Looking for some Primal/Paleo Friends



  • 74Patricia
    74Patricia Posts: 75 Member
    I am on Day 16 of Whole 30 and doing amazing! I have done the Whole 30 once before this early summer and forgot how amazing I feel from it. The bloating that I always have had- disappears. The mental clarity is amazing. I love trying out new recipes and my grocery bills are so much cheaper too. It's a win win for me. Please feel free to add me for support!
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm new to Paleo and would love some friends eating the same. Tried it briefly just before Christmas and it worked great. Back at it again beginning today.
  • wittybelle
    wittybelle Posts: 19 Member
    I definitely need Paleo / primal friends on myfitnesspal. I am recommitting to be predominantly Paleo, my exception is rice and steel cut oats once in a while.
  • squarebritches
    squarebritches Posts: 3 Member
    My nutritionist has recommended Paleo to recover from adrenal exhaustion but I am struggling to get started. I could REALLY use some support because my son and husband refuse to eat anything but junk foods.
  • tiffanysotoxo
    tiffanysotoxo Posts: 36 Member
    I've been researching information on Paleo as much as possible and I'm very excited to start this new lifestyle! Heading to the store now to do my shopping here's two a healthier life!
  • simplycidalia
    simplycidalia Posts: 46 Member
    I'm going back to Paleo/Primal. I felt my best on it (IBS). Sending a request... :)
  • LifeVictr
    LifeVictr Posts: 7 Member
    In 2014, I lost 42.5 lbs in about 5 months on the Paleo diet. Had never felt better and it was very easy. However, I have gained most of the weight back by allowing sugar and carbs back in my life. Yesterday, I began the Paleo lifestyle again and plan on getting back to my ideal weight by this summer. This app makes it really fun and easy to follow the plan and long as you know how to go in and change the macronutrient goals, etc. and taylor it to a Paleo and lower sugar and carb lifestyle.
  • annk18
    annk18 Posts: 85 Member
    For paleo lifestyle, what would you suggest to be the best macronutrient ratios to put into this program?
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    annk18 wrote: »
    For paleo lifestyle, what would you suggest to be the best macronutrient ratios to put into this program?

    For me, right now, what seems to work best is 60% fat, 20% each of carbs and protein.
  • auntneen
    auntneen Posts: 31 Member
    I think I commented on this thread before.. But anyway I'm here again. Anyone is free to add me if you like. I have been mostly paleo for the last 4 years (with slip ups around the ends of the years), and always gluten free without exception. I am also mostly low-carb/keto (if I can get my head back in the game). I lost 35 lbs initially with paleo (not low-carb or even counting macros), up 10ish of that now. Currently trying to get back into it strictly, the holidays always screw me up!
  • LHWhite903
    LHWhite903 Posts: 208 Member
    Eating Paleo-approved foods only but not watching macros, for the most part, or omega ratios. Just trying to eat nutritiously with enough carbs to support my exercise and get down to a healthy weight without stressing. Add me, if you want.
  • LifeVictr
    LifeVictr Posts: 7 Member
    The best macronutrient ratio I have found through research and experience to be 50-25-25 (fat-protein-carbs) for weight maintenance and 50-30-20 for moderate weight loss.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Also open to any friend adds. I follow mostly Primal. I am lucky to not have an auto immune disease that requires me to follow so strictly. After I committed though the way I feel is sooo much better. I slip up but am committed (: Feel free to add me!
  • closetlibrarian
    closetlibrarian Posts: 2,207 Member
    LifeVictr wrote: »
    The best macronutrient ratio I have found through research and experience to be 50-25-25 (fat-protein-carbs) for weight maintenance and 50-30-20 for moderate weight loss.

    50/25/25 has been working for me for quite a while, and it's not that hard to maintain.
  • KouraMara
    KouraMara Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2016
    I thought it is time to come out of my cave after hibernating too long there (lol)
    I tried Paleo last year for 2mths and had great results. The best thing I liked about it, is that it kept me fuller longer and I seemed to eat more and yet lost the weight. I only fell off because I get carried away when people invite me over for dinner and I end up trying this and trying that and Nek Minit! I'm back to my old habits. So on Monday I will pound my chest outside my cave grab my club and get hunting again. (what I really mean is get back into it again) So yeah if you have just started again or are doing it then 'you got a friend' (that's a song too) Grrrrrr! B)
  • CaroleH15
    CaroleH15 Posts: 22 Member
    I am the Grok Granny of the cave but welcome any youngin's that want to friend me. I feel my very best following it. I wish I was at where CrazyRavr is, but I am not there...YET! It's sometimes hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but I am always willing! I have reduced my food sensitivities from 23 down to 7 and no more Leaky Gut. Grok on!
  • kdogni
    kdogni Posts: 124 Member
    Hi guys. I dabbled on and off with paleo. Got great results but lost it after a while. So feel free to add me folks
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    CaroleH15 wrote: »
    I am the Grok Granny of the cave but welcome any youngin's that want to friend me. I feel my very best following it. I wish I was at where CrazyRavr is, but I am not there...YET! It's sometimes hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but I am always willing! I have reduced my food sensitivities from 23 down to 7 and no more Leaky Gut. Grok on!

    This is so encouraging that you were able to heal your leaky gut. I'm really struggling with food sensitivities and I'm committing to a paleo diet to try to feel better... Any advice to pass on?
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Welcome! Primal eater here. I consume dairy and allow a few treats here and there. Primal Blueprint is my go-to source for this lifestyle.
  • samantha2127
    samantha2127 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys! Feel free to add me. I'm not 100% Paleo yet, but I am getting there! I've started with cutting out flour and most grains. Next is sugar and my morning oats. I tried Paleo a few years ago and it was awesome I truly felt great. I just cut down my carbs way too much and I don't think I was eating enough calories, I had some low blood sugar scares. I am definitely not being afraid of fruit and carbs now! I'd love to see how others are eating so I can do things right this time. ;)
  • johnny767
    johnny767 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just coming back to the Primal/Paleo path (first statretd in 2010); and started on bulletproof coffee this wek with the intention of starting IF. I'll add you (and the others in this thread). John
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    Good luck. Feel free to add me!!!
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    LifeVictr wrote: »
    The best macronutrient ratio I have found through research and experience to be 50-25-25 (fat-protein-carbs) for weight maintenance and 50-30-20 for moderate weight loss.

    I use the 50-30-20 at maintenance and it works well. I did 50-25-25 during my weight loss part. I have been Paleo since September 2014.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm starting Paleo tomorrow/ 3/1/2016, in support for a friend who is doing dairy-free/gluten-free (due to their acne/stomach trouble).

    I did Whole30 for 1month last year.
    Goal for Paleo is to provide my muscles plenty of good nutrients as I weight train, to lose weight (20#) and reveal some hard-earned muscles ---> to look hot in my bikini for this summer!

    I'm sick of working out hard, but eating crappy and not having anything to show for all my hard work at the gym.

    They say what you eat is ~80% of the game, so I'm giving it my all this time.

    I've planned out my menu/shopping list for the next 10days, including 2 allowed snacks per day.
    Hubby is supportive in the house (he'll eat whatever for lunch at work), so I don't have to make 2 meals (will just add rice or pasta for the kids to the main course).

    Appreciate all tips and support.
    Thank you!
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    Part of why I love paleo is because I hate counting calories to the detail. With paleo I still count but I don't make myself crazy. And I feel better!
  • raine291
    raine291 Posts: 14 Member
    I am looking for friends as well. I follow a slightly modified Paleo / low carb lifestyle. Anyone can add me. :)
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I'm starting up again (much needed) and haven't been around for awhile so there are a lot of new faces! Add me, I love to talk all things food!
  • dk6boys
    dk6boys Posts: 67 Member
    Starting over today! And this time after several years my husband is in board too! Feel free to add me!
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I don't know if I posted but I'm an on-again off-again Paleo follower. It's honestly been the best way of eating for me but I struggle with my relationship with food as reward (more like PIZZA as reward) so the more involved I am with the paleo community, the more positive successes I'm exposed to, and the more I talk about why this is good for me the better I do!

    Add me! I also am an avid and creative cook so love to share recipes and talk all thinks food!
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 836 Member
    @Quinnstict - have you tried a "paleo" pizza as a occasional food? all of the pasta sauce, cheese, and meat toppings with very few carbs
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