Weekly Warrior Mini Goal Challenge Feb/01/2016 - Feb/07/2016



  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Molly- looks like you are making great progress towards your goals!

    Hearts- thanks for the encouragement <3 I've actually come to the conclusion that my very surprising great results have to be the result of a new supplement I have been taking the last couple of months. I was shopping in the vitamin aisle at my health food store where this other woman happened to be looking for this supplement called alpha Lipoic acid. She said she was diabetic and her doctor told her since she was diabetic she would be nuts if she didn't take the supplement. So I thought "what the heck" and bought it for myself. I hadn't thought twice about it until I got these unexpected wonderful results on my surprise A1C test. I am thrilled to have found a natural supplement that helps me regulate/ lower my blood sugar. Such a relief!!!
    OK, enough about me. I hope you find your paperwork and all your blood work and pretests results are encouraging. When is your surgery again?
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Happy Saturday warriors. Been good all week. Even yesterday. Went out dancing. Didn't eat much or drink much.

    Goals for week of 2/1
    1. Walk 5/5. This actually became exercise since I am counting my biking and dancing.
    2. Log all my food. 5/5
    3. Drink my chia water 5/5. Surprisingly adding the chia seeds to the water has helped me drink more water.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    This Weeks Goals:
    • Binge Free next 24 hours
    • get some daily activity in
    • Bed by 11pm


    Checking in at the end of the week: B)

    This wasn't my plan but here I am just the same. I was thinking the week was dragging on and POOF here it is the day before my surgery. It's early morning on Monday.

    Been keeping busy getting things put together and in order here at home. Course all the big plans to have everything where you need them ...seems to end up lacking. lol SO you get done what you can and I just remember that the healing is quick and everything that isn't done before the hospital can be done later.

    I'll be away for a few days and then back home (coming straight home after surgery, not going anywhere this time), not sure how often I'll check in but I'll try and get things back to normal back on here. It's easier/simpler for me to focus on 24 hours at a time by checking in on here.

    So very very nice to see bright faces from my FL back on the group... La_nanita is that the same drink you've been nursing for 3 years now or a different one? LOL

    Susan, Forest and Molly.....save me a parking place here in the group. ;oÞ I don't know where my Parking Permit is at the moment but you know I have one!! lol
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    la_nanita wrote: »
    Happy Saturday warriors. Been good all week. Even yesterday. Went out dancing. Didn't eat much or drink much.

    Goals for week of 2/1
    1. Walk 5/5. This actually became exercise since I am counting my biking and dancing.
    2. Log all my food. 5/5
    3. Drink my chia water 5/5. Surprisingly adding the chia seeds to the water has helped me drink more water.

    Have a great weekend.

    Love my Chia seeds! I toss some in Greek vanilla yogurt and oatmeal... probably venture out to other things when I remember. How many do you put in your water? I LOVE the crunch!! But always check my teeth after if I'm going out. hahah In case one is stuck in my front teeth. :D
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    Hello Everyone! Have a great and healthy weekend!

    Mini Goals – Jan 31 - Feb 6 - Chec k in (6/7)
    1. Stay in green on calories (5/7)
    2. At least 7 hours sleep/night (2/5)
    3. Step goal 7500 (2/5)

    February meeting attendance: (1/4)
    Feb 2nd week goal from TOPS:
    No-no: no ice cream - this is not an issue for me :smile:
    Yes-yes: 3 salads (2/3)

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    Mini Goals – Jan 31 - Feb 6 - Check in (7/7)
    1. Stay in green on calories (5/7)
    2. At least 7 hours sleep/night (2/5)
    3. Step goal 7500 (3/5)

    February meeting attendance: (1/4)
    Feb 2nd week goal from TOPS:
    No-no: no ice cream - this is not an issue for me :smile:
    Yes-yes: 3 salads (2/3)

  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Had a great week. Met my goals everyday but Sunday. Went to a Super Bowl party and was not going to even try to keep track although I didn't go overboard with eating or drinking.

    Hearts good luck with your surgery. Hope recovery is smooth and fast.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    la_nanita wrote: »
    Had a great week. Met my goals everyday but Sunday. Went to a Super Bowl party and was not going to even try to keep track although I didn't go overboard with eating or drinking.

    Hearts good luck with your surgery. Hope recovery is smooth and fast.
    Awesome job!!
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