Severe Allergies

LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
Am a long time member of this Group but can see reading now why i gave up about two years ago----i'm so thoroughly unable to tolerate many of the "go to" foods here that ppl enjoy--have severe allergies to all NUTS, Coconut, dairy, heavy cream, fish--and so much else. Am able to nicely tolerate seeds but no one here talks about seeds, so pepitas are fine, sunflower seeds are fine but i never read about them in these forums.
If i wrote 3 pages, it wouldn't explain what coconut and Nuts do to me, anaphylactic shock to the max....tried the Kerry Irish butter in my decaf coffee and it's allergic reaction.
Also avocados are fine for extra fat like egg yolks and bacon but am at a loss as to how to manage long term without cheese, cream, milk products , fish, nuts.....has anyone been able to stay with LC/HF with having so many allergies and food intolerances?


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My food sensitivities seem to help with very low carb. I need to be gluten free and I can't tolerate lactose well, but full fat dairy has very little sugar anyways. I sympathize. Allergies and sensitivities are annoying.

    All you can do is use the fats available. Olive oil or other plant oils might work well for you. Pork rinds are a tasty snack; so are olives. Seeds are great. Seed butters might be a good choice for you. Many who can't tolerate cow dairy can handle goat milk products... A diet based in fatty meats, eggs and veggies would be a good diet even without dairy and nuts.

    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    I do have Sunflower seed butter and it's tasty, but since starting this WOE haven't had any at all--- goat milk products don't work for me. Egg yolks, Olive oil, Broth and Bouillion are great and work well.

    I'm able to manage nutrition wise, it's more that when reading the forums, it is like i'm not able to make very many connectons between what i eat, meal choices, daily foods and what anyone else is talking about.

    Hoping to come across a few people who are highly allergic to Coconut, Nuts, and all Dairy.

    Did google the Kerry Butter and read that it has 0.01 percent of lactose, it's delicious in coffee/decaf.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi @Linia I don't have any food allergies or even sensitivities, but I don't feel that nuts, coconut or dairy are central to my LCHF diet. I admit I would miss cheese, but it's not a central part of my diet and i try hard to keep the cheese to a minimum. I have a very long weight loss journey ahead of me, the cheese and my Quest Peanut Butter cups (the only thing I eat with nuts) will be eliminated as I need to refine my diet to lose weight. I prefer to eat foods that deliver clean, quality nutrition, so the Quest PB cups are a no-brainer for me to cut eventually as they're the only processed food item I eat.

    I like my coffee black, no I wouldn't be devastated without cream. I would never snack on actual nuts as I wouldn't stop. And I rarely cook with coconut oil, unless I'm making curry or lemongrass stir fry because the flavour is too strong. I cook with goose fat, butter and single estate olive oil. I have one ounce of cheese each day (2 max) and I would miss it, but I find avocados an equally satisfying high fat snack. I use nutritional yeast as a cheese substitute so that I don't eat too much dairy.

    I know your allergies make it more challenging and I couldn't imagine having to be so incredibly conscientious about what I eat, but there's still great LCHF food that you can eat and prepare. If you ever need suggestions for substitutions for dishes people are talking about, just ask, there are lots of creative cooks here in the forum.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    It's actually quite common to find low carb pod casters and their guests recommending to avoid dairy entirely, so that's not a conflict with this woe at all. I actually recommend to people a lot to get more fat from other sources than dairy. Lots of times someone posts that they haven't had any success upon starting this woe with weight loss and it turns out 90% of their fat comes from dairy (cream and cheese, not butter) I don't think it's a coincidence.
    Fish is completely fine. You just will want to choose fatty fish or add fat to the fish. Butter or olive oil...
    And like @nvmomketo said, a diet based on what you can eat will totally work with the low carb goals.
    You just won't find that so many people follow the same way as you.
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    @PaleoInScotland Thanks, this time around am giving this my all, inspite of food seems ppl here are very helpful and supportive.

    @Sunny_Bunny_ Fish is one of the foods to which I'm very allergic. ..... I've been eating turkey, beef, chicken and pork and occasionally lobster which seems to be tolerable so far. Also you're probably right that much of diary , as far as this WOE, is concerned can be highly caloric. The only dairy I ever wished I liked or could like was Cheesecake and I've never tasted one that was remotely yummy.

    Have to say that drinking the Bone Broth, Boullion has made this WOE very easy , it's my go to snack.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    LINIA wrote: »
    @PaleoInScotland Thanks, this time around am giving this my all, inspite of food seems ppl here are very helpful and supportive.

    @Sunny_Bunny_ Fish is one of the foods to which I'm very allergic. ..... I've been eating turkey, beef, chicken and pork and occasionally lobster which seems to be tolerable so far. Also you're probably right that much of diary , as far as this WOE, is concerned can be highly caloric. The only dairy I ever wished I liked or could like was Cheesecake and I've never tasted one that was remotely yummy.

    Have to say that drinking the Bone Broth, Boullion has made this WOE very easy , it's my go to snack.

    Oh. Sorry, I didn't read that right.
    Well, that's even easier then because fish isn't as fatty as other meats.
    It's hard for everyone to figure out what their new woe will consist of when making this change. But, it sounds like you can actually have a lot of what is part of this woe and the things that you are sensitive to are actually things that should be limited with low carb in general. I mean, if you browse through the threads you will find lots of talk about cheese, cream, milk and nuts being an issue for people. And some of the more hard core Keto folk on the internets specifically advise people to eliminate them entirely if they can. They suggest that many more of us have some level of sensitivity to these things that we are just not aware of. They say that upon complete elimination we would soon realize that something is different, better with how we feel overall without those foods. So, even though so many people do use them as part of their low carb eating, it's not because they are an integral part of the plan, it's just personal preference and they're making it work. And, like I said above, some have the idea that those are main staple foods for a good low carb plan and go overboard on those foods upon starting and it can prevent or slow results, especially if they are unknowingly sensitive to it.
    As far as fish goes, most of it's pretty lean. And lean meat needs a fair amount of fat added to it to really be a good for low carb. Mostly at the lower carb levels I guess. So there's no issue not including it.
    So, really, other than coconut, the foods you're sensitive to aren't particularly defining of low carb eating anyway.
    I am a huge advocate of using coconut and MCT oil because it has really unique qualities but obviously there's absolutely no way that could be a part of your eating. But, other good fats like butter, olive oil, avocado and animal fats are all still available to you and not having coconut oil won't be an issue at all as long as you're getting a good balance of these other healthy fats.
    We hear it all the time... Focus on what you can eat and not what you can't. I actually don't think your sensitivities should be particularly limiting for you on this woe.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    I watch my dairy intake, so this WOE is very doable.

    Pork, chicken, many options and the possibilities are endless.
    Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables
    Butter, avocado oil
    Pumpkin seeds (I love the roasted ones from Eden Organic...yum!)

    Aside from heavy cream in my coffee or a bit of cheese, I don't eat much dairy myself.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What can you eat?
    Would a more protein/veg/and some fats approach work for you?
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    I'll open my diary for now to everyone so you can get an idea of what I actually eat - the logging took me a few weeks because the LCHF foods weren't in my database of meals but this last week have been doing logging that is close to accurate , i.e. , have cut out sugar and rice etc-- - thanks for replies Sabine and Inspiration.
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member

    "I mean, if you browse through the threads you will find lots of talk about cheese, cream, milk and nuts being an issue for people. And some of the more hard core Keto folk on the internets specifically advise people to eliminate them entirely if they can. They suggest that many more of us have some level of sensitivity to these things that we are just not aware of. They say that upon complete elimination we would soon realize that something is different, better with how we feel overall without those foods. So, even though so many people do use them as part of their low carb eating, it's not because they are an integral part of the plan, it's just personal preference and they're making it work."

    That is an advantage, for me no worrying about the calories in those milk products. ...and if i really ever want any of that, there is always "lactaid" :):D:)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Can you do shellfish? Scale fish and shellfish allergies aren't always interchangeable (ie - my aunt is deathly allergic to shellfish, but can eat scale fish just fine). Oysters and scallops and whatnot might be a good option for you.

    Also, have a look at Epic bars. They're literally grass fed beef ground up and compacted into bars. Then, of course, there's your standard jerky. I know my local stores are carrying Paleo-esque brands now, and a lot of them are literally just meat and salt. Jerky's really easy to make on your own, though, if you can't find some you can tolerate.

    Also, pemmican is another common go-to snack option, though you have to make it yourself. It's just dried meat mixed with animal fat and maybe some dried berries or whatever. You can then cube it up and have these awesome little powerhouse bites for on the go.

    Have a look at the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (AIP) for some inspiration. AIP recipes won't have nuts or dairy, so you only have to worry about the coconut and fish, which shouldn't be too hard to catch and replace (or ignore entirely).
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It might not help you, but my primary diet does not involve any nuts, dairy, or anything but meat (mostly beef or lamb/mutton). Sometimes I add some dairy, but it's not important source of fat like some people use it.

    I also like chicken wings or even a whole chicken.

    Sure, most people don't like to resort to just a pure meat diet. But, it can be done and it can be done long term. You don't needs the foods you're allergic to. I've gone long periods without them. I could go forever, except I like the other foods and don't suffer ill effects. Should you do this? That's not for me to decide. For some people, it is far too much and far too restrictive. But, it makes me feel so good, it is worth it for me. If you suffer so much from other foods, it might be worth it for you.
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    @Dragonwolf - thanks so much for suggesting Epicbars, found them easily on Amazon and will be ordering - as far as fish, seafood -shouldn't have any , get really nauseous from all of it, lobster I seem to tolerate with getting hives/throat closing etc.

    @Fit-Goat - that's it, roasted chicken, chicken wings with veggies & a salad , always delicious and never any problems, bacon works well and Tofu plus the other meats you mentioned. There is no other option and truthfully , it's what I'm used to. B4 reading the forums here , I really had no idea about the importance of SO many foods that I just can't tolerate, more of an eye opener than you can imagine. Yes , I'm fine with this WOE but without coconut, nuts, seafood , diary milk , soy milk. The Kerry Butter also is, so far, an excellent choice and I read about it here. Thanks again.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Support @Sunny_Bunny_ suggestions. You will find many chia seed recipes here on fotum discussions n launch pad. Yum! Substitute water for milk.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I can basically eat all foods except gluten (Celiac). Weirdly I cannot mix almond milk and coffee together or I have an allergic reaction but I can have both separately with no effect. Go figure.

    Luckily I tolerate everything else well but I don't eat too much different than you aside from dairy and a spoonful of cashew or peanut butter butter in the evenings. I just really hate coconut and try as I might I don't like coconut oil much either so that's definitely not a staple of my diet. I prefer to eat mainly meat and some veggies with the Kerrygold butter for meals. My favorite meal is probably chicken wings and a side salad. If I had to give up heavy cream I think I'd be fine with just the Kerrygold in my coffee. I love to add eggs to my meals as a topping for ground beef or a roast. Bacon makes everything better as well.
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    @anglyn1 Yes, luv Bacon, have been able to tolerate Sunflower seed butter without needing an Epipen---many ppl need to put aside gluten, even without having Celiac.

    One allergist suggested that sometimes the body helps to protect us because we just don't like foods that we tolerate poorly. One example is i only eat Egg Yolks--then reading a suggestion last night that "egg whites" are to be avoided for ppl with my allergies....have never been able to swallow egg whites (cooked into a cake, that was ok).

    It is very easy for me to follow this WOE (in real life) IRL, the problem is that i'm so excited reading the recipes and reading here about what other ppl are eating
    it's an almond, coconut, macadamia nut, hazelnut, heavy cream, half n half world, IRL no one ever mentions those foods, none of my friends eat any of, you're 100% correct, thank goodness for bacon.

    @Sunny_Bunny_ Yes, i have Chia seeds here at home to put on top of salads and, in truth, i can easily tolerate Hemp Milk--just not the taste of it :):D:o it's pretty disgusting.
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    Dairy Milk---whole milk, soy milk, almond milk, 2%, coconut milk, half half, heavy cream---no dairy except the newly discovered Kerry Gold--now why is it we don't put regular "butter" in our bulletproof coffee/decaf?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I really like coconut milk. I am suspecting more and more that diary doesn't agree with me and I think I'm going to stock up on coconut milk and cream myself. That stuff is yummy!
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    @Sunny_Bunny_ My throat is closing and I'm only reading about you with Coconut--- ha, ha..choke choke .....the hives are popping up
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    LINIA wrote: »
    @Sunny_Bunny_ My throat is closing and I'm only reading about you with Coconut--- ha, ha..choke choke .....the hives are popping up

    I'll make you a deal. I'll eat your share of all the coconut products. :wink: I just wanna help...