Need a general advice weight not moving.

Mesemoore Posts: 33 Member
Hi everyone. I usually try to read all the other notes to get the information I need but I am stalling on my current waight and it keeps going up and down to the same waight. I am 5foot6 and waight 142-145. My goal waight is 125-130. I start low carb <100 a day for most days and walk or exercise 3 times a week. My calories for the day is set at 1450 to loss half a pound a week so far I have not passed below 141.6 and today I was 143.6. And this week starting Monday I worked out 4 days and each time burned 500 calories at the minimum. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    So you're normal-BMI and you're trying to lose a bit of fat?

    I'd like to know how too! Basically, low-carb works best for people with some insulin resistance, and probably the biggest effect is on appetite control.

    In your case, you're probably insulin- and leptin-sensitive, so the LC effects may not be strong.

    I think you're taking the right approach, but it's just going to be very slow going. You can try to restrict carbs more (ketogenic range of 20-40g). Don't know what your protein level is, but more is probably better.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited February 2016
    I know this feeling very well. It's hard to be patient when things start going slow.
    Are you measuring yourself too. The scale is THE WORST way to track your progress.
    I was feeling pretty bummed about my progress and I didn't even seem to see much showing up on the tape measure (operator error I guess). I was wearing the same size pants, though they were a bit loose. Not so much that they looked too big though.
    From September to late February I had only lost 4 pounds. And I had lost 2 of those in the 6 weeks before taking the pic below. So I was excited things seemed to be moving again.
    I was VERY surprised when I compared these photos. I couldn't believe this was only 4 pounds. And my weight fluctuates within a 5 pound range, so there were plenty of days the scale was still saying 140! So keep that in mind. Depending on the day, I could've looked like this but weighed the exact same!

    Have faith in the process. The scale is infuriating. We expect what we were taught to expect from the scale. Not what the scale actually shows. The scale is quite irrelevant 99% of the time as a measure of progress on fat loss.
  • workathomemama
    workathomemama Posts: 49 Member
    I love your posts @Sunny_Bunny_ .
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I wanted to add that I do a very low carb, Ketogenic diet. Aiming for a very maximum total of 25g carbs a day. Some days are as low as 5...
    I also do almost no exercise. I seem to do light exercise for a few weeks, then quit entirely for a few weeks.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I love your posts @Sunny_Bunny_ .

    You're very sweet! I just hope to help in the same way others always help me. Especially when I was new.
  • workathomemama
    workathomemama Posts: 49 Member
    I love your posts @Sunny_Bunny_ .

    You're very sweet! I just hope to help in the same way others always help me. Especially when I was new.

    You very much do. I came to this post because like @Meseretmoore, I've been doing keto <20-30 g of carbs a day for 5 weeks now and am only down 3lbs. I don't feel anything in my clothes, I do a strenuous karate workout twice a week. I've had side effects like the rash, the prolonged and early period. Having said that, I've lurked around reading your posts and they've helped, and give back hope when I've floundered and so I've stayed the course.

    I'm going to start tracking my weight through pictures.
  • Mesemoore
    Mesemoore Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you all for taking your time to respond. I did <30 carb for 3 month before which helped me to go from 170 pound to 145 lb. It was very hared and couldn't continue with it because, I was cooking for my kids, husband and me which is a lot different at that time. I was trying to find a carb range that I can do for a long time and make it a life style. It looks like I need to lower it to reach my goal.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I cook the same food for my family, but make them another side or something. But after 9 months, my T1D daughter has joined me on Keto, my husband said he didn't mind zucchini noodles so I don't have to make him separate pasta, my son doesn't care either and my most stubborn daughter just decided she can't eat anymore so now she's vegetarian. I don't expect it to last long. Lol
  • Mesemoore
    Mesemoore Posts: 33 Member
    I have been working on that for the last year. My family are not fully there yet but I will continue working on it.
    Thank you for your support.
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    @Sunny_Bunny_ that picture is one of the best I've seen here on mfp because it so clearly shows the diminishing importance of the scale as you progress closer towards your goal. Great job.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Thank you! I always like to make sure it's known that I am not lifting weights either. I mean, I keep trying, but going maybe 10 times in the last year, hardly counts. So this is not muscle gain. Unless it's just from daily life stuff. But I'm pretty darn lazy! My stepper counts me with an average of 4500 steps a day. My goal is 6000 and it's rare that I meet that.