Is anyone still using Phentermine?

I just started taking Phentermine last Tuesday and have lost 5lbs. I have worked really hard for the last 2 months to get active and healthy. I turned 30 in August and have 2 small children. I want to be able to go out and play with them without having to take a break every 10 minutes from being winded. I have been doing ZUMBA 3 times a week for the past 2 months along with adding in some T25 on the 2 other days. I can already tell a big difference in my stamina. My starting weight in August was 215.3 and my current weight is 205.5 so a total of 9.8 lost already. I love this path that I am on and have some wonderful friends that have been with me for every step. I know that I am very fortunate to have a support group and how much harder this would be if I didn't. So if any of you out there need a supporter let me know and we can keep in touch and get healthy together.


  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    If you're still there, I also take Phentermine. Started a few months ago on 37.5 mg/day but it gave me horrible anxiety so I stopped for awhile. I'm now on 15 mg./day and feel much better. The weight is coming off slowly but I'm also eating low carb. Would love to hear from others.
  • jcat410
    jcat410 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started back at it. I have my old Phentermine from before I got preggo... I took half a pill and it was good for appetite suppression and extra energy. I'm also doing a 1300 calorie diet. I'm on day 3 and feeling good. :)
  • beije24
    beije24 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started taking it again yesterday and I am doing it in conjunction with a workout routine. I'm hoping to lose 30lbs that Ive put on since separating from my soon to be ex husband....two months is my goal...I will keep you posted
  • heatherhb2016
    heatherhb2016 Posts: 36 Member
    I started 8 days ago. Lost 9 lbs. Only taking half of the prescribed 37.5 mlg so far. Still eating....just smaller portions and healthier! Hoping these good habits I'm learning will stick with me! Good luck to you!
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I'm still taking it, two years later! When I stopped taking it, I started gaining weight fast. I begged my doctor to let me stay on it. Feel free to friend me!