Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 1 (2/1-2/7)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Challenge blurb. :+1:
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health.

You could make sure your electrolyte levels are better.
Or commit to more exercise.
Or decide to forgo a bad habit you KNOW is hampering your health from being what it could.
Or start a good habit you've been putting off.
Or simply continue to focus on whatever health-conscious New Year's Resolution you made for last month.

You decide.
Love your health by "sprinting," (focusing hard and giving your all) for the whole month. It's only 29 days.

I've got a thread stickied to the top of the group so you can find the weekly challenge threads, even if they are buried in the feed.

Join this thread to post your goals and get started.


  • cottagegirl71
    cottagegirl71 Posts: 167 Member
    I AM IN! :)

    Goals - daily/accurate logging, up my water, stay within my cal/carb range, "some" form of exercise EVERY day, and daily flossing! Trying to keep it simple and attainable. Losing 5lbs + would be awesome....
  • fitxstrongxellie
    Hi, great Challenge :)

    I'm returning member so my goals will be simple to get me started.
    I have 3 goals.

    1. is to stay below 50g of carbs
    2. is to drink over 2l of water
    3. is to exercise minimum 60 minutes a day.

    Sounds really simple but let's see how I get on ;)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm in :) my goals:

    1. Get in a workout at least three times per week
    2. Stay below 80g carbs per day (below 60 most days would be awesome)
    3. Allow only one cheat this month (oldest child's bday)
    4. Drop 4 lbs by February 29
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    Very excited to do this again!

    SW: 195
    Prior W: 189.8 (1/22)
    CW: 187.2 (1/29)
    GW: 160-165

    I've committed to running 2-3 times each week with at least 2 weight training/body weight training sessions weekly as well.

    I will be continuing to keep my carbs to 20-22 net carbs for at least another 1-2 weeks, then will start adding in 5 carbs each week, so I suspect by the end of February I will be at 30-35 carbs.

    I am HOPING that I will be diligent enough to reach 175 (or less) by my birthday (2/23), which was my goal last year and I was at least 10 pounds from it then....what a great gift to myself to reach it this year!!
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 134 Member
    Great find! I am in!
    Workout 20 days this month.
    Stay below 50g of carbs
    Drop 7 lbs by March 1st, Drop 15 by April!
    My birthday is 3/30 would love to be at 170.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Stay below 50 carbs daily
    Drink more water at least 1 liter daily
    Not loose my mind with this new job.

  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Here goes:
    Go to bed earlier!!!
    Get up on time and be more consistent with exercise. (I prefer to exercise in the morning).
    Keep logging.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Lets Do It!
    1. Minimize restaurant trips and food waste. If a restaurant can make it, so can I, and Starbucks is becoming a bad habit lately. No more than two trips a week excluding Sunday breakfast and coffee stop.
    2. Better sleeping habits - In bed by 10:30 pm 5 days a week.
    3. Drop 3-5 lb this month. Usually I am not about weigh goals, but I want to see 155 lb or less on the scale in mid March, because I would love to wear a really skimpy outfit to a music festival I am heading to.
    4. Re-double my new employment finding efforts. Send out at least one resume a weekend.

    I think that's enough for the next 29 days.
  • Kahelnet
    Kahelnet Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!
    1. Sleep at least 6 hours a day
    2. Wark no more than 10 hours a day (internship sucks!)
    3. Stay below 30g carbs
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2016
    1. Keep on keeping what I'm doing (3 pounds in January gone!)
    2. Commit to more exercise. - This made a difference last month.
    3. Continue with carbs under 30g
    4. In for Five in Fabulous February.
    CW: 147.5 (on 2.1.2016)
    GW: 142.5 (on 3.1.2016)
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I really want to push myself this month and hopefully keep my thighs to myself (i.e., not overflow into my neighbors' seats) on my flight in March.... :wink: Getting into size 12 pants would be nice too, but I'm not in a hurry.

    I've been making too many allowances--it's like every time the numbers start to go down and hit or get close to a new low, I hit a bit of a wall and start eating everything in sight. Well, not everything--I usually still only eat foods that are technically acceptable, but I overdo it. For example, having 6 tbsp of peanut butter in a day or eating 10 pieces of dark chocolate instead of 1-2.

    So this month I'll be keeping it simple (last month I bit off more than I could chew and couldn't wait for January to end so I could stop admitting defeat on my weekly check-ins):

    1. Minimum 64 ounces of water per day.
    2. Under 50g carbs per day.
    3. 8,000 steps at least 5 days a week.

    That's it.
  • justbreathesrw28
    justbreathesrw28 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in... Just started logging again after almost a year hiatus... 11 days in and down 7lbs. Would love to loose 12 more pounds by Feb 26 as that is when I leave for a 17 day vacation to California.

    1. 20 carbs or less - doing induction until I reach my goal of 159lbs, currently at 187lbs.

    2. 30 min or more each day on my elliptical. I'm on an eight day streak so far.

    3. 2L of water a day.

    4. Being kind and patient with myself and stay committed to "this is for me because I'm worth it"
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm in!
    My goals ... hmmm ...
    * I'd love to lose another 3-5 lbs.
    * Some form of exercise for at *least* 10 mins 6 days/wk.
    * Stay within my calorie and carb limits.
    * Get more sleep!! I need to work on going to bed earlier more consistently.
  • miche173
    miche173 Posts: 50 Member
    Count me in!

    In honor of National Heart Health Month, I commit to exercising at least 4 days/week.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I am eating too many nuts and cheese lately. My body is off. Too any raw veggies too. Carbs are creeping up again. I need a big change.

    My change for health will be to go mainly carnivore this month. No nuts. No veggies. No fruit (except for the 3 avocados I will eat because no one else will and I can't waste them LOL).

    I will eat meat, eggs, and some full fat dairy like 14% sour cream, a bit of heavy cream, butter, and measured cheese because breaking off a chunk is just TOO MuCH! My one concession will be coconut oil and a bit of coconut cream I am finishing off.

    I won't be full carnivore but close. I plan to extend this into March since I will be easing into it and I want a full month or two as coconut carnivore before I judge how well it works for me.

    I still want to lose another 10 lbs so if this helps me in that direction, great. If not, that is okay too.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm in for 180 minutes of exercise.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    I want in too!
    1. keep logging
    2. exercise at the gym 2-3 days/week
    3. exercise at home 2-3 days/week
    4. try out 5 new recipes
    5. one active activity with the fam each weekend
    6. Lose 4-6 lbs
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am eating too many nuts and cheese lately. My body is off. Too any raw veggies too. Carbs are creeping up again. I need a big change.

    My change for health will be to go mainly carnivore this month. No nuts. No veggies. No fruit (except for the 3 avocados I will eat because no one else will and I can't waste them LOL).

    I will eat meat, eggs, and some full fat dairy like 14% sour cream, a bit of heavy cream, butter, and measured cheese because breaking off a chunk is just TOO MuCH! My one concession will be coconut oil and a bit of coconut cream I am finishing off.

    I won't be full carnivore but close. I plan to extend this into March since I will be easing into it and I want a full month or two as coconut carnivore before I judge how well it works for me.

    I still want to lose another 10 lbs so if this helps me in that direction, great. If not, that is okay too.

    I'll be following your progress! I am trying to go zero carb for two meals a day (say, breakfast and dinner), and slowly transition into full zero carb in a few months or so. We shall see how it works out for me, now that most veggies taste sweet to me, I want to eat them all.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited February 2016
    Goals for February:

    -Move up a kettlebell size by the 29th. I just started using the 20lb. Hopefully I'll be ready to start the 25lb by the end of the month.
    -Keep my calories in maintenance consistently. I've been going over here and there due to having STARVING ALL THE TIME issues. Got to ratchet that down.
    -Cut down the coffee. I have 2 cups every day in addition to 1 caffeinated diet soda. The coffee doesn't even help my energy level at all, so I'm switching one cup out for tea. Why jack up my cortisol if it doesn't me no good whatsoever? It's also extra calories I don't need to waste.

    -Stopping the daily weighing. It's driving me nuts right now while it bounces up, down, and around. And up more. It's crazy. I'm done with that for awhile. It's making me neurotic...MORE neurotic, I mean. I have enough problems. Like chronic dry eye keeping me from seeing and sleeping. So only weighing once a week. This morning I woke up 1.6lb heavier at 156lb. I've been as low as 150.6 last week. This is nonsense. Meanwhile, my stretch jeans now require a belt to keep from mooning people when I bend over and I can pull them up and down without unfastening. Something ain't matching up.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    MAX 15 Nuts a day for when I am v fatigued/hungry
    Max 40g seeds a day.
    Max 100g dairy.
    Max 20g net carb.