Introduce yourself.



  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @Nikion901 Great that you are here. Mum went abseiling n climbing for her 70th birthday. Lots of doors open if we can be healthy to take them. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    I did the preassessment and failed misserably at every one of them. This challenge is probably not one I should be attempting as I will not be able to join in on any of the competitions. I've had a couple of responder posts suggesting I try some other challenges instead.
    Just do what you can. If you prefer a more custom goal, do it. It does not matter what it is , the pre assessment is just a guide.
  • whatshequilts
    whatshequilts Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm Jessie and this is my first challeng at MFP. I'm an expat living in Singapore. I just started the process Jan 6 and am down 18lbs. Since I have been here I have been plagued with health problems that have helped me pack on pounds and now are proving challenging to keep moving (but I am)
    With my already ongoing RA and Lupus, dice I have moved here I have broken both ankles, fractured my knee, had hand surgery 3 times (my fault) contracted chickengunya and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. Got bit buy another bug on the foot that almost caused me to loose the whole foot .... So let's just say it's been a wild ride here in Singapore.

    Looking forward to participating!!!
  • lulloa
    lulloa Posts: 148 Member
    Hi. I'm Lillian. I've been trying to lose weight for the past couple of years and have not been very successful. I do better when I'm working out with a team. I'm originally from San Diego but a few months back my husband and I moved to Belgium. The adjustment has been hard for me and I've had difficulty pushing myself harder to lose weight. My long term goal is to lose 35lbs.
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Hi! My name is Tammy and I am new to MFP and challenges but look forward to motivation and inspiration from participating. I live in Oregon, my two sons are grown and my oldest grandchild graduates High school this year. I have always been athletic but ruptured an Achilles tendon 6 years ago. I have packed on about 10 pounds for each of those years and my goal is to drop from my current weight of 185, to my goal of 140. This challenge will help me along that journey. I work a mid/swing shift, love to roller skate, have planet fitness membership, and blah, blah, blah. Let's do this :smile:
  • LastChanceRobin
    LastChanceRobin Posts: 27 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    @brynncody09 @LastChanceRobin @obxsrfrgrl @celtikgirl and any other runners.....feel free to send a friend request if you would like another running friend for support and motivation. I've been running a few years, mostly for fun - I'm not that serious, or fast. My longest distance is half marathon, and I've got one coming up in just short of two weeks. After that I'll begin triathlon training.

    For some reason, I cant figure out how to add friends!!! But i would love to!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    @LastChanceRobin click on a person's name under their picture, then when the box pops up, click on their name again. Then you'll see the "add friend" option
  • chatpati
    chatpati Posts: 66 Member
    Hi All! I am from Boston, mom to 3. Gained over 20 pounds in last two years. So hoping to lose those and a few more. Have been on MyFitnesspal earlier, lost all the weight from my pregnancies and then completely let go. This is where I am today! Time to take control!
  • kathylemaster1
    kathylemaster1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Kathy and I am from Dayton, OH. I am married and am 56 years old. I am so excited about this group and cannot wait to get to know you all. I have some physical challenges in regards to exercise, however, I am going to make it happen!! Thanks for starting such an inspiring group :-)
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    Hi, I'm Rylee. I work full time and have a two-year-old. I've been yo-yoing back and forth between 165 and 170 since my daughter was born, but I've decided it's time to get it in gear and finally reach my goal weight! My goal for this challenge is 150, which I would LOVE to reach before my birthday in late April.

    I'm currently training for a half marathon, so I run 3-4 days a week. I'm also starting Blogilates videos, my goal is to stick with it and complete the March calendar.
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    obxsrfrgrl wrote: »
    Hi there. I'm Jenny, 36 in NC. CW is 160 and GW is 130. I'm 5'6. I put on the 30 pounds last year during injuries where I was unable to exercise and then just threw in the towel on my healthy eating habits as well. I had neck surgery in December and am cleared for training. I have a half marathon end of April, so I'm hoping this challenge will be helpful in keeping me motivated. Not looking for a PR this race, just a finish.

    @brynncody09, I love to run too! I was GW prior to last year's injuries, so I know how much even 10 pounds off can help keep your body injury-free. I totally think you can get down to 145 by July. Let me know if you'd like an accountibilibuddy!

    I'm training for a half, too! It's May 1st. Good luck to you!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    @ryblueeyes our goals are pretty similar! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :) I have only done one half and so badly want to do another but I really messed up my knee last time I trained. Now I figure if I lose weight that will take some stress off it and I can train again. For now I only let myself run one mile max and try to walk a lot but it's so hard because I just want to run!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Rhea. I'm 24 years old and currently living in Silver Spring MD. I grew up in Antigua. I do logistics for a clinical lab researching malaria vaccines. I have been trying to lose the 20 lbs I put on in college for the last 4 years. Having done approximately zero regular exercise my entire childhood, I decided to take on a sport I always wanted to do but didn't have the time or money: karate. I'm currently a red belt and train 2-3 times a week. I also got a fitbit and the challenges have been a great help. However I struggle with doing exercise on my own. I had a gym membership which I canceled after 6 months of not going once. I joined the Winter Warriors challenge but didn't quite go all out. I'm hoping to get it right this time. These challenges are great especially with the amazing race because they make you accountable as a member of a team and I inherently have a problem with letting other people down. This challenge is just what I need and I can't wait to get started!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @Nikion901 Great that you are here. Mum went abseiling n climbing for her 70th birthday. Lots of doors open if we can be healthy to take them. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    I did the preassessment and failed misserably at every one of them. This challenge is probably not one I should be attempting as I will not be able to join in on any of the competitions. I've had a couple of responder posts suggesting I try some other challenges instead.

    Hell no. You are here. Showing up is awesome. Ignore what the rest can do and set your own goals. If you get up off a seat twice more than yesterday. Brilliant. Track it and seek advice if you fear over stretching yourself. Most of all, have fun n share your wisdom :)
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Andtian2_4 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Andrea and I'm almost 31 years old. I'm originally from South Africa, but have been living in the Netherlands for the past 5.5 years now. In that time I've gained about 3kgs (6.6lbs) per year I've been here. So I'm up about 15kgs (33lbs) that I would like to lose. Since being here I get the winter blues and food is comfort, also I'm a homemaker here and not in an active job like back home. Here is to challenges and making new friends.

    @Andtian2_4 I am also in NL. Love hiking n cycling. Hope you can find some activities that you do love and can do either in the rain or between showers :) great to have you here.
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    @ryblueeyes our goals are pretty similar! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :) I have only done one half and so badly want to do another but I really messed up my knee last time I trained. Now I figure if I lose weight that will take some stress off it and I can train again. For now I only let myself run one mile max and try to walk a lot but it's so hard because I just want to run!

    I'm going to add you now :) Good luck on your recovery, and way to stay active!
  • violet0ann
    violet0ann Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm jenny and I'm a programmer. I have hypothyroidism and i'm 28. I'm 338lbs and I've lost 16 lbs so far.
    I haven't done a challenge before but I've been tracking my calories on MFP for quite a while and using my fitbit to track my exercise. my next mini goal is 322lbs since i have nearly reached my last mini goal of 336lbs. I want to loose about 2lbs a week as a goal so about 20lbs in total.

    I am doing two 30 mins walking/running exercises during the day(one before lunch and one after i finish work) on week days and going to the gym on Saturdays and having Sundays as a rest.
  • GSwizzleGary
    GSwizzleGary Posts: 1,211 Member
    Hi, my name is Gary. I'm 32 and from the great state of Missouri. When I started my weight loss journey I weighed 375 pounds. I am currently around 260, but have more to go. My journey to success has not been a straight line, but it has been a blessing every step of the way.

    I have completed other challenges on other sites, but this will be my first on MFP.
  • zerlinna87
    zerlinna87 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm new to this group! Been a part of MFP since I was pregnant with my 2nd child in the fall of 2014. I had gestational diabetes and loved MFP for tracking carbs. I have fallen off the bandwagon some since then. Although I'm looking to just maintain my weight, I'd like to be healthier overall (i.e. make better food choices, exercise more) I'm excited to be a party of this group for motivation to be fit!
  • mscalfee
    mscalfee Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all! My name is Mallory and I am from North Carolina. I am 29 years old. I have always been big, but this time around I have gained a lot of weight from being in a boot for 4 months due to a partial tendon tear. I have been cleared by my doctor and physical therapists to go back to normal activity and I am so ready to be active again!! In the next 7 weeks I would like to lose at least 15 pounds and hopefully more. Just want to put a very attainable goal out there so I don't discourage myself. I am so excited to do this challenge with all of you!!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hello! I'm joining a group for the first time. Hoping it will give me the accountability I need to get back on track. I'm mid 40's and playing yo-yo with the same 20-25 lbs over the past couple years. I've got way more than that to lose for my final goal but so very upset with myself as this time last year, I was 25 lighter than now.

    I'm a mom to three - one college, one high school and one middle schooler. All very active and on the run. I'm the one to be behind the scenes making all their stuff possible but that means that I have been putting their stuff before me. I need to take me back and then do them. Hard to do as a mom - see my stuff can wait, right? well waiting got me back on the top of a weight column I want to be at the bottom of!

    I'm starting here at 204, first goal back to a big 1 in the first column, then the second goal is to be back down to 180. From there, we will work on that 165 goal and hopefully to the 150 mark. From there I will judge what I feel like - I know what they SAY I should weigh - but I am not sure I could be happy and content all the way down there. I would love to get to 148 and hold that. Of course, these are the long term goals and require a ME FIRST mentality that will take a total shake up of my attitude. Very excited to get started on this challenge and hope to start it by breaking that first goal very quickly!