February Challenge!!



  • JCFan3
    JCFan3 Posts: 146 Member
    Great Job Mudstain Sally. Eight pounds in two weeks. That is fantastic! We can do this. Keep up the great work!
  • tuscaroragirl
    tuscaroragirl Posts: 21 Member
    JCFan3 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies,
    wk 1:200.5
    wk 2: 203.6
    wk 3: 198.9
    Yea, I am so excited. The bloating is gone and I weighed in at the doctors office at 198.8 on Friday. My goal is 195. I will be working really hard this week to make that goal. Best wishes to everyone.

    Congrats, JCFan3! Out of the 2's! I am so proud of you! Keep up the great work!
  • tuscaroragirl
    tuscaroragirl Posts: 21 Member
    Starting Weight on Feb 09: 256
    Goal Weight for Mar 1: 250

    Just joined, so jumping into February late, but better late than never.

    Totally forgot to post last week.

    So my week 1 was Feb 14 and week 2 was Feb 21:

    SW: 256
    Week 1: 250
    Week 2: 248

    Great job everyone!!

    Congrats, Jenn!!! 8 pounds gone! I am so proud of you! Keep up the great work!

  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi ladies everyone is doing awesome, SUPER!!! keep up the good work!! Let's finish strong this is gonna be our best week of the month!!!

    SW 263
    WK#1 262
    WK#2 260.1
    Wk#3 256.4

    Journaled everyday.

    Man I've been so busy running around with all my kids stuff the past couple weeks it's been exhausting. I was worried about how things were gonna go for me. I've been watching the biggest loser for extra motivation and envisioning myself as a smaller fit me( Jedi mind tricks) I think I've been to tired to overeat. Thank God for active kids
  • AlisonLS
    AlisonLS Posts: 25 Member
    AlisonLS wrote: »
    SW 236
    Wk1 235
    Wk2 233.6, journal complete all 7 days, even if I did eat above calories, plus I got an extra workout....shoveled some snow.

    Wk3 233.6, I didn't gain but also didn't loose any weight. It was a crazy week and I made some bad food choices. Oh well. It's a new week now.

    Good job everyone!!
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    Yep AlisonLS new week fresh start. Kill it!!

    Last week of February this is it!! Go hard girls!
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new to the group but here are my stats so far:

    SW: 228.4
    GW: 218.0

    WK1W: 227.8

    WK2W: 225.6

    WK3W: 222.4

    WK4W: ??
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    Way to go! Welcome!
  • tuscaroragirl
    tuscaroragirl Posts: 21 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I finally had some weight loss:

    SW: 250
    W1: 250
    W2: 250
    W3: 244

    We weighed in today for our weight watchers program at work & I lost six pounds! I reevaluated what I had been doing for the last few weeks but still remained within the same number of calories . Starting last Friday, I cut out coffee, diet soda, am more mindful of sodium & sugar content, cut down on carbs, and upped my protein & water. I realized that coffee & diet soda were just a habit & I don't actually have to have them. The day I found out I was pregnant last march, I quit coffee, soda, & caffiene. After my son was born, I fell back into that habit of coffee & soda but since giving it up again, I had forgotten how much better I feel without it & I am not so sluggish in the afternoons. My daily treat is now cup of earl grey tea from Tim Hortons with splenda and skim milk instead of the extra large coffee;-)

    Happy Friday eve & keep up the good work, ladies! We can do this!
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I finally had some weight loss:

    SW: 250
    W1: 250
    W2: 250
    W3: 244

    We weighed in today for our weight watchers program at work & I lost six pounds! I reevaluated what I had been doing for the last few weeks but still remained within the same number of calories . Starting last Friday, I cut out coffee, diet soda, am more mindful of sodium & sugar content, cut down on carbs, and upped my protein & water. I realized that coffee & diet soda were just a habit & I don't actually have to have them. The day I found out I was pregnant last march, I quit coffee, soda, & caffiene. After my son was born, I fell back into that habit of coffee & soda but since giving it up again, I had forgotten how much better I feel without it & I am not so sluggish in the afternoons. My daily treat is now cup of earl grey tea from Tim Hortons with splenda and skim milk instead of the extra large coffee;-)

    Happy Friday eve & keep up the good work, ladies! We can do this!

    Awesome job and way to go!
  • JCFan3
    JCFan3 Posts: 146 Member
    Fantastic news tuscaroragirl! Way to go.

    I am also celebrating today. I weighed in at the doctors office at 194.4. Yea I meet my February goal of 195.

    I was also able to complete a full 30 minutes on the elliptical. A month ago this would have not been possible. A friend challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and I pushed harder. I keep her in mind every time I hop on. Her motto is go until you get to a hundred calories then if you want to quit you can. Well today I burned 165 calories. I am so happy with that.

    I am hoping that this group with continue on with new monthly challenges and we can all celebrate together! Here's to a healthier tomorrow .
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    Everybody's doing awesome!! Let's keep it up. We are reaching our goals making smarter choices pushing ourselves and most importantly not quitting. We are gonna look up and dang gonit realize that we did it! I'm so proud of us... March is coming get ready to turn up the heat!
  • Abowman806
    Abowman806 Posts: 20 Member
    Abowman806 wrote: »
    Hi ladies!

    I'm in!

    SW 210
    GW 199

    Get me outta these 2's! :) I have a 2 year old in 2 days & an almost 9 month old baby (15 months between them!). Lost all the baby weight the 1st time around, not so lucky this time.

    Let's do this!

    Welllllllll, February ending up being a crap month lol Just weighed in at 211.6. Blah. Not sure where I went wrong, really. I was eating well, started T25 the 2nd week. Maybe next month! :D
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    SW: 256
    Week 1: 250
    Week 2: 248
    Week 3: 246 (I weigh in on Sunday but this morning the scale was at 245, woohoo).

    Ready for an awesome March!
  • AlisonLS
    AlisonLS Posts: 25 Member

    SW 235
    Wk1. 235
    Wk2. 233.6
    Wk3. 233.6
    Wk4/final 232.8.
    I'm only down a total of 2.2lbs.
    So long February, hoping for bigger weight loss in March.
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    SW 263
    WK1 262
    WK2 260.1
    WK3 256.4
    WK4 254

    9 pounds down in February!!!

    March here we come!!!

    AlisonLS March is going to be superb my friend. Congrats on that weight loss sista!

    Look out March here comes MudstainSally!!! Good job!

    Abowman806. Girl that's muscle it's all good. You've got this You are about to punk March!
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    March challenge will be posted by morning hope your ready!!! What am I saying of course you are.

    We are about to spring into action ladies!!
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    wd773 wrote: »
    SW 263
    WK1 262
    WK2 260.1
    WK3 256.4
    WK4 254

    9 pounds down in February!!!

    March here we come!!!

    AlisonLS March is going to be superb my friend. Congrats on that weight loss sista!

    Look out March here comes MudstainSally!!! Good job!

    Abowman806. Girl that's muscle it's all good. You've got this You are about to punk March!

    Nice job!
  • tuscaroragirl
    tuscaroragirl Posts: 21 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am so proud of you all! Keep up the awesome work!!

    We had another weigh in this morning & I met my goal for the month!!

    SW: 250
    W1: 250
    W2: 250
    W3: 244
    W4: 242

    I'm looking forward to March's challenge!