February 1-15



  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 10/25
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 7/20
    F&V: Yes
    Goal: 7/20

    @k80flec Enjoy the party! I know that all your hard work is greatly appreciated.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 11/25
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 7/20
    F&V: No
    Goal: 7/20

    Although I've been staying in the green, I know that I need to exercise and eat those fruits and veggies.

    How's everyone else doing? I hope @bbinoa is recovering nicely.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I'm lurking and still around. Green most days and continuing to work with my coach to improve my endurance in running. Work has been crazy and my son's swim season is in high gear. I can't keep track of one more thing but I'll be back when I can!

    I'm coming up on my one year myfitnesspal anniversary! Down 40 pounds, in significantly better shape and feeling healthy. Maintenance hasn't been bad and I continue logging, though I'm a little more laid back about it. I monitor my weight daily and am ok as long as I stay within my five pound range. When I hit the higher side I watch what I eat a little more closely and up the exercise duration or intensity.

    Kudos to all of you! Looks like a lot of successes happening. Great job!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: No
    Goal: 11/25
    Exercise: Yes
    Goal: 8/20
    F&V: Yes
    Goal: 8/20

    Enjoyed my Valentine's Day, and I hope you all did too.

    @jenthibert So glad you popped in, and I'm glad you are well!!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    I'm alive!

    Just checking in. Surgery was Friday and went really well. My Dr. was able to do the whole thing laproscopically, so I'm happy about that. Came home Saturday, and now I'm just recovering. Sore, swollen and tired but getting better daily. I can walk all I want but it's been -15 with windchills so I'm limited to shuffling around the house. Not too hungry so I'm just eating cereal and soup. My sister and I have renamed this my surgery staycation... I'm trying to think off all the prep and stuff as a "detox" I would've paid alot for at a fancy spa :wink: she sent me a big gift basket of my favorite beauty products and lotions. Maybe if all that works it'll look like I had some other "work" done too, LOL! !!!

    @Laughter_Girl thanks for checking on me! How's your voice??
    @jenthibert, great to hear from you too. Maintenance sounds like it agrees with you. Any marathons this year?
    @k80flec, the cake was cute... how was the party?

  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    1: ✔️, 2: ✔️, 3: ✔️, 4: ✔️, 5: ✔️ (a Chevy), 6: ✔️, 7: ✔️, (a Chevy), 8: ✔️, 9th : ✔️, 10: ✔️ (a Chevy), 11: ✔️, 12: ✔️ (a Chevy), 13: ✔️, 14: ❌, 15: ✔️


    13: ✔️, 14: ❌, 15: ✔️

    Green: No - 1425
    Exercise: Yes, a run (W4d2 C25k), No, Yes 2.97 m run (W4d3 C25k) 10/12
    Steps - Yes, 13/15

    @bbinoa - the baby party went well. My sons stayed civil and even thawed after a while. Grandad had great fun play fighting with 12 and 14.5 mth old baby boys. <3<3
    What a fab idea . . . . surgery staycation with spa treatment . . . certainly sounds like a plan for dealing with post surgery blues!!

    @Laughter_Girl . . . . there's an echo in here . . . . how's your voice??

    @jenthibert . . . . Great to hear from you. I'm glad maintenance is working for you. Staying focused is the trick I think . . . that and not freaking over the scales!!

  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 12/25
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 8/20
    F&V: No
    Goal: 8/20

    @bbinoa So glad you are alive and well all things considered. Just take things slow. Enjoy your surgery staycation!!! My voice is a lot better. It's about 75% healed. Thanks for asking.

    @k80flec Glad the party went well and the brothers were peaceful. You're kicking that C25K app's butt. Keep it up!!