Week 3 and I need friends!



  • Please add me. I joined three weeks ago. Been sick off and on. Since beginning of October this year, I've lost 18lbs and counting. Great people, ideas and most of all support here on Keto and low carb groups!
  • wtskinner
    wtskinner Posts: 178 Member
    annie422 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm on day 2 and suffering from low carb flu, but excited to be here and would love to also add you as friends for support. I have about 20 lbs to lose and I've been hopelessly addicted to sugar.

    I'm hitting the end of week 2 and only 2 days ago it started getting slightly better for me.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Long term keto, 20 grams total as my daily carb target, morbidly obese. Feel free to add me.
  • bashfulplatypus
    bashfulplatypus Posts: 8 Member
    First week done, no weight or inches lost but 40ish lbs to go. Hoping to start tracking my glucose with a glucometer soon to find out which foods are hindering my progress. I'm not diabetic so I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to pay full price for the strips. I have no idea what's going on with my hormones. I only have a period every 6-9 months, but every doctor I've been to tells me all my blood tests come back normal. It can't be normal to have a period a few times a year. So I'm trying to take control of it myself. Add me :)
  • bartdorman
    bartdorman Posts: 8 Member
    I am on month just about to hit month three of being keto, log my food everyday, exercise is shared from run keeper and misfit. So far I have lost 38 lbs total, and about 25 since I started using MFP, I really wish I would have started logging from the start of my life change and not a couple weeks into it. Oh well. Feel free to add me, anyone feel free to add me.
  • lbeddoe890
    lbeddoe890 Posts: 6 Member
    I've just started this woe and I'm loving it so far....am avoiding the scales for a few weeks in the hope that a loss will spur me on...if I weigh every day I tend to give in if the number goes up!!! I have noticed how much nicer the keto group is than the main pages...I have definitely avoided posting over there for fear of been shot down but these guys seem much friendlier! !! Good luck... would love to encourage each other along!!!
  • Velks39
    Velks39 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new here and have a couple questions! Did anyone have trouble getting to the stage of Ketosis? I have been trying and wondering if I am to high with my carbs? I allow myself 20-25g, but is there something else that I could do to help?
    Any advice is appreciated!!!
    Thank you! :smiley:
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Once you're under 100 grams of carbs daily, you will start creating ketones, regardless. At that rate, you are in ketosis now. What marker are you using to gauge your progress by, @Velks39? Full adaption comes in many stages.
  • Velks39
    Velks39 Posts: 84 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am using the strips @knitormiss....Is that not what I should use?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    The strips only measure the ketones that are wasted in your urine - and they depend a lot on hydration - or really, dehydration. If you drink a lot of water, you might only show positive after a heavy workout or something... They are a very ineffective measure, depending on your body, etc.

    This is a calculator that gives you an idea whether your meals are balanced, but long and short, if your carbs are that low, and they aren't all straight sugar, you're in ketosis...


    You will adapt more as time goes on. For some people, those strips never show. For some people, they always do... You can also test breath (expensive initially) or blood (expensive ongoing), but unless you have medical needs to specifically know exactly, science says you're there by dietary consumption...
  • Velks39
    Velks39 Posts: 84 Member
    Wow! Thank you for your information! I have another question.... Can you fill me in on the macros that people are talking about?
    I appreciate your input
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Velks39 wrote: »
    Wow! Thank you for your information! I have another question.... Can you fill me in on the macros that people are talking about?
    I appreciate your input

    Your macros are carbs, protein, and fat.

    Carbs for keto should be a hard limit. Protein should be a goal range, higher on workout days, but based on your lean body mass. Fats fill in the gaps to satiety. It does not need to be a goal...just kind of an expectation "range" so you know if you're way off somehow.

    Calorie counters suggestions are here:



    For keto, most folks set at 20 carbs and bump up or down from there. Unless you have extreme metabolic challenges, 20 grams of carbs is more than enough to get you into ketosis quickly. After the first 4-6 or even 12 weeks, some folks incrementally step up 5 carbs one day a week (on Monday, say, go from 20 to 25 - then that week is 25 grams daily), and so on, until they stop losing weight, then bump back down one step and go with that.

    Protein is a range. If you need a calculation for Lean Body Mass (LBM), it's what's left after body fat (there are calculators that can estimate based on measurements and such). So if my body fat is roughly 45% (just for ease of calculations), then my LBM is 55% of my weight, which is about 255 atm...so so my LBM is 255 * 0.55 = 140.25, so 140 pounds, roughly. On non workout days, my protein should be 0.6 grams per pound of LBM, so 140 * 0.6 = 84 grams of protein. On heavy lifting/workout days, it might be closer to 1 gram per pound, so 140 grams... As long as I don't double it, most people don't have a problem on a weird day. But, since I'm insulin resistant, I work hard to keep it down to that 80-ish grams a day.

    Fats fill in the gaps. For me, if I remember right, it's about 140 grams a day or something.

    Most of the time the macros come out to about 5% carbs, 15% protein (up to 30% if you're close to goal weight AND a heavy lifter AND NOT insulin resistant), and the balance in fats, but only until you're full, the body fat stored will make up the difference, so 80% (65%)...

    On the free version of MFP, you can only change by increments of 5%, so choose either 5% or 10%, depending on whether red numbers are important to your motivation, etc. Remember, when you workout, you may earn back calories, but you should NOT add back carbs unless following a specific protocol. Protein can be adjusted if needed, but again, still fats to satiety...

    Let me know if this makes sense.
  • eliseagraves
    eliseagraves Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 10 months into this, I log everyday and have lost 82lbs of my 85lbs goal to date. My diary is public and I'm happy to be a supportive friend.