Introduce yourself and your goals



  • dfakek
    dfakek Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Dena. Currently I am 137 lbs and I want to get down to 118 as my initial goal. I am only 5 feet so my current weight is a lot. I had gotten down to 118 a couple of years ago going gluten and dairy free. It was too hard and I went back to eating everyone and ended up where I am now. I've now found out through a blood test that I have gluten and dairy intolerances so no more games for me.
  • Artiska1
    Artiska1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi! My name is Artiska, and I weight 160 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 pounds. I just want to be at a healthy weight and stay on track with my fitness goals.
  • ChrisUK70
    ChrisUK70 Posts: 54 Member

    My name is Chris I am currently 192 5 weeks ago I was 198 so moving in the right direction.
    My target weight is 154 pounds sometime this year ideally June some time.

    I love the challenge thrown down and I am up for it.
  • Hi, my name is Jennifer. I started at 170, and am currently at 160 after starting focusing on improving my diet in October. My goal is to get to 140 by June.
  • xblue07
    xblue07 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, my name is Maria. I'm down to a fluctuating 200-205 and breastfeeding a 3 month old. I also have a 17 month old toddler. My goal is to get down to 150 by September, but I'm hoping to get down to 175 by the beginning of summer. I ended my most recent pregnancy at 230 in the end of November so I've already come a good ways.
  • fillingame
    fillingame Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all! My name is Ashley and I am excited to join this group and get back on track with mfp. I have lost about 30 lbs since the school year started in August and have slacked off. I would love to lose 20 lbs by June (end of school year) and just have a fun, healthy summer. Feel free to add me as a friend and I love any talking, competitions, etc. :smile: Excited for the next few months together!
  • Hello Everyone! I'm Wyn. I'm looking to loose 40lbs. My husband is away with work so having to walk my son to and from the bus stop has motivated me to figure out this weight loss thing. I'm forcing myself to eat food. I generally only eat one meal a day and maybe one snack. So getting up and walking 1.5 miles and then eating breakfast, lunch and then walking another 1.5 miles and eating dinner. It's going slowly, but we shall see.
  • Diane13154
    Diane13154 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi . For my health, type II diabetes, non insulin dependent and fatty liver, I was encouraged to lose weight. Dropped 20 gained 5 but need to lose 20 more. So Doc appointment in April, want to get my blood work good and wedding to attend in June :) I have trouble motivating myself to exercise...
  • shrutfiord
    shrutfiord Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2016
    My name is Shannon. I am looking to lose 40 pounds total in 2016. I am hoping to lose 20 pounds by June 2016. The extra pounds of post pregnancy fat (my son is now 5) has caused my joints ache, fatigue, high blood pressure, and overall uncomfortable in my body feeling. With accountability and support my goal can be met and maintained, gaining my healthy self back. Thank you for this group.

    I am on misfit if anyone else's.

    SW: 200
    CW: 197
    GW: 160
  • cdorbin
    cdorbin Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Cornelya. I would like to drop 12 lbs by April 30th without crash dieting. I have been sedentary for the last two years and put on 15 lbs. I weighed myself on Thursday for the first time in more than a year (147). At least I won't do that again. I plan to weigh myself a few times a week, drink at least 75 ounces of water most days. I already cut out alcohol with the exception of an occasional glass of wine or beer. I have been wearing a pedometer and hope to consistently reach 10,000 steps by week three. I really want to be physically fit and healthy so that I can be free of hypertension medication. Let's kick this weight to the curb!
  • kmp9293
    kmp9293 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Karen. I want to feel healthy and not self conscious about my size all the time.
  • reveillon2015
    reveillon2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Anita. I need to lose 85 lbs to get to my health weight.

    Sw: 222.6 as of 2/21/16
    Gw: 137
  • blueeyess55
    blueeyess55 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi I'm Maggie..I want to get back to what I was 4 yrs that was 163..Need to get motivated again..
    Sw: 208
  • catmcclelland
    catmcclelland Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Christina. I want to wear shorts this summer, dammit! (And feel good wearing them)

    SW: 193
    CW: 193
    GW: 140
  • Hi my name is Arianna. Right now I'm about 20lb overweight and 40lb from my goal weight. I'm here because I'm making a healthy life style change. Recovering from Binge eating disorder, vegetarian, and working to heal myself from the inside out (:
  • FergyGirl2016
    FergyGirl2016 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Fergy (nickname). Too embarrassed to post a real photo. Joined MyFitnessPal today.

    My current weight as of this morning is 220 1/2 pounds. This is the most I have ever weighed, in my entire life. My height is 5' 5". Basically I look like a beachball.

    It's embarrassing and ridiculous and unhealthy. I hardly go out of the house anymore.

    I am an over-50s grandmother and would like to find diet buddies who are also over-50s grandmothers. It's been impossible to find a diet buddy who I have anything in common with.

    My desperate longing is to get fit and healthy, to be able to run and play with my grandchildren ages 10 years old and 5 years old.

    I am discouraged and depressed about this situation. Thanks for listening.
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Hi! My name is Tara and I need to lose about 80 lbs. I believe I am an emotional eater that loves sweets, breads and sodas! I've hit at this weight loss journey a dozen or more times and hope this will be the time that I succeed. I just want to be a healthy weight, to look good and feel good about myself w/o feeling self-conscious about certain clothes that I would like to wear.
  • nvygrl
    nvygrl Posts: 13 Member
    I'm Sonya. Since my mom got sick in 2010, my weight has gone up from stress and worry for my mom. Two Christmases ago I started this app and by September last year, I lost 50 pounds. However, the day after Thanksgiving, my mom went to the hospital and was on life support. December 15th, she passed away. Since her passing I have gained back 30 pounds in two months. My mom would not want me this unhealthy!!! I am doing it for me and my mom.
  • kaniob
    kaniob Posts: 363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi, I'm Kara. I started this venture when I hit 204. I'm down to 191, and have been stuck there since December. Holidays and least I maintained instead of gaining! Ultimate goal is to be at 155... I really want to get out of the "overweight" bracket of the BMI chart! 20 by June will get me about halfway to my goal. I run consistently a few times a week, but I think I've hit a plateau there and need to push myself harder.
  • MTgal477
    MTgal477 Posts: 829 Member
    I'm Christina. I want to wear shorts this summer, dammit! (And feel good wearing them)

    EXACTLY one of my reasons for wanting to lose weight and shape up too! Feel free to add me for support and meal ideas, my diary is open :smile:

    SW: 196
    CW: 178
    GW: 130