
Hi! These are my current stats :)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 157
Goal One: 150
Goal Two: 145
Goal Three: 135
Goal Four: 125
Final Goal: 118


  • kittnNcourgartown
    kittnNcourgartown Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, I'll share too.

    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 153
    Goal: 145
    Goal: To look amazing in my dress at my vow renewal
    Goal: To shock the *kitten* out of my husband at our vow renewal
    Goal: Be comfortable in a bathing suit on our "familymoon"
  • Hello, I'll share too.

    Awesome! Congrats on the upcoming vow renewal!
  • I will put my "real" stats re weight in on March 1st, when I do my monthly weigh in.
    Height: 5'2.5" (that .5" is really important to me)
    Goal: 140
    Goal: Lose 2 inches on my hips
  • BadWolf_Rob
    BadWolf_Rob Posts: 29 Member
    Hello. I guess my first order of business is to post my stats and goals.

    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 202lbs
    Shape: poor
    Goal 1: 199lbs
    Goal 2: 189lbs
    Goal 3: 170lbs
  • Thanks for joining guys!!! Awesome goals! I'm glad to have each other for motivation.
  • eahrenee
    eahrenee Posts: 151 Member
    Hi guys,
    I'm glad to be part of this group, hopefully we can all keep eachother motivated!

    My Stats:
    Height: 5'6.5"
    Weight: 191 lbs
    Goal 1: 185lbs
    Goal 2: 180 lbs
    Goal 3: 175 lbs
    Goal 4: 170 lbs

    My goals aren't very aggressive, but I'm trying to realistic and hope to reach 170 by the end of May.
  • Hi,
    Just thought I introduce myself as well. :)

    first of all I'm living in Ireland and we measure things in kg and cm.

    Here it goes:
    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 106kg

    My goal is to lose 10kg in the next 3 month and build at least half of that back up in muscle.

    I am a qualified fitness instructor in case anyone needs any advice. I am happy to share my knowledge to any who asks. I beIieve we all deserve to be fit and healthy.
    Note that I'm not all knowing but I will give the best advice I have.

    The reason for using this app is to keep track of the calories I'm taking in and burning off daily. I am only here about a week and I think this app is amazing!

    Sorry for the long introduction!!!

  • Nice :) I'll probably have lots of exercise questions for you.. cause that's never been my forte. I'm a lot better at the food aspect of things :)
  • eahrenee wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    My goals aren't very aggressive, but I'm trying to realistic and hope to reach 170 by the end of May.

    I totally get the less aggressive goal idea :) Makes it easier to avoid setbacks!
  • Nice :) I'll probably have lots of exercise questions for you.. cause that's never been my forte. I'm a lot better at the food aspect of things :)

    No bother! Ask away. :)
    I might need some nutritional advice from you though. Cause that's not my forté. ;)
  • Hehe, that's why groups like these are awesome!!!
  • mumof4monkies
    mumof4monkies Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! I am hoping to lose 75 lbs and get my old body back. I was never overweight but have put on an exceptional amount in the past 2 years.
    I'm 5'3”
    Cw- 188
    Ultimate goal 110-120 range( I stayed within that range all of my adult life until 2 years ago).
    I need lots of motivation and would love any and all support.
  • Welcome! Congrats on your loss so far and I'm always here if you need support of advice!
  • AnikaNck
    AnikaNck Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! I'm trying to loose a fair bit, but I think my goals are realistic.
    I'm looking for a group to keep me accountable with my workouts, and make sure I complete this journey.
    I'm 5'9"
    Weight: 181.2
    goal 3/30/16: 170lb
    goal 5/11/16: 160lb
    goal 6/15/16: 150lb
  • TanyaS007
    TanyaS007 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, I'm Tanya, looking forward to feeling and looking better. My goals are realistic. Just want to be healthy. I'm 5'6", current weight 173.8.

    Goal 3/20 - 168lb
    Goal 4/17 - 163lb
    Goal 5/15 - 158lb
    Goal 6/12 - 153lb

    Good luck to all!
  • AnikaNck wrote: »
    Hi all! I'm trying to loose a fair bit, but I think my goals are realistic.

    TanyaS007 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Tanya, looking forward to feeling and looking better.
    Good luck to all!

    Welcome to the group guys! Feel free to start discussions or ask questions at any time! Glad you're here
  • vintagebloom2009
    vintagebloom2009 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. I'm Amanda and I'm 26. I'm trying to make realistic goals. Haha.

    G1: 150 by April 1
    G2: 135 by June 25 (my bday!)
    Overall goal of 120 and reevaluate when I get there.
  • Hi. I'm Amanda and I'm 26. I'm trying to make realistic goals. Haha.

    G1: 150 by April 1
    G2: 135 by June 25 (my bday!)
    Overall goal of 120 and reevaluate when I get there.

    Awsome! Thanks for joining!! How tall are you?
  • Hello all, I'm new to fitness pal and to this group. Hope to find some new supportive and motivational friends on here.
  • Hello all, I'm new to fitness pal and to this group. Hope to find some new supportive and motivational friends on here.

    Awesome! thanks for joining, I'm always here if you need anything :)