Needing More Protein

If you find yourself not getting enough protein, there are options out there to supplement. I was referred by my Bariatric Dr. to drink at least 2 Premier Protein Drinks a day. That is an added 60g of protein a day. Finally a protein drink that taste great!


  • BT2016
    BT2016 Posts: 4 Member
    I still drink UNJURY. No carbs and 21 grams of Isolate protein plus only 100 calories.
    Starting back up on it, as I have regained most of my weight back and when I was drinking 2 a day, I was maintaining my 200 pound WL for almost 3 years.
  • Aushiker
    Aushiker Posts: 6 Member
    My dietitian set me a target of 90 grams a day of protein and advised that I take 100% Whey Isolate Protein which I add to my cold meals (breakfast and lunch). It does not mix well with hot foods such as soup but.

    I am finding I am easily making the 90 grams per day and the Whey Isolate also has the advantage of bulking up the drinks (plus adding 100 calories per meal).