In need of new faces and friends!



  • TraciBru
    TraciBru Posts: 15 Member
    Me too want to get down to 120 i am 138.4 and 43 years old.
  • bambi2578
    bambi2578 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey all! Like many, I'm not new to MFP, but I am new to this group. Lost 20 pounds last year for my wedding, and then had so many life changes I just didn't care. Now I'm up to 150 and would like to get to 130-135 like last year. I'm 5'8" and 27. This year we're hoping to add onto the family, so I'd like to be in shape first :smile:
  • sabrinaseaglass
    sabrinaseaglass Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am not new to MFP but I am new to the Not-that-heayy girls group!
    SO many of my previous MFP friends have fallen off the wagon and I'd love some new friends to help spice up my newsfeed and motivation!
    I'm 40 yr old, stay at home mom of three kids.
    I am 5'8" and weigh 142. My goal weight is about 135 lbs and of course less body fat would be nice too!

    Anyone interested in a new fresh face to your friend list?

    Count me in! I am 47 and stuck trying to lose my last 10..ideally 15 pounds. I am 5'10 and at 165.
  • sabrinaseaglass
    sabrinaseaglass Posts: 12 Member
    Friend me and I will join you!!
  • lulu1086
    lulu1086 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'd love to have some friends that are also looking to lose just a bit more weight. None of my friends irl are (most are super skinny!)

    I'm 25 year old woman, desk worker so I'm pretty sedentary from 9-5 every day.
    I'm 5'2 and currently at 141 pounds. My goal is 125. That's a number I haven't seen since high school but I think that I can get down to it if I finally stick with healthy habits.

    I've started working out 3-4 times a week doing various activities such as yoga, kettlebells, kickboxing, aerial, etc. I recently purchased a fitbit flex but I'm mainly using that to help track my sleep.

    Looking forward to our weight loss journey's together! :smile:
  • mmcdowell
    mmcdowell Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I'm 56 years old tomorrow and have been a runner with weight training for 37 years. I joined weight watchers 4 years ago and lost 35 lbs. I have maintained my weight but switched over here when weight watchers switched their points program again. I actually believe I have done better with MFP. I am 5'4" 123 lbs, athletic build and just want to maintain.
  • PamL66
    PamL66 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi! I'm 49, a second grade teacher, and mom of three boys - two in college and one in high school. I'm 5' 5"ish and am currently 132, but would like to get back down to between 126 and 128. I used MFP a few years ago and lost 25 lbs, getting down to 125. A medication I've been taking has caused me to gain some of the weight back. I've recently started using a Fitbit Charge HR to help track my steps and sleep. It's amazing that I am logging over 10,000 steps before the end of my work day. Many of my MFP friends have also disappeared or gone inactive.
  • JenniferAbbott2
    JenniferAbbott2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm 42, mom of 2 teenage boys. I started MFP at 124 after started at 130. Too high for me at 4'11". I am currently at 122 and want to be 110-115. I've been on and off MFP over the years but find I do a lot better on it because whether or not I go over it makes me more mindful of what I am consuming. I also received a fitbit for christmas and like that I can connect the 2.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I have no clue how to do the friend thing. I am new to the forum.
  • kennedyer627
    kennedyer627 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 31 years old, 5'10" and 165 lbs with a BMI of 24. I am working on a goal that will put me in the middle of the healthy scale instead of right on the edge. I am single (unmarried with a boyfriend) and full time employed in a sedentary office environment and have a part time job coaching youth volleyball. Looking for friends that are active on mfp. I have the tendency to fall off the tracking wagon because I don't have a lot of support on here. I have a busy life and really have to make time for diet and exercise in a world where fast food is easier and laying in bed is much more appealing after a full day of work. Add me!
  • h20islife
    h20islife Posts: 54 Member
    I am 21 years old, 5'4" and weigh 160 lbs. I been on MFP for a few years now on and off. I have lost the weight and got down to 133 but then i stopped exercising and started over eating so in the last year i gained it all back i was at 168 3 weeks ago which was my highest weight ever it really made me see that i couldnt keep going the way i was so i started eating healthier and exercising again. I am trying to get down to 140-135. I been apart of this group for a while i just never really posted on the forums. Just need some new friends to keep motivated since most of the ones i had are gone I haven't been on here a lot in the last year. Add me!!
  • hilbisham
    hilbisham Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am (almost) 28 years old and currently weight 160 (5'4") with a moderately active retail job and a pretty active gym life. I lost 70 pounds over the course of 2 years prior to my wedding in 2014 using Weight Watchers and then quit and maintained for the last two going on three years at about 150-155. I recently did a Katy Hearn Fitness promo over the summer to help tone up and add in weight training rather than just focusing on cardio, which I loved! I started using MFP then to track my macros but lost touch this Fall when I injured my neck. I'm back on now, tracking almost every day (weekends are hard for me for some reason) and I need some motivation! Add me if you'd like!
  • nalinisooknanan
    nalinisooknanan Posts: 22 Member
    Add me, great to have new friends!
  • Palmtrees22
    Palmtrees22 Posts: 9 Member
    Always looking to have new friends! Add me
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    Feel free to add me, everyone!

    I am currently 170, and I want to get down to 160. (I am 5'10", and built very curvy with hella booty...I don't want to be slim slim because it doesn't look good on me).

    But beyond the weight goal, I am adding circuit-training, rowing, and upper-body strength onto my new goals. I have tons of lower-body strength and endurance, but I've never focused on the upper body. I started this new regime almost a month ago, and I'm seeing some newbie changes in my arms and stomach. I'm very excited to keep it going, especially for my August 2016 wedding :)

  • idipyoudipwedip
    idipyoudipwedip Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, everyone! I'm 20 years old, Canadian, 5'4". Heaviest weight ever was 153 in 2013 during my first year of university (just into the overweight category), but since then have hovered around 145. Now I'm down to 137 as of a few weeks ago, but I'm weighing again tomorrow to see where I'm at. I've only really been motivated for the past month to get fit. I'm a vegetarian and dairy-free since June 2015. My motivation is to lose belly fat that I've been self conscious about my whole life while maintaining what little muscle I have, and then maintaining/gaining muscle once I'm down into the mid-120s to get fit enough to do activities I would like to do this summer like hiking, climbing and kayaking. Please add me as a friend, I have an open diary for friends!
  • idipyoudipwedip
    idipyoudipwedip Posts: 22 Member
    Also, my picture is of the bikini I ordered for my March break trip... I hope I lose enough to feel confident in it!
  • lucygliang
    lucygliang Posts: 18 Member
    I've been on MFP for awhile now but only today started scouring the community section. I'd love some friends too :)
  • Lulufifi1994
    Lulufifi1994 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! Anyone shoulsd feel free to add me as a friend! I'm a 21 year old lab technician from the UK. I have no idea how much I weigh right now but usually sit around 10 stone (and none of my clothes have gotten looser or tighter) which isn't unhealthy for my 5'3" frame according to the Dr who weighed me for my work medical, though my BMI was 24 so I would like to lose a few lbs and ideally get down to a BMI of 22/23.
    Like a few other people have mentioned I'm terrible for forgetting to log my day sometimes so would love friends who are active who can message me if they realise I've fallen off the wagon to help me get my backside in gear. My main goal is to improve my lifestyle and to make healthier choice in general. I have started to swap cola for cordial (I really hate the taste of Bristolian water unless I'm so thirsty I just want to wet my throat!) and have a gym induction today to try and get myself to do small amounts of exercise every day rather than a lot at once, hating it because I've pushed maybe too far then forgetting about it for a week.
    Another goal is to improve my muscle strength, most of my joints have some degree of hypermobility so I was told by a physio that the best course of action would be to improve muscle strength so the muscles can support the joints better.
    Hope to see some new people popping up in my newsfeed!