the chocolate or vanilla almond milk, strawberries, and ice , with the vanilla ice cream powder. Combinations are endless.

    Vanilla ice cream protein powder, pineapple, ice, almond milk, coconut flavoring, etc etc.
    Chocolate protein powder, chocolate almond milk, bananas, or peanut butter, ice, etc etc.
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    I use Optimum Nutrition Gold. The chocolate powder and the vanilla ice cream powder. Tastes great, doesn't cause stomach upset. I mix with either chocolate almond milk and ice, for the chocolate or vanilla almond milk, strawberries, and ice , with the vanilla ice cream powder. Combinations are endless.

    Vanilla ice cream protein powder, pineapple, ice, almond milk, coconut flavoring, etc etc.
    Chocolate protein powder, chocolate almond milk, bananas, or peanut butter, ice, etc etc.

    Thanks for the suggestions... I was kindly given a scoop of a colleagues MyProtein Chocolate Smooth to try and I have to say, mixed with 200ml of water as he suggested, was absolutely fine ! 20g of protein and only 100 cals too. Now I have a flavour I like, I can add to it to make it more exciting or leave it the way it is, plain and simple :-)
  • dcshima
    dcshima Posts: 529 Member
    @michelski as you know Myprotein is big on the other side of the pond, but I have found their products to be great quality for the price, plus they always have specials running. I use their whey isolate, milk smooth (75% casein / 25% whey) and micellar casein different flavors. The milk smooth can be used successfully for the protein fluff recipe, if you like mousse / whips, something worth a try! Does require stand mixer unless you have 8-10 mins of free time!!!
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    dcshima wrote: »
    @michelski as you know Myprotein is big on the other side of the pond, but I have found their products to be great quality for the price, plus they always have specials running. I use their whey isolate, milk smooth (75% casein / 25% whey) and micellar casein different flavors. The milk smooth can be used successfully for the protein fluff recipe, if you like mousse / whips, something worth a try! Does require stand mixer unless you have 8-10 mins of free time!!!

    Thanks I will have a look at the recipes - it would be good to be able to do more than shakes with the powder. I ordered 1kg of Impact Whey Protein - Chocolate Smooth from the MyProtein site this morning. I notice they do loads of flavours and even a protein pancake mix! But I'm sticking with this to start with :)
  • dcshima
    dcshima Posts: 529 Member
    @michelski....oh yes check on pinterest for mug cakes, puddings, pancakes, oatmeal most are good with greek yogurt as the sauce as they get a bit dry with the coconut flour + egg whites. I mix mine with unsweetened almond milk first then add my coffee for a protein latte! One thing to mention your Chocolate Smooth is flavor which is most likely a whey isolate or whey concentrate, it is not the same as Milk Smooth (75% casein / 25% whey), for the fluff recipe you generally need something with a decent amount of casein.

    Whey / Whey isolate (purer type of whey protein) is for quick protein, such after working out
    Casein is slower release protein, more for later at night when you are going to bed
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    @dcshima - thanks for the info. For me at the moment (in this early stage!) protein is just the number I have to hit. I havent reached the realms of what sort of protein as yet, but im sure I will !
  • EatSleepRideRun
    EatSleepRideRun Posts: 52 Member
    Well done you
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    This is such great progress! You are doing so well sticking with it.
    And yeah, another big fan here. They have great vegan protein powders, BCAA's, protein bread etc. Great quality and always have some sale on. Being vegan, I need to hit 35% protein, I would be completely lost without myprotein. I think I should get sponsored by them :smile:
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    ...and my weight just keeps dropping. I am weighing every day and since starting on 18th January (has it really only been 11 days ?) my weight has only decreased. Every morning I step on the scales, all ready for the inevitable gain and whaddayknow ! its a loss again :-)

    2 days left of 1500 cals and next week I will increase to 1600 cals a day, and an even bigger protein target to hit ! I am finding I just dont need to snack between meals. Ive ordered a barbell, a step and another set of dumbells to add to the ones I already own. @AnitraSoto kindly helped with what DVD to start with so Cathe Friedrich Muscle Max, here I come !
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm planning to get some Cathe videos myself. Can't wait!!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Fabulous updates!
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    ambsnic17 wrote: »
    I'm planning to get some Cathe videos myself. Can't wait!!

    I watched the first half of the Cathe DVD just to make sure I liked her, could see what she was doing re form etc. I can probably do one push-up – ONE! and there are half-time, slow up/down push-ups to aspire to!! If I can ever do that I will really have achieved something!

    As a result of giving the DVD the thumbs up, I've ordered the equipment and rearranged my home gym to make space for a weights section - just in front of the mirror -

    The stuff won't arrive for another week or so. However I may be eating enough cals to lift by the time it's in my gym !

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I think you are discovering how stressed your body was and retaining water weight.
    Which is a great sign for the future.

    Congrats on progress, especially the difficult mental aspect of it.