Introduce yourself.



  • valtheran0
    valtheran0 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Ken. Im 26 and have a beautiful wife who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December. As one could expect it has been rough to deal with. I had lost about 10lbs before our world was flipped over and now I want to get back on track.

    I'm trying to stay motivated and get back down to my happy weight of 175lbs. Im currently 5ft 8in and 197lbs.

    I hope my story hasnt put anyone off and that all of us in this group can reach our goals together.
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    valtheran0 wrote: »
    I'm Ken. Im 26 and have a beautiful wife who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December. As one could expect it has been rough to deal with. I had lost about 10lbs before our world was flipped over and now I want to get back on track.

    I'm trying to stay motivated and get back down to my happy weight of 175lbs. Im currently 5ft 8in and 197lbs.

    I hope my story hasnt put anyone off and that all of us in this group can reach our goals together.
    I am so glad you joined us. Look at us as a support system for you . My heart is with you during this time and when ever you need to vent or a virtual hug, give a holler. We have a few nurses including myself that would love to help in any way we can.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Hi! I'm Leanne. 47 yr old wife and mom to 16 and 19 yr olds. I'm a middle years teacher. Needing to lose the last 10 pounds after losing over 60 over the last year. These seem to be the toughest ones to lose. Loved the winter blast. Looking forward to this next challenge.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi All, I am Maica. 29 yrs old, 5'0", Asian (so really small framed). I am a mom of one two year old boy. I have a homebased job (Website tester, so I am really sedentary most of the times). I don't have much to lose really. I only have 10 lbs or so. Depends on how I will look when I am nearing my goal. I really want to tone but I am still very new to working out consistently. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for a couple of years already. Right now, I am squeezing in as much exercise as possible (I have to wake up really early for this since I have a work and a child to be busy with). I was very lazy in working out on my past attempts. I like it more now though because I am able to eat more and when I indulge in one day, I am able to upset the extra in my exercise the other day. I also feel stronger.

    I look forward to this since I may be more motivated if I have to think of contributing to the team if I am exerting effort and bringing the team down if I slack off.
  • tfisher678
    tfisher678 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello team,
    I'm Tiffany, age 39 married 2 kids. I enjoy working out to videos and usually do 2-5 per week. I run a small business from home that can have busy times so it kind of depends on what the day looks like in finding exercise time.
    I'm hoping to at least lose 10 lbs. Looking forward to being on this journey with y'all.
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    HI I am Trish. I am 48 with two boys (12 and 15). I want to lose 10 lbs before my vacation to Costa Rica in June. Having a hard time being consistent with work stress, kid stress and life in general.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hi, I am Kim. I'm 41 years old, special education teacher in MA. I've got about 10lbs to lose (again) but I've really been struggling with losing and gaining the same 4-5lbs.
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    Faith here. I'm 38, wife and mother of three. I am working toward losing over 100lbs. I started participating in challenges such as this for the past four months because it keeps me motivated and I enjoy the competition. I'm looking forward to starting this challenge with you all.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I'm Brynn, 29 year old teacher. I'm only 5'1" and I weigh 152 right now. I started the winter blast challenge at 162 so I've lost 10 punds! My weight fluctuates a lot and my husband and I love to go out to eat, so I tend to over eat and drink on the weekends but stay strong during the week. If I can get down to 145 for my honeymoon in July, I would be so so happy. I love to run, so losing weight is important for my knees.
  • jk286607
    jk286607 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello All! My name is Jessica and I'm 26 in OH. I am trying to lose ~20lbs before going on a cruise in late July! I just started a new job that has a gym on site (yay!) but so far has proven very stressful and time consuming so I haven't actually made it there (boo!). Hoping this challenge will inspire me and keep me motivated!
  • Headrain
    Headrain Posts: 103 Member
    Hello all! My name is Lorna and I did (an still doing) the Winter challenge that Melodie had and it's great! I am finally going to be out of the 200s and in to onederland as one mfp put it. I am a wound care nurse, 43, 5'5" and have about 40-50 more lbs to go. I have trouble exercising regularly due to health issues but do the very best I can! These challenges make it easier and are a lot of fun! Oh, and feel free to friend me, I love friends!!
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jessica! I am 21 and weigh 194.7! I have lost 5.3 pounds my first month here! I want to weigh 130 though my first mini-goal is to get down to 179! I am a broke college student and I find that challenges hold me accountable! I think this challenge will be a lot of fun and help me continue on my path to a better lifestyle for myself! I am really looking forward to this challenge! :)
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Gayle here- I am 5' 7" I started this Journey on April 21, 2015, I joined MFP in June and I work with my public Health department in a prevention of Diabetes class. My starting weight was 294 and I hit onderland on Feb 14- 10 months to lose 97 lbs. My Birthday is May 9th and I was hope to be at about at goal but I have slowed down since December. I was losing 14-15 lbs per month before this. I work at least two competitions one is Hogwarts and I love this challenge.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hi everyone. Enjoying our current challenge and looking forward to the next. My name is Samanda. I was living in India for a few years (thus the mfp name) and I am now in The Netherlands. I love cycling n walking and I am willing to give most of Melodie's crazy roadblocks and detours a go. Seriously silly looking dances have been known to happen. All in the name of healthy being fun. Thanks for coordinating @mallowbar.
  • misstori4
    misstori4 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Tori. I am a stay at home mom to 4 kids ages 11 to 18months. I am 32, 5"4' and weigh 150. I lost the baby weight last year doing weight watchers but never lost those last 10 lbs. I have hypothyroidism and am on medication, but I have been feeling awful since october. My primary ran tests and says I am fine, so I am waiting to see the endocrinologist on March 18th. I have gained 5 lbs since Christmas. It doesn't help that I am depressed and tired which makes me eat emotionally. Every time I have tried to diet these past 7 weeks I end up on a binge. This is my first experience with mfp, but I am excited for the accountability and motivation.
  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Hi to everyone. I'm Pat. You guessed it... I'm Irish. I notice several teachers here. I'm the retired kind. I'm very active and have about 10 pounds to lose, not really that much but because I'm a biker it's the difference between being in the bunch all the way up the hills and being on my own out the back.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Brigitte. I am 56 and I guess you might say I never lost my baby fat, even though it has been 35 years :) Last summer I lost 15 pounds and have kept it off. Since then, I keep losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. My husband wants to lose some weight so maybe now I can finally lose those last 15-20 pounds!
  • pipsqueak34
    pipsqueak34 Posts: 19 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi, my name is Beth. I am a teacher, wife and mother of two boys ages 10 and 14. I am 39, 4'11 and currently weight 135 lbs. My goal is to lose 15 lbs, but mostly I just want to feel healthy and strong. I am going to accomplish this by eating well and working out for 30 minutes every day. Since I started 10 days ago, I have already lost 3 lbs and have only skipped 2 workout days (going from not working out to doing it every day at 5 a.m. when I am NOT a morning person has been tough). Changing my eating habits has been pretty easy for me though. I am eating cleaner for the first time and loving how it makes me feel. I am looking forward to this challenge because it will help keep me motivated and accountable.
  • Just_Meisha
    Just_Meisha Posts: 2 Member
    I am Meisha. I go back and forth way too much! I am 31 years old and I want to feel better physically and be a better person for my family. I have never done a challenge so I'd like to try it. I've lost in the past, but don't keep up and gain it back. I plan to get back to the gym on Monday so I'm hoping by March that I am really ready for the challenge.
  • meghanfleming855
    meghanfleming855 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Meghan 30yrs old with 2 beautiful daughters. When I started mfp I was at a very uncomfortable weight for my liking. I was weighing in a 160 lbs. Which was almost 10lb heavier then I was when I was 9 month pregnant with my now 2 year old. I started last March and then in June I fell off the healthy train and went back to old habits. I started again on my journey on January 1st of this year weighing in at 156lbs. As of yesterday I was at 145.5. My goal is 130lbs. I've noticed I've been starting to slowly fall back into habits that I really would not like to fall into. I'm hoping this group will give me the motivation I need to succeed with my goals. I'm not sure how this group really works. Is anyone able to message me privately to give me he low down woth everything? I would really appriciate it! Good luck to everyone :)