February Chat

retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
Making sure this is available for the 1st.



  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    What a great list, thanks Joell!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited January 2016
    I agree. I have the hardest time with #1 and the easiest with #8! What does that say about me? An impatient hedonist? >:)

    What is the hardest and easiest for you?
  • Itreadlightly
    Itreadlightly Posts: 87 Member
    Oddly enough- #4. I am having trouble adjusting to my new weight. I bought some new clothes yet I am more comfortable in the old sweats and putting suspenders on my jeans to hold them up instead of putting on the new - smaller ones that fit. Is it crazy that I like the feel of the old being too big instead of the new that fit?
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    @Itreadlightly - that sounds familiar to me. I love the feeling of my old clothes being so baggy on me. Most of them I have already given away - and that was very hard, too. However... it is still exciting to put something on I haven't been able to get into for a while and have it actually fit! And of course I really do *look* better in my clothes that fit - since I now have a shape other than round. :)
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    What a great list. I think 3 is my strong suite. I am always working on a plan and focusing on positive energy. I am a firm believer that the energy you put out is the energy that will come back to you. Also a firm believer in starting the day with gratitude. So many things have come to me at a time in life when I needed them. Doors have simply opened and paths have appeared. I am a firm believer in miracles
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Opps bad today cause the fish and chips I know that is what we are having when we go to our friends about 2 hours from here.....I may try to only eat half which would keep me in line. We are staying overnight so will not post tomorrow but will go back and do the post so I continue on my streak. Have a good one everyone.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Really good list. #s 5 & 7 are the important ones for me to remember.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Great list - thank you for sharing. I think I'm really doing well with most (but wonderful to be reminded) except maybe #8...
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Very quiet on the discussion boards... everyone must be as busy as I am! This is another travel weekend - I have off from teaching next week (yee-HAH!) so we are going to be doing some visiting of family and friends. This, of course, involves the perils of eating out and eating on the road. However, I am preparing food today and bringing that cooler filled with my usual healthy fare. A good, well-planned offense is the best defense!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Stopping in for just a moment. I had this crazy idea that I was going to have a peaceful, productive sort of year. That was not to be the case. I did so well in January, then bang, sudden pain in my hands and knee. I had an appt with the allergist and she ran a whole LOT of bloodwork (she does that - one of her best/worst traits lol). On the 8th I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I immediately ran to my pcp to go over blood work (I had gotten the results online) and he was not all that helpful. Said my levels were not high enough to be a serious case but he would refer me to a rheumatologist and he started me on celebrex. Last week I was just plain knocked off my feet with facing the reality of this whole thing. I started the celebrex and began researching like crazy. After four days, I stopped the celebrex and made some decisions. As of today, I had a "last meal" of a few things I plan to say good bye to. As of tomorrow I am going back to vegan (vegan is an old friend. been there and back again and this time need to stay - cholesterol is also up. dairy needs to go) and on to a new challenge with gluten free. I will be back here as I slowly get my feet under me! Lord knows how this month will turn out, but I will get into this new chapter and tackle it. See you all soon
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Well something in Costa Rica really set off my sinus issues and I have been pretty zinged out on antihistamines for over 7 days now.

    Still not feeling 100% myself but since it is Monday, today is the day I will be really logging my foods again. I'm working on the grocery lists for Costco and the regular grocery store. The fridge was so bare, I cleaned it from top to bottom so it is awaiting the items in good condition.

    We lucked out on the weather here, it was above 45 when we got up this AM. So I can get back into my normal walking routine. The beaches were great for that in CR, too, so my cardio didn't suffer at all. I am pretty sure that is why I did not gain weight eating so differently down there. I just logged 2000 cals. per day. I am sure I went over some days, and several days I stayed well under too hot to eat much at all.

    I want to stablize myself and get back to losing again. This is the time of year I usually have good success at staying on plan, with good spring veggies and the citrus fruits in abundance, I don't want to miss out on that effect this season.

    DreamOn hope you get yourself sorted out and will be able to exercise without too much pain.

    Kathy, sounds like you did your prep work. Have a good visit and get right back on plan at home.

    GMCharlie, hope your battery change out issue went smoothly, and hope to see more of you in here now.

    Itreadlightly, body image is a big hurdle for many of us. I get the comfort of certain clothes, I have things that are too big I just feel so myself in I don't want to let go of them. But in the end, it is for the best. Maybe you can get some pieces you love altered to your new size? I did that once after a major weight loss and it worked very well for me, worth the money to alter because they were good quality office clothes that made me feel professional, I couldn't have replaced all those pieces at the price of the alterations, no way. I hope you can resolve your issue successfully.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Well, I am coming back to mfp. I spent the first week researching, the second week diving into the new diet. I have been vegan before,though not for a long time. I find that gluten free is a much more difficult transition. This week I am going to spend entering new recipes into mfp and adding exercise back to the program. Next week I will start journaling again. Its all a journey.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    DreamOn, the trick to weight loss success is to never, ever give up. If you fall down, get back up and do what you KNOW you need to do. Just keep coming back, tweaking what you are doing until you find what works for YOU. I need more protein than I can get within my calories to become vegetarian again. Vegan, I know I could not do. I love honey, cheese, and eggs way too much to ever become true vegan. But if you can do it, go for it.
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    I am back to MFP after a 2 year absence. Lots of life events, husband sick/died, lost 28 lb myself due to stress and back surgery, have changed residences 3 times. I'm doing great right now & want to loose a few more pounds. MFP helped when I was here before, so I thought I would give it a try. This was a great group before, lets see how you are doing now.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Walkswithart, So sorry to hear about your husband. Glad to hear you are getting your life back on track. Taking care of yourself is so important now.

    The group is going strong. It has been a little quiet this month, guess everyone was putting in the new year's resolution gym time and getting out of the bad weather by escaping to someplace warm.

    We now have a number of stickie topics, they are at the top of the threads list, announcements. We also do a monthly challenge, you select what your challenge is, work on it and report back on your progress. Please join into any of the topics that interest you.