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Hey guys! Plz add me so we can keep each other accountable! I am just starting this Keto journey, and could use all the help I can get!


  • prepeared
    prepeared Posts: 4 Member
    Woohoo for beginners! :) Just started out in January as well. This is my first time doing super low carb (<20g a day). I'm having a hard time keeping my fat intake up.
  • klrmlr
    klrmlr Posts: 8 Member
    I just started, as well. Would love some company on this journey!
  • prepeared
    prepeared Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely. The more accountability and encouragement I have, the easier it is to stay on track.
    How do you guys track your progress? I think I need to buy a scale, but I'm worried that I'll become obsessed with weight loss/stalling.
  • tinaisstillwell
    tinaisstillwell Posts: 58 Member
    I check my ketones with strips. I can tell when I've had too many carbs, as my ketone levels go down. I weigh myself once a week also. I try to stay between 20-30 g of carbs.
  • lauriemartin2
    lauriemartin2 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm new to this WOE too but am feeling great about it so far. (Just alone in the journey) have lost 32lbs and am somewhat obsessed. I weigh daily on a not so great kitchen scale and weekly on a medical grade scale at work. Just recently had back surgery so worried how the loss of momentum is going to affect things. Would love friends.
  • Shelbl
    Shelbl Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I've been doing Keto for about six weeks and have already seen enough progress to keep me going through the carb/sugar cravings. Happy to have any support and keto friends I can get.