Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 1 (2/1-2/7)



  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 4

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 218.8
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi all!! I have fallen back into my carnivore ways very easily! (Feels sort of like home) I'm managing to stay under 10 carbs a day. Haven't been on the scale, and won't until the end of next week.

    I love all of the success I'm seeing on this thread! Keep loving yourself!!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    @glossbones- I'm curious about your Mexican coffee, as well...
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I've been doing OK with getting to bed earlier- still not quite as early as I should cuz I sure feel like I could sleep some more in the mornings.

    The scale has actually eeked it's way down a little over the past few days. I don't know what's different, but, I'll take it. From 146.6 a couple of days ago to 144 even today. I'll take it!
    My goal weight is 125***
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    2/4 summary:

    1. Minimum 64 ounces of water per day. Check. 128 ounces.
    2. Under 50g carbs per day. Check! 44g total, 30g net.
    3. 8,000 steps at least 5 days a week. No, I only got 7,013 steps yesterday before putting my FitBit on the charger (but I know I didn't walk another 987 steps afterward, because I pretty much brushed my teeth and got into bed.

    SW: 236
    2/1: 176.4
    2/2: 174.6
    2/3: 172
    2/4: 170.6
    CW: 172.2
    3/1 Goal: 170
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member

    2.5.16 Checking In
    CW: 148.0
    GW: 142.5 (on 3.1.2016)
    Carbs- Completely blew it at 156g
    Exercise - No.
    Calories - Completely a new all time high at 2,363 cals.

    So in the land of bizzaro scales. I've overdone it two days in a row - by a lot --and for weigh in today. Nothing gained. Nothing lost for the week.

    Today will be a good day. It's snowing, no school, so not going to work. Planning on lots of exercise and a happy Friday!

  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    My Mexican Coffee:

    Cup of my normal coffee (usually 16 oz of a locally roasted Mexican blend with Hazelnut flavoring)
    0.5 - 1 tbsp of Dark Chocolate (pure cacao) powder
    Your fats (kerrygold butter and/or coconut oil for me, you can do HWC if you want)

    Mix all the above together with a frothing wand so the chocolate powder is mostly combined. It'll just stick to your spoon.
    To the top, I add a good dash of ceylon cinnamon (versus Saigon cinnamon, YES it makes a difference), and a sprinkle of either cayenne powder, or a heavier dash of chili powder.

    Enjoy! If it's dessert, whip up some whipping cream with a packet of erythritol to put on top and sprinkle dark chocolate crumbs/shreds on top.

    Beware the last few sips. All those powders tend to fall out of suspension and if you don't swirl the coffee as you drink it that last sip might be rather gritty.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    SW: 195
    Prior W: 189.8 (1/22)
    Prior W: 187.2 (1/29)
    CW: 186.6 (2/5)
    GW: 160-165

    Got in my 2nd run this week. YAY! My times have been pretty good considering that I'm burning a new source of fat rather than my carbs. Granted, I have to push through it a bit near the end, but overall I'm feeling good. Once my weekends free up a bit more mid-month, I'm hoping to try running some longer distances to see how I do there.

    Today I am hoping to do another run, but the weather forecast says rain and wind, so I may be doing an ab workout instead. I already did 2 weight training days and with my neck still sore, I figure core work will be my best option.

    Hoping to see a bigger drop in the coming week. I guess I figured I'd see it moving down faster, but as long as the scale keeps moving down, then we'll be good. Fingers crossed I'll be able to make 175 by 2/23!
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    SW: 197.6 (12/29/2015)
    CW: 179.4 (2/05/16)
    1st GW: 150
    ideal GW: 140-150
    Ultimate goal and my whole reason for doing this: stay in ketosis to ward of dystonic tremors and epilepsy (tremors are gone and no seizures as of yet)

    I had a goal of keeping under 20 carbs this week as well as exercise at least three times. I've been under 20 all week and have gotten into a rhythm with keto. I went to the gym on Monday and Wednesday and I am hoping to get there again tomorrow. I will add another day next week of doing something or another. Maybe hiking.

    I'd like to start planking and doing sit-ups each morning before hopping in the shower. That's doable, right? Right.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    Lets Do It!
    1. Minimize restaurant trips and food waste. If a restaurant can make it, so can I, and Starbucks is becoming a bad habit lately. No more than two trips a week excluding Sunday breakfast and coffee stop.
    2. Better sleeping habits - In bed by 10:30 pm 5 days a week.
    3. Drop 3-5 lb this month. Usually I am not about weigh goals, but I want to see 155 lb or less on the scale in mid March, because I would love to wear a really skimpy outfit to a music festival I am heading to.
    4. Re-double my new employment finding efforts. Send out at least one resume a weekend.

    I think that's enough for the next 29 days.

    1. I've gone to Starbucks four times this week, but it's because I have gift cards. Free coffee.
    2. I've been sick with a cold this week. Didn't sleep well for about three days (I was in bed by 10, but not sleeping), but yesterday I collapsed into bed at 7 pm slept until 6 am today.
    3. I've been good with not cheating, but I went over on my calories a few days. I am giving myself slack due to sickness and upcoming shark week, but next week, after I shake off the cold, I will tighten up.
    4. Been too exhausted due to illness. Hopefully will start taking care of that business over the weekend.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    My Mexican Coffee:

    Cup of my normal coffee (usually 16 oz of a locally roasted Mexican blend with Hazelnut flavoring)
    0.5 - 1 tbsp of Dark Chocolate (pure cacao) powder
    Your fats (kerrygold butter and/or coconut oil for me, you can do HWC if you want)

    Mix all the above together with a frothing wand so the chocolate powder is mostly combined. It'll just stick to your spoon.
    To the top, I add a good dash of ceylon cinnamon (versus Saigon cinnamon, YES it makes a difference), and a sprinkle of either cayenne powder, or a heavier dash of chili powder.

    Enjoy! If it's dessert, whip up some whipping cream with a packet of erythritol to put on top and sprinkle dark chocolate crumbs/shreds on top.

    Beware the last few sips. All those powders tend to fall out of suspension and if you don't swirl the coffee as you drink it that last sip might be rather gritty.

    Mmm. Thank you.

    I have never looked into different cinnamons. I need to look into this.
  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    drink more water and less sprite 0 (keeping fingers crossed!)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited February 2016
    So yesterday's fasting went really well. I had black coffee for breakfast, a 2K Americano for lunch, and then when I got home I dove into some pepperoni and cheeses (colby jack slices, then cream cheese) while I was making Chicken Bombs for dinner. Didn't finish my chicken bomb. Then had a 2K Americano for dessert and that's all she wrote. I felt awesome and focused all day, which was a big improvement over the day before.

    Today I am emotionally very hungry. At least I'm assuming it's emotion/sharks. Each time I tell my chest anxiety (my emotional eating center) to shush a minute and address my belly, it goes, "Eh, I could eat I guess. Whatever."

    I had deviled eggs and black coffee for breakfast, then ketovangelist's Szechuan beef for lunch. I had such an aggravating morning at work, I was tempted to drive to Five Guys for a big stack of bacon cheeseburger patties, but I went to Starbucks instead for a 3K Americano. You can all place your bets as to how long til I'm up to a full stick's worth of butter in my coffee.

    Thankfully the afternoon calmed down a bunch and I am finishing off the day feeling good. Again, could eat, whatever.

    Dinner tonight is Shrimp Scampi with Zoodles. I got a pound of house-made chorizo at Whole Foods last night and can't wait to have that with scrambled eggs sometime soon.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks, @nvmomketo!
    The scale really is a lying liarpants though; bouncing up and down a lot lately, including up 1.5 lbs today even though I had a lighter calorie day yesterday.

    Cals: 80 over today.
    Carbs: 30 net (top of my goal range).
    Exercise: 15 mins
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 5

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 216.4
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • suzy7677
    suzy7677 Posts: 17 Member
    A little late to the game...stay within 100 calories of set goal each day, stay under 20 carbs and start using MCT oil. Begin exercising, hopefully I will have more consistent energy to tackle that last one!
  • justbreathesrw28
    justbreathesrw28 Posts: 39 Member
    SW: 195
    Prior W: 189.8 (1/22)
    Prior W: 187.2 (1/29)
    CW: 186.6 (2/5)
    GW: 160-165

    Got in my 2nd run this week. YAY! My times have been pretty good considering that I'm burning a new source of fat rather than my carbs. Granted, I have to push through it a bit near the end, but overall I'm feeling good. Once my weekends free up a bit more mid-month, I'm hoping to try running some longer distances to see how I do there.

    Today I am hoping to do another run, but the weather forecast says rain and wind, so I may be doing an ab workout instead. I already did 2 weight training days and with my neck still sore, I figure core work will be my best option.

    Hoping to see a bigger drop in the coming week. I guess I figured I'd see it moving down faster, but as long as the scale keeps moving down, then we'll be good. Fingers crossed I'll be able to make 175 by 2/23!

    We are almost at exactly the same place I was 184.4 this morning down 10 pounds since I started two weeks ago I have a goal to be 174 by February 26 as I leave for 2 1/2 week vacation to California. Our timeframe and goes a right on!! Hopefully we can continue to do well and motivate one another I'm 13 days in a row on the elliptical never been that committed to exercise before my life pretty proud of myself!!!

    Let's do this!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    FEB 6
    Scale has gone up over 2 lbs in the last 2 days. (And it had taken a while to lose those 2 lbs!) Good thing I know it lies. :tongue:

    Cals: just under
    Carbs: 29 net
    Exercise: some walking
    My back is worse again today. :( Meds, ice, heat, etc.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 6

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 219.8
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes

    The same 4 lbs over and over again. Gotta get off this roller coaster
  • justbreathesrw28
    justbreathesrw28 Posts: 39 Member
    reblazed wrote: »
    FEB 6

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 219.8
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes

    The same 4 lbs over and over again. Gotta get off this roller coaster

    SW: 194.8 - Jan 25 I started 20g carb or less
    CW: 184.8
    GW: 174 Feb 26- when I leave for CA for 2 1/2 week vacation
    GW: 155 overall end all be all lowest ever in adult life!!
    Calories under 1300: yes
    Carbs under 20: yes
    Elliptical 30 min or more daily: yes

    So far things are good no hunger and feel great!! Praying to stay strong and loose 10 more in next 20 days...