Introduce yourself and your goals



  • vpoppy1
    vpoppy1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there! I'm Val. I started this journey about a year ago, I lost about 40 pounds last year and I'm hoping to continue that this year! Although I've gained a lot of knowledge and have completely changed how I eat, I've hit a bit of a plateau. I'm definitely thinking this will get me on the right track again! I'm hoping to wear a swimsuit with confidence this summer as well as enjoying more outdoor activities! Lets do this! :smiley:

    SW: 238
    CW: 194
    GW: 174
  • Roxmom66
    Roxmom66 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi I am Kath. I am going to lose the 20 lbs by June 1 as I have two goals: first, I would like to lose the weight ( I have high BP and my doctor has suggested my weight is a big factor in that), and second, my daughter is getting married at end of June and I would like to wear something nice so that I am more comfortable having my picture taken. I am 200lb exactly today and am definitely highly motivated!
  • lucy_girl
    lucy_girl Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm Lucy. I look forward to getting my mojo back and to feeling good about leaving the house instead of always wanting to hide! I think 20 by June is a great goal. I have 42 lbs to go to reach my goal of 155 and hope to do so by the end of September.
  • grrupp
    grrupp Posts: 159 Member
    Hi I am Ginger. I had a baby a month ago and over the course of my pregnancy gained 50 lbs. I am down 30 already but would love to lose the other 20 lbs. By June and then around another 20-30 to hit my overall goal....but starting wiyh the first 20lb will be great :)
  • cristysimental
    cristysimental Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Cristina and my goal is to lose 50-60 lbs by the end of 2016, so this is a good way to stay motivated :)

  • debbie7373
    debbie7373 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi! My name is Debbie and my goal is to lose 70 more lbs. I'm currently at 218.6. If I can lose 20 lbs by June I'll be out of the 200's. I'm so tired of always feeling like I'm the heaviest lady every where I go. I want to be able to enjoy the rest of my life and not be soooo self-conscious. Also want to be able to play with my grandchildren.
  • meghanfleming855
    meghanfleming855 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I'm meghan. When I started mfp I was the heaviest I've ever been. I had starred last march and dropped about 11lbs then fell off the healthy eatig and exercise train. I srarted back up on january 1st, I am down 12 pounds now and have 16 to go to hit my goal weight and reevaluate. By losing (and by losing I mean never finding it again) I'm hoping to gain back my self confidence that I have lost gaining the almost 30-35lbs I had. Good luck to everyone :)
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I'm Sandra. Currently I'm 160 and 5'2". At my highest weight I was somewhere around 220lbs. Been a member of MFP since 2012 and over the years have been up and down but more down--thankfully.
    In 2014 I made it to 150 then got away from everything and put on 20lbs in a year and a half. By the December 2015 I was 171 again. Losing 20lbs would be signifigant for several reasons:
    1. It'll be the lowest adult weight since starting college
    2. It'll put me 3lbs shy of the "healthy BMI" range
    3. I'll be 10lbs short of my ultimate goal
    4. My husband and I have vacation planned for June 18
    5. If I can put it on, I can take it off!

    CW:160 :)
    GW:140 (for this challenge) :p
    UGW: 130 (by the holidays) <3

  • meghanfleming855
    meghanfleming855 Posts: 43 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    I'm Sandra. Currently I'm 160 and 5'2". At my highest weight I was somewhere around 220lbs. Been a member of MFP since 2012 and over the years have been up and down but more down--thankfully.
    In 2014 I made it to 150 then got away from everything and put on 20lbs in a year and a half. By the December 2015 I was 171 again. Losing 20lbs would be signifigant for several reasons:
    1. It'll be the lowest adult weight since starting college
    2. It'll put me 3lbs shy of the "healthy BMI" range
    3. I'll be 10lbs short of my ultimate goal
    4. My husband and I have vacation planned for June 18
    5. If I can put it on, I can take it off!

    CW:160 :)
    GW:140 (for this challenge) :p
    UGW: 130 (by the holidays) <3

    We are very similar in height and weight goals. When I started last year I was 160 and 5,1. I lost 11 then I stopped doing everyhing I was and gained back majority and when I started on Jan 1st I was 156. Today I am 144 and my goal is 130 before I reevaluate. If youd like to add me as a friend feel free. Good luck to you :)
  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey! I'm Sarah. I am currently 85 lbs overweight, so losing 20 will keep me going in the right direction and will put me at losing over 10% of my starting weight. It will also let me fit into my summer clothes from 2014 and I can get rid of last years. Good luck everyone! Feel free to add me!
    SW: 255
    CW: 245
    GW: 225
    UGW: 155
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Hi. I'm Adele (not the singer!!!). I'd like to lose about 40-50 lbs by the end of this year. I need the challenge to jump start this weight loss and keep my motivation going. I had lost quite a bit of that in 2011, but got off track and been having a hard time getting back on track. I will do it this time and keep it off.
    I'm tired of the way I look, tired of the lectures from my doctor, I refuse to go buy any more "fat clothes", and promised myself I'd never go over 200~~time to get my life back!!!. I just started counting calories on Monday and drinking more water. My biggest problem is the liquid calories ==soda pop.
    SW: 199
    GOAL by June 1st: 176
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi, I am Becky! Loosing 20 pounds by June would mean that I've got my body and my mind back to a healthy place. Making consistently great choices that give me a total mindshift.

    CW: 152
    GW: 132
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathrine, This challenge is perfect timing for me. I live in a multi-family home and I am the grandma. We all decided to get back on track after the winter holiday frenzy. Eating healthy meals together and supporting each others exercise efforts. I need this Challenge to be accountable.
    SW 211.4
    CW weigh in 2/27
    GW 135.0
    Looking forward to meeting MFP friends.

  • Maddy1150
    Maddy1150 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi - I'm Pat and on a mission to lose 20#s before my milestone birthday the end of April. If not, I for sure want it gone by June! I started Herbalife on recommendation from my doctor and so far - I love it. I've lost #3s but pretty sure it's all water weight with the amount of water I consume now:) Hoping warmer weather comes soon as I LOVE to walk outside versus the treadmill:)

    SW - 160
    CW - 156.6
    GW 140
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hello! I'm mid 40's and playing yo-yo with the same 20-25 lbs over the past couple years. I've got way more than that to lose for my final goal but so very upset with myself as this time last year, I was 25 lighter than now.

    I'm a mom to three - one college, one high school and one middle schooler. All very active and on the run. I'm the one to be behind the scenes making all their stuff possible but that means that I have been putting their stuff before me. I need to take me back and then do them. Hard to do as a mom - see my stuff can wait, right? well waiting got me back on the top of a weight column I want to be at the bottom of!

    SW - 204
    CW - 204
    GW - 180 (1st goal)

  • scubakat67
    scubakat67 Posts: 485 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kathy. I've been on MFP for a very long time. I'll lose a few pounds, but they always seem to keep finding me again! I was "lurking" on the message boards today, trying to kick start my motivation (again) and saw this group. I've booked a scuba diving trip for August - really don't want to look like a beached killer whale in my wetsuit! I lose weight slowly, so 20 pounds by June 1 will be difficult - but ANY pound lost is better than pound gained. Overall goal is to lose 40 pounds in 2016.

    SW - 176.4 (we'll take today's weight - probably need to update my stats)
    CW - 176.4
    GW - 135
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Rose and it would be wonderful to drop 20 lbs by June. I look forward to that journey with everyone here. I need to drop the pounds to get my A1C under control. My biggest block is that I am very limited to the exercise that I can do. I broke my back about 5 years ago and if I do to much then I have problems moving or walking. So hopefully with help I can get my eating under control and drop 20 by june - look forward to working with everyone.
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Mallory. I had some health problems pop up around Christmas and subsequently gained back weight I lost about this time last year. I am ready to change my lifestyle and get control of my health. I want to feel light and vibrant, and like I have power over food rather than the other way around. I would love to be able to go on some long backpacking hikes this summer, and hopefully feel confident and sexxxay at the beach. lol.

    Workouts help me stay sane and energized, so I don't have much issue with motivation there, but I struggle hard with diet and could really use some support and accountability with that lifestyle change. I'm glad to be here and looking forward to meeting you all.

    SW: 150
    CW: 150
    June GW: 130
  • nlepine84
    nlepine84 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey I'm Nikki, I'm hoping to drop 20-25 pounds to get back to where I was 2 years ago before I got an office job. It's so much harder to work out now! I had more confidence, energy and was in shape! so that's where I want to be again.
  • nubiennelady
    nubiennelady Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is DJ. My goal is to lose 20lbs by June 15th. I work out three times per week but I'd like to increase it to 5 days for the challenge and consistently tracking and eating according to MFP recommendations is my nutrition goal.
    GW: 197 (Ultimate Goal Weight is 180).