How much extra weight have you had while being a runner?

I just wanted to ask this question to the group because there's common wisdom out there that running is not good for the knees, especially if you're overweight.
I have never been super fit so I have always carried some extra weight when I've ran consistently in the past.
This time around would be the most tho at about 80 lbs of extra weight.
I'm convinced that injury can be avoided with proper cross-training, good nutrition and a proper training plan as even pro athletes can get injured with overtraining or imbalances in muscle groups strength. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

So my question for you is
How much extra weight have you had while being a runner?


  • DCKgirl03
    DCKgirl03 Posts: 9 Member
    This time around I'm carrying almost 100lbs over my healthy weight range. The joys of recovering from injuring my ACL. The first time I started running as anything other than a torture my coaches in high school would use was to lose weight. I was 70lbs over the healthy weight range for my height. And I had that down to only 25lbs over in a year. I've always balanced running with yoga and weight training. My knee injury was the result of thinking I was an invincible moron who could push through to keep training for a full marathon after a collision on the trail and a bit of a twinge. It just got worse and worse. I don't think there's anything wrong with running over weight but I have learned to listen to your body and not to push an injury.
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    Hey guys! I'm new to running and taking it slow, just starting C25K. I ran a full mile today in 12 minutes! Whoop! I'm about 10-15 pounds above my goal weight right now. Good luck to you both!
  • Hydeel6582
    Hydeel6582 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm overweight by 60 lbs.. I plan on running a half marathon in December. I'm really trying to listen to my body.. Pushing myself at times and other times not. I really don't want to have an injury that will slow my progress.. Focusing as well on weight loss.. Cross training with Zumba, Walk/Jog combo on my treadmill, currently I am exercising 5-6 days a week but no more then 3 run days a week
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I started turning myself into a runner when I was less than 10 pounds from what I thought my goal weight was. My weight later stabilized lower than that goal, and for 4 years I've been maintaining close to a target weight about 20 pounds lower than when I started running. Yeah, I lost more weight than that; but I didn't start running until after I lost most of it.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I started running when i was around 90lbs over weight. Im currently about 20lbs.
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    DCKgirl03 wrote: »
    This time around I'm carrying almost 100lbs over my healthy weight range. The joys of recovering from injuring my ACL. The first time I started running as anything other than a torture my coaches in high school would use was to lose weight. I was 70lbs over the healthy weight range for my height. And I had that down to only 25lbs over in a year. I've always balanced running with yoga and weight training. My knee injury was the result of thinking I was an invincible moron who could push through to keep training for a full marathon after a collision on the trail and a bit of a twinge. It just got worse and worse. I don't think there's anything wrong with running over weight but I have learned to listen to your body and not to push an injury.

    The same happened to me. I didn't get injured by just running but overtraining. Thanks for sharing.
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    angie_kins wrote: »
    Hey guys! I'm new to running and taking it slow, just starting C25K. I ran a full mile today in 12 minutes! Whoop! I'm about 10-15 pounds above my goal weight right now. Good luck to you both!

    12 minutes? that 6MPH that's actually pretty good. You'll lose those 15 lbs in not time at all :)
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    Hydeel6582 wrote: »
    I'm overweight by 60 lbs.. I plan on running a half marathon in December. I'm really trying to listen to my body.. Pushing myself at times and other times not. I really don't want to have an injury that will slow my progress.. Focusing as well on weight loss.. Cross training with Zumba, Walk/Jog combo on my treadmill, currently I am exercising 5-6 days a week but no more then 3 run days a week

    I think that's very important cross training. I'll be keeping an eye on you till you run that marathon. Keep up the great work :)
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    I started turning myself into a runner when I was less than 10 pounds from what I thought my goal weight was. My weight later stabilized lower than that goal, and for 4 years I've been maintaining close to a target weight about 20 pounds lower than when I started running. Yeah, I lost more weight than that; but I didn't start running until after I lost most of it.

    Thanks for the input. I'm curious to know what your maintenance calories are like including the running.
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I started running when i was around 90lbs over weight. Im currently about 20lbs.

    See.. this is great to know because of the whole perception that running is bad for the knees but I think not. You just have to know your limits. Pace yourself and listen to your body while you also cross train.
    @mkakids have you ever been injured? and do you play any other sports or do weights?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I started running when i was around 90lbs over weight. Im currently about 20lbs.

    See.. this is great to know because of the whole perception that running is bad for the knees but I think not. You just have to know your limits. Pace yourself and listen to your body while you also cross train.
    @mkakids have you ever been injured? and do you play any other sports or do weights?

    Exactly. Running isn't bad for the knees unless you are predisposed.

    OP, without checking, I've lost at least 10 kg since starting running in September, and aim to lose a few kg more. My 5K Personal Best has improved weekly.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    I started turning myself into a runner when I was less than 10 pounds from what I thought my goal weight was. My weight later stabilized lower than that goal, and for 4 years I've been maintaining close to a target weight about 20 pounds lower than when I started running. Yeah, I lost more weight than that; but I didn't start running until after I lost most of it.

    Thanks for the input. I'm curious to know what your maintenance calories are like including the running.

    I have a fast metabolism, and my maintenance calories look like binge calories to a lot of people trying to control their weight. When I eat to maintain, MFP claims I'll gain weight in the next 5 weeks.

    That having been said, my maintenance calories over the past 4 years have ranged from a low of 2200 calories per day to a current high of 3400 per day plus some extra for running days. The low end was when I was in a boot recovering from a stress fracture of the metatarsals. I've spent a lot of time maintaining at 2800 or 2900 calories per day; but now I'm training for the Boston Marathon. It has been an interesting challenge to eat enough to not lose weight while not eating so much fiber as to cause issues when I'm running.

    I was fine on 2900-3000 calories per day back when I was only running 30 miles per week and they were all easy miles.

    The thing is, maintenance is not steady state. I have to adjust based on what the scale does, eating more when my weight starts to trend down and eating less when my weight starts to trend up. The canned calculations from MFP are worthless to me, because the inputs are not accurate enough to produce good answers; I have to go by real world results.

    . . . and even with this fast metabolism, at one point I weighed 60 pounds more than I do now. It just goes to show, you can't out-run a crappy diet.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I started running when i was around 90lbs over weight. Im currently about 20lbs.

    See.. this is great to know because of the whole perception that running is bad for the knees but I think not. You just have to know your limits. Pace yourself and listen to your body while you also cross train.
    @mkakids have you ever been injured? and do you play any other sports or do weights?

    I dont usually do other sports. I do lift at least 2xs a week and as heavy as i can.

    I have been injured, but not because of my weight. I tripped walking off a curb, rolled my ankle and had to stop running for 6 weeks. Im gracefull, lmao! I started running again in early january and have not had any issues, thankfully!

    In all honesty, i felt much better within a few weeks of beginning to joints hurt less, even 90lbs over weight!

    I have mild arthritis in my hips, due to a traumatic childbirth (my 3rd daughter fractured my pelvis on the way out). And if i run regularly, the pain is virtually gone. I still get stiff, but no pain! If i take a bit of time off, i notice the pain start to creep back in!
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    When I started running (C25k), I was just under 190. Trained for my 1st/2nd half marathons from 180-162. That was 1.5 yr ago. Now, I'm training for another half and I'm at 160. My goal is 150, and honestly I probably "should" weigh closer to 140. I can tell there is a difference now that I'm a little lighter, but I'm also eating much better than I was the last time around.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    The first time I tried running I was 90lb over a healthy weight. It was not pleasant for me, I'd get shin splints, and I recently had quit smoking so my lungs felt like they were on fire. The most I got up to at that time was running 3/4 of a mile at once, and at some point it just kind of died off and I quit running (I get bored)

    Right now I'm about 20lb over a healthy weight and I'm enjoying running much, much more! No more shin splints, and I haven't noticed any knee pain yet. I still consider myself a beginner. I'm trying to train for a half marathon next year and currently I'm up to running 2.5 miles at once. I know, not even close to a half but I'm getting there!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Started running at 100 pounds overweight. Currently running at 70 pounds overweight, BMI is 31.2.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,408 Member
    I was 220 at one point in my life. I started losing the weight and mostly walking. When I dropped 55 pounds or about 165, I started running. I ran my first race which was a sprint triathlon at about 155 pounds. I am now down to 130 and still trying to close in to a lower weight. Another 5 to 10 pounds. It does make a difference on the joints and on your running time. I had knee surgery when I got run into by one of my students and I probably would not be able to run today with the added weight.

  • ChrissalmonPT
    ChrissalmonPT Posts: 54 Member
    I was 50lb over weight when I started running again. I had problems with shin splints and a couple of foot injures to start with. I found strength training and trail running helped and stopped me getting injuries. I'm still pretty heavy for a runner but now it's more because of muscle mass.
  • dkewatson
    dkewatson Posts: 1,415 Member
    I'm 6'1" and started off at 330lbs, I started walking until I got down to 250-260lbs range. A healthy BMI puts my supposed ideal weight around 185 or less (not that I totally agree with BMI) so I started with 65-75lbs extra weight. Just take it slow and listen to your body.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Your question is so broad to answer.
    How far you run, how fast you run. Your gait. Body weight dispersion. Genetics.

    I've been told that each human body has so many miles in them. Each body is different. You may not feel the pain now but you will feel it later.

    I ran my first marathon at about 175 pds. I've gotten as low as 130. I'm hovering at 150. I have rheumatoid arthritis. I run less per week and I've slowed down. I've been hit with a ton of injuries over the years. I switched to triathlons took a break and switching back to them.

    People swear to me that are older that one day I will regret all the overuse. 25 plus marathons, few ultras and an iron man...but... If not I'm fat...