Hey 5'7" females!

Just curious if you care to share!

What's your Age, Current weight, Goal weight, current calorie set to, and do you eat your exercise calories back? How's it going for you?

I'll share:
32 years
CW: 145
GW: 135 (and more muscle)
Calorie set: 1200
^ because I always eat my exercise calories. I end up eating 1600-1700 per day.
Honestly, I've been struggling with sugar!

I've been struggling this past year trying to lose those last 10 lbs. haven't done strength training. Been eating way too much sugar every night too.


  • svinson319
    svinson319 Posts: 20 Member
    42 years old
    CW: 177
    GW: 145
    calories 1600
    I eat exercise calories if I'm hungry.
  • M4rni3
    M4rni3 Posts: 8 Member
    CW: 150
    GW: 130
    I used to be 180lbs 2 1/2 years ago.
    Mostly exercise so I can keep my calorie intake a bit higher throughout the whole week, staying around 1600 calories. I do 2-3 shifts of housekeeping per week (side job, I hate it, but there's no denying it's good cardio) and trying to incorporate some weight training, mainly ab work because I have a weird knee injury! But weight training really isn't my favourite. I'm lazy and I get crazy doms every time which doesn't help.
    Since I live in Holland I also cycle to work and to school everyday!
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    Age - 37
    CW 148
    GW 135 (but teasing because I'm putting on a lot of muscle and I wear the same size I did when I was under my goal weight
    My goal is 1400 and I don't eat back my calories as i find the scale won't move if I do
  • katie__ginger
    katie__ginger Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 27
    CW: 153
    GW: 135

    My current calorie setting is 1525 and on days I don't work out I am usually under my calorie goal. I do Orange Theory 4-5x/week and I am putting on more muscle than I ever have, so I'm not sure if 135 is actually going to happen. That is fine with me though! I am with tarabole as far as clothes fitting better than when I weighed less. I usually end up eating back some exercise calories, maybe 100-200; I do get pretty hungry on days when I work out.

    I have been struggling with healthy snacks and eating when I am bored. Trying to eat more mini meals more frequently has helped as has buying healthy snacks but I'd like to get into making snacks instead. Just need to find the time :)
  • mairarodriguez38
    mairarodriguez38 Posts: 25 Member
    Well I am 23

    I have been taking "shakes" and watching what I eat- however I dont see results. I keep gaining and gaining weight
  • victoria090
    victoria090 Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2016
    28 years old :)

    CW: 180ish
    GW: 150ish

    @ my healthiest (and most definitely happiest) I was approx 155... work outs consisting of 45min kettlebell classes 2-3x a times & A TON of walking.

    Here's to getting back to those old happy and healthy habits :)
  • Marydrsaric
    Marydrsaric Posts: 4 Member
    63 years old
    CW 162
    GW 150

    I had a total Knee Replace about 6 months ago ( Old work injury) Painfree now!!
    Walk about 9-10,000 STEPS EVERYDAY, for the last 7 weeks now, started two weeks ago with
    15-20 minutes of Kick Boxing, 3 nights a week... Lose a pants size, but can't lose any weight.
    Just started this past week on eating more Protein and less fat... And suggestions??
  • kennedyer627
    kennedyer627 Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2016
    31 years
    CW: 158.8
    GW: 145
    Calorie set: 1200
    ^ I eat back a portion of my exercise. I meal plan to not eat back my calories but since I cannot always be consistent with exercise, I want my body to get used to the lower calorie limits.
    I struggle with sugar because I eat tons of fruit as a snack. I have started to limit this, but don't want to eliminate the nutrients I receive from the fruit. I try to eat as many whole foods and make my own food as much as possible to control sodium.

    **Side note, I am looking for active friends with similar goals and lifestyles as myself to bounce encouragement and ideas off of. Feel free to add me!
  • orescan
    orescan Posts: 2 Member
    63 years old
    CW 162
    GW 150

    I had a total Knee Replace about 6 months ago ( Old work injury) Painfree now!!
    Walk about 9-10,000 STEPS EVERYDAY, for the last 7 weeks now, started two weeks ago with
    15-20 minutes of Kick Boxing, 3 nights a week... Lose a pants size, but can't lose any weight.
    Just started this past week on eating more Protein and less fat... And suggestions??

    Hi Mary,
    May I suggest you don't jump on the less fat bandwagon, but instead concentrate on no processed carbs, moderate protein and more fat? I bet you will see results within a week if you have had bready/pasta carbs, sugar in your diet! Look into the Ketogenic lifestyle. Works for me and I feel great! Never sore, no more headaches and belly gas issues are gone! (I used to go through Costco sized Advil like it was going out of style, and had to visit the massage therapist regularly. Was also very irritable.) I've been at this since Jan.2015!
    Good luck!
  • orescan
    orescan Posts: 2 Member
    Well I am 23

    I have been taking "shakes" and watching what I eat- however I dont see results. I keep gaining and gaining weight

    Hi Maira,
    What's in your shake? You'll want to calculate the macronutrient value of what you are putting in there. The wrong balance can be your demise. All shakes are not created equal!
    Don't fill it with a bunch of yogurt and fruit, as the carb/sugar content will be super high. Focus on protein instead, and fat (coconut oil) to keep you full longer.
    If you ingest processed carbs, cut them out entirely and I bet you'll see results!
    Good luck!
  • superlauren11
    superlauren11 Posts: 20 Member
    Age- 23
    Height- 5'9
    Current weight- 141
    Goal weight- 135
    Current calorie set to- Approximately 1400 (I tend to break my goal so the lower the calorie set the better)
    I eat at least half my exercise calories back.

    I've been sick for nearly the last month (I work with kids) so I've eaten around maintenance for the last three weeks or so (~1800). However, I'm in no big hurry to get to 135 as I'm mainly focusing on making healthier choices. I'll get there eventually!
  • eadams103
    eadams103 Posts: 14 Member
    age- 33
    height- 5'7"
    cw- 133
    gw- 127
    calories- 1670

    i was putting my exercise into mfp, and i was therefore eating back all my calories i was using without even realizing it. so i stopped inputting into my diary and just trying to stick within my calories. i go over a little most days, but i start my day off with 5 miles of walking/jogging.

    i'm kinda active. i bike to work alot, i bartend. i'm on my feet at work. but i don't weight train or really get any other exercise right now except the morning.

    i'm really trying to form long lasting habits and routines, so i'm trying to take it slow.

    i haven't really lost any pounds for a while. but i'm trying not to get discouraged. i think my body is definitely getting more fit. i feel better/stronger, etc.

    i think i just need to keep at it and give it some more time. but it's really frustrating not to see the scale budge.
  • lucyee
    lucyee Posts: 32 Member
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7
    CW: 148

    I'm eating c. 1550 calories net, recently upped from 1300. Struggling mentally a little with how long it will take me to lose the last 13lbs at 0.5lbs/week but I'd rather do it slowly enough that I can keep working out, and keep my energy up!
  • mysherick
    mysherick Posts: 1 Member
    Age 34
    Height 5'7.5 (yep I am counting it)
    CW 155
    GW 130

    I have become sooooo lazy.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5' 7.5"
    CW: 142 lbs
    GW: 138ish?

    My calories right now are set to 1530, though I generally eat back about 2/3 of my exercise calories. Super sedentary job, but I make an effort to get in a brisk walk during my morning and afternoon breaks plus I am able to workout at our on-site wellness center during lunch (lucky, I know). Doing StrongLifts 5x5 three times a week and a couple days of cardio or extra walking. I'm not super motivated to lose the last few pounds - I'm pretty happy with how I look, but would like to lean out just a little bit more. I don't think a weight lower than 138 is going to be sustainable for me because I've got a good amount of lean body mass (muscle) and I freakin' love to eat.
  • misschellechelle
    misschellechelle Posts: 52 Member
    Hey all!

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'8
    CW: 133
    GW: 124

    Calories are set to 1200 plus I eat back my exercise calories if I'm hungry. I enjoy working out and generally go to the gym 5 days a week. I've gained about 8-9 pounds over the past year and a half I would like to lose. I used to be a faithful tracker, but I have gotten into bad habits and let that fall to the wayside. Unfortunately I have also been eating a lot of sugary treats which I usually try to avoid because I always feel like crap afterwards! In addition, I'm a nurse that works nightshift so I've noticed I tend to not make the best food choices when I'm tired. No more excuses though - meal prepping every meal to avoid the 3AM temptations!

    Would love to make some new friends with similar goals so we can cheer one another on and hold each other accountable! Feel free to add me and say hello :smiley:
  • dsg2000
    dsg2000 Posts: 38 Member
    edited February 2016
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'7
    CW: 148
    GW: 140-145?

    Calories set at 2000, but that's set so that I don't need to input my exercise calories. I've got a mostly sedentary job but I'm a marathon runner and run 50+ miles a week; I also recently started weight lifting (stronglifts; my legs are strong from running, but my upper body needs work!) In the beginning I tried to set it for eating back my exercise calories but on my day off from running that meant I had to stick to 1200, and I quickly figured out that that was absolutely not happening. :neutral: I don't know how you guys can stick to 1200, or even 1500!! So in the end I've settled for inputing "active" and that gets me 2000 per day. I'm hopeful that will work. I'd like to lose a few pounds to get faster running times and lose the belly pooch. I tend to yo-yo between 150+ (when I get tired of logging and just eat what I want) and around 148ish (when I've tried to lose weight before). I really want to go under that this time around, but it's hard. The other times I've been able to lose any weight it's because I get into a mindset of being ok with being hungry, but that's so hard to sustain, and whenever I get tired of it I just gain back the few pounds I've managed to drop. I'm hoping lifting heavy will help: this is the first time I've done that, and I'm already liking the way it's making my midsection look even if I'm still at pretty much the same weight as always.
  • pennyjean75
    pennyjean75 Posts: 41 Member
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 148

    Had been weight training for a year and was at 135lbs and in the best shape of my life in October 2015 then sustained an injury to my shoulder which is slow to come back so no more weights. What's not slow is how fast my body fell apart. Cardio is not my friend but I need to get better acquainted with it. Need to keep the pounds in check until I can get toned and fit again.

    My hardest hurdle is not overdoing the protein. I love sweet stuff too!

    Please feel free to add me.

    P.S. I've tried to post to this before but nothing happened.
  • Maggie9fc
    Maggie9fc Posts: 25 Member
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'7.25"
    CW: 157
    GW: 143

    I just had my third baby (4 months ago). I was 150 lbs before I had her, which was high for me. I had been lifting heavy and put on muscle mass but wasn't watching what I ate.
    I have started lifting again (3-4 days/week) and adding in some HIIT cardio (trying for 2 days/week) and one day of steady state cardio.
    I have started being mindful of what I am eating and trying to get ~115 grams of protein in a day, eating around 1600 calories.
    I feel really good when I am around 143 lbs but I didn't have as much muscle so I may change my goal weight when I drop more fat, we'll see.
  • missionskinnynow
    missionskinnynow Posts: 88 Member
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 123
    GW: 123 (+/-)

    I've been at my ideal weight ( <125 lbs) for two years now.. However, I have realized weight is not my goal, but flat abs and banishing my love handles is! I was down to 120 lbs for a bit, and still not looking toned! I want to tone my abs and love handles, develop more leg muscle.. In the process I don't mind gaining some weight, as long as it helps me get fitter and look more toned!