Why must people be so judgmental?



  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Even vegetarians judge vegans... I guess everyone reckons they know a skinny malnourished vegan, so that image gets normalised.
  • ballerina_tea
    ballerina_tea Posts: 41 Member
    Everyone seemed to bug me about it when I first went vegan, as if I was bothering them about it or something. I also hated the subject and would have much rather not brought it up. Nowadays I couldn't care less what people think and they've suddenly left me alone. Maybe they see how happy I am. lol

    Anyway, my father is downright nasty about it, but wont say it to my face. I overheard him screaming about how crazy and stupid "those people" are who wont eat meat. Well, he's a bad person so if I'm making him angry then I know I'm doing the right thing. He always reacts with extreme anger whenever he's threatened by something (atheists, liberals, me, etc... lol) I just figure if I'm happy and not bothering anyone, all is good.
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    I decline to enter any conversation about vegetarianism with anyone who is not one. People will try to bait me but I do not budge. I am not an animal rights activist. I do not have an agenda. I do not wish to inform, convert or postulate my belief in vegetarianism with a non-vegetarian, ever. If, however, someone told me they wanted to become a vegetarian I would elevate them as "a vegetarian" and discuss it with them. This saves me many headaches from ignorant people.
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    Some people are so ignorant and narrow minded that it's hilarious, I will never forget being dumped only for not disclosing I was veggie.. yes i was nice and attractive but the minute we set down for dinner I was a turn off. The restaurant wasn't vegetarian friendly so there were some very awkward moments . The guy just loved his meats so sitting nest to someone who didn't was harsh ... Everyone has the right to an opinion but don't try to force it on me - this guy tried to convince me to change if I want a relationship. It was really unbelievable to see how horrified he was to find out I hated meat....
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    I have seen all these "Veg Vs Non-Veg" boxing matches(debates) and veg guys are often easily silenced/suppressed by the majority "Meaters" since usually they can't really make a good case and lack some basic knowledge of nutrition.

    Where I live(#1 veggi paradise in the world you can say) being a veggi is "normal" but the abnormal is when a veggi is into serious body building and powerlifting.So in my case being a Veggi comes like a shocker and often people don't believe since veggies are associated with lean/weak personality.No one can come and tell me the "Only Meat gives Muscle and Power" crap.A lot of myths are spread about being a veggi. :smiley:
  • raulsgirl75
    raulsgirl75 Posts: 36 Member
    People are judgmental to make there self feel better there is really no other reason .
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I think they feel guilty and it scares them. I don't go comment on my friends pics of non-vegan/vegetarian food. But if they comment on one of my posts it's no holds barred.