Introduce yourself to the 50+ pounds to lose community!



  • missroseseeshertoes
    missroseseeshertoes Posts: 34 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi, my name is Heidi and I am from Queensland in Australia. I have 65kgs to lose and although this is overwhelming to think about, Everyday I log my meals is a day closer. As with most of us, I have gained and lost several small children in body weight and it is time for me to stop abusing myself like this. I deserve better and want better. I turned 42 on Friday and this is my year to shine. I look forward to making some new friends along the way, much love, Heidi xoxo
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Hi. I'm fat. I don't wanna be fat.
  • eleanora2016
    eleanora2016 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Eleanor. I'm almost 53 and I have 90 lbs to lose. I've used MFP w/hubby in the past to lose weight, and we were both successful, but I've gained it all back due to major back surgery, loss of my father and a cross country move. Used food for comfort. Now I'm ready to get going again, this time for good. Hubby kept most of the weight off and isn't as motivated as I am, but still supportive. He suggested I use the community with people with a similar amount of weight to lose. This time I need a whole community backing me up. Hope we can all be there for each other! Please "friend" me.
  • ehallahan99
    ehallahan99 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so I finally hit the lost 10 pounds!!!
  • ehallahan99
    ehallahan99 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so I finally hit the lost 10 pounds!!!
  • ehallahan99
    ehallahan99 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so I finally hit the lost 10 pounds!!!
  • KWebb84MFP
    KWebb84MFP Posts: 10 Member
    At my heaviest, I was 240. I was 15 and got stretch marks on my stomach and that was it. I went to weight loss camp and got down to 176. With college and life I got back up to 200+. I ended a toxic relationship and became obsessive about diet and exercise and got down to my smallest, 150. Then, I met my now husband. I was so excited to finally have someone to cook for and we are both foodies. In our 4+ years together, at my heaviest, I'd gone up to 230! He's gained maybe 20 lbs since we've been together, but he's so muscular, he has stayed the same since hitting 20 lbs gained. The weight gain was insidious, because not realizing having the scale on my bath mat affected the weight, I'd gained 30 lbs in the first year without realizing it. When I finally did, it seemed like I couldn't stop the needle's upward progression. He likes his women larger, and thinks I look beautiful. I feel so ashamed to have gained all the weights back I worked so hard to lose. With diet and exercise, I got down to 200 before our wedding, and numerous other times, but never below, and it never stayed for long. I'm not trying to be 150 again. I'm not 26 anymore and I know that took more than work even be possible now, but I am trying to get down to a healthy 175 and not feel like one extra cookie and glass of wine ONE NIGHT is going to undo my entire week. I'm not a huge fan of support groups for weight loss. I never thought they were necessary. But Facebook just showed me my V-day pic from 5 year ago and I look amazing, and I don't think being married is an excuse. I want to be able to control my weight again and like what I see in the mirror. So, here I am. I really hope this makes a difference, because it's been so frustrating.
  • JustBina38
    JustBina38 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I started my journey on Jan. 5, 2016 weighing 231.5 I am 38 and 5'3"....way too much weight for my height. Lost 8.5 so far and stuck yet again. My goal is to get down to at least 150. I am a mom of two, work part time (at a desk so no help there)...who has tried many times in the past years to lose weight. Every time I lost 5-10 lbs I would gain double back and and then some. So started fresh this year, watching/logging food, 1hr Zumba 2x/wk. I know I should be working out more, but can't seem to find the energy. Ugh...a bit frustrated.
  • bluenoser38
    bluenoser38 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to the group, Bina. It's hard in the beginning, but as you progress your energy will increase and you'll enter into a positive feedback loop (weight loss and exercise = more energy and more energy = increased activity and weight loss). Remember that movement is what matters; doesn't have to be a formal class or exercise program. Running the vacuum, gardening, even just walking - it all adds up.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    Greetings, I'm Robert & I've been on MFP a couple years & find it very beneficial. Now that I'm in this group I'M MOTIVATED! I decided over the weekend that I needed to lose 50 & tried to find a group on my phone but couldn't figure it out. Now I'm on my laptop & found this group. Some more info: I'm hooked on bicycles. I'm 6'4". After topping out at 340, I lost 110 in 2000. I've gained back 40, but picked 50 to lose because I'm not getting any younger! & believe a lighter weight will be a healthier weight. I'm tracking, and welcome support. Best wishes to all.
  • janewelshsoriente
    janewelshsoriente Posts: 23 Member
    Hello - I am Jane and I have been with MFP for a couple of years on and off! I started when the scales topped 18 stones (252lbs) - I have since lost 47lbs (4 stone 6lbs) and am hoping for another 20lbs at least! I have struggled over the last 12 months and am now going to bite the bullet and stop making excuses all the time for my failures and just get on with it. Wish me luck! :-)
  • anik92
    anik92 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Anna. Originally about three years ago I lost 30lbs but I returned to my bad eating habits and lack of excercise so I put on more weight than I lost. Right now I would like to loose about 68lbs.
    Nice to meet you all! :smile:
  • immy62
    immy62 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there My name is Immy short for Imogen. I have over 5 stone to lose and today is my first step towards that goal. I swam 96 lengths in my local pool. I love swimming and I think this is the best exercise for me
    Nice to meet you all.
  • laura9400
    laura9400 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi I'm Laura. I have about 50 pounds to lose. My weight keeps creeping up to almost where I was when 9 months pregnant. I keep saying I'm going to lose the weight, but lose focus easily.
  • immy62
    immy62 Posts: 9 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. Some will be good and some not so good.

  • Meghan_Mac87
    Meghan_Mac87 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Everyone! I read over most of the posts, and it looks like we're all over the world!

    My name is Meghan, I'm living in Ontario, Canada. I've always been overweight, my whole life. in 2013 I tried WW and went from 220 to 185, and naturally, it eventually came back (with a vengeance) when I started my first real office job after discontinuing WW.

    I restarted my fitness/health journey last year at a whopping 241lbs. Fell off track a little, and now back at it full force, currently at 223lbs (-17lbs!)

    My goals are to blow that 185lbs out of the water, but hopefully just continue a healthy lifestyle so I feel healthier.

    I currently meal prep for the week, workout 3-4x a week, and use MFP to stay on track.

    also, always looking for new friends!

  • bluenoser38
    bluenoser38 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, Meghan, and welcome to the group. I'm in Nova Scotia, and just hit 185 today (starting weight of 217, so I'm down a little over 31 pounds since November). I still have a ways to go to hit my goal weight, but 185 is feeling pretty good; lots more energy, my clothes are fitting better, and I can go up a couple of flights of stairs without getting winded. Good luck on your journey, and stop to celebrate your milestones along the way (I'll be raising a parting glass to all those pounds between 217 and 185 tonight, and celebrating what is still to come).
  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    Howdy all from Arizona. Moira reporting in (although I should say, "Top a the mornin' to you all since it is St. Patrick's Day). I started out this past summer at 278, went down 38 pounds, up 18 or so, and now down 248. So SW 278 CW 248 goal #1 is to get to OBE ONE kanobe, which for me will be 236 Obesity level 1. Whoo whooo-goal insight if I can keep it to the last three weeks level of food intake and mild excercise. Then on to Overweight (I know, who makes it their goal to be overweight? That would be moi) An then likely sometime next year or however long it takes to onederland and beyond (or in this case 180 final goal for now). Taking a deep breath as we plod on!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hello mfp loves <3 If you are not already on my friends list, please add me :) XOXOXO
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I'm back after a very long break. The holidays did me in and couldn't recover with the endless stream of injuries since January. Not a great excuse for falling off the wagon, but it's all I got. Currently trying to heal a sprained ankle..... I am progressing albeit slow. Not stepping on scale or wearing Fitbit for now, no need to depress myself anymore. Anyone one here have experience in ankle sprains? This is my first major one.