
Hi Jenn,
I have a Jawbone Up and need motivation as well. I've been wearing it about a month now but my average is around 7k a day... need help getting that extra 3k to get ride of the extra 30 around my hips. :smiley:
Thanks for setting up the group.


  • Velekai
    Velekai Posts: 8 Member
    I just got a Garmin VivoFit the other day. My goal is almost 7000 steps a day for right now. I have about 140 pounds to lose before reassessment. I am always looking for more motivation.
  • martitravels
    martitravels Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I have a fitbit and I am up for the challenge!
  • AdelitaCampbell
    AdelitaCampbell Posts: 23 Member
    I have a Garmin VivoFit 2 (adelitacampbell is my username on garmin connect). I'm up for the challenge!
  • jmb2805
    jmb2805 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I just got a Garmin Vivofit and am looking to connect with others to do a 10k a day challenge. Today was the first day (out of 5 days of wearing it) that I reached 10k. Woo hoo!! Is anyone else still doing it?