Becoming a Keto Coach.



  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    awesome information, thank you so much.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    I agree with earlier posts, I would pursue some certifications and get whatever legal support you need to cover your rear. I own a side business that I do choreography and consulting services, mostly in the cheer industry, but I've been toying with the idea of doing some "life coaching" on the side. I have a Bachelors degree in psychology, but with what I've read and researched, I probably would want to pursue some additional training, which would help support my efforts. At this point the cheer stuff keeps me pretty busy for the cheer "season" which is usually 9 months out of the year, so I don't necessarily need to expand my business, but it's something that I think would be cool to pursue. I have my business under an L.L.C., so if someone does try to sue me, they won't take everything I own, just what's under the business name.

    If this is something you're excited and passionate about, I really hope that you are able to realize that dream. Good luck!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    At the VERY LEAST, become a certified health coach. Don't just go and hang out your shingle without some schooling or certification behind you to stand on. Most health coach certifications aren't always 100% believable (legitimate?) and often hold no real value; HOWEVER, they are less expensive to get and don't require as much of your time (perhaps 1 year as opposed to 2-4 years for a registered dietitian degree or a nutritionist degree). Having / getting one might also allow you to build a client base before you do actually go back to school and get the appropriate degrees. Otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for and inviting all sorts of legal trouble.
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    @DaniKetoTaylor, I think you have to ask yourself what you would pay for someone offering your services. Think about your weight loss/keto journey and where you learned your information. What problem are you trying to solve? Also keep in mind that this type of diet might not work for everyone. Not arguing with the science of it, but some people simply won't be able to overcome their love of sweets and/or starches.