2016 Biking resolutions



  • msurads06
    msurads06 Posts: 66 Member
    1. 3000+ miles, nearly double last years distance
    2. Complete the full 100 miles at the Hotter'n Hell in August (did 75 last year and really struggled)
    3. Start "quest" to ride an event in all 50 states (or atleast the lower 48), will obviously take several years to acomplish, hoping to knock out 3-4 within driving distance this year.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    • 3000 miles or more (last year I had about 2,200)
    • Lots more climbing -- at least over 100K
    • Indoor trainer to prep for early Spring
    • Lose the bit of holiday weight I put on recently --I'm about 204 and want to get to 188lbs, which is lean enough for a guy my height
    • Try to win back a couple of long Strava segment KOMs I lost nearby on my favorite cycling road
    • Improve position on my favorite Strava segments, beat my 2015 best times
    • More MTB fun with my MTB pals and hopefully no injury causing crashes as took me a few months for my shoulder to heal up properly last fall which sucked
    • Keep up with MTB pals on singletrack and don't get dropped as much!
    • Maybe find a road group or club to ride with sometimes
    • Work in some upper body training
    • Run several hundred miles
  • Roza42
    Roza42 Posts: 246 Member

    1. Add 30% to my total miles, approximately 3,000
    2. Complete a 60 mile ride by October.
    3. Climb to the IBM site without stopping by April.
    4. Restart Starting Strength. I recently had 2 ribs and my clavicle put back in place from a fall in August. No wonder all my lifts except deadlifts have suffered.
    5. Which leads me to last years missed goal. Bench 150 by December.
    6. Lose 15% bodyfat.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    1. Set-up indoor trainer
    2. Use indoor trainer to help recover from partial knee replacement at end of month
    3. Complete the 2 day MS bike tour in August. Last year day 1 was 80 km & day 2 was 65. This year I am planning on doing 100km on day 1 & 90 on day 2.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    1. Ride every chance I get once it warms up some. Shooting for 2000 miles. (Hey it's a crappy old mountain bike!)
    2. Start mixing up some training with sprints and quick pace work
    3. Maybe break down and get a road bike, no local clubs allow mountain bikes on group rides >:)
    4. Schedule in more long rides on weekends
    5. Make time to rack the bike up on the car to get to areas without so many slow downs, and find out real pace over an hour, two hours, maybe more
    6. Possibly drop a few more pounds to up pace, but not if it causes cut back on strength training

    A bunch more fitness improvements, just listing the bike stuff. I'm hoping my back holds up enough for some running again finally, and want to get some endurance and possibly tri training in.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Shoot for 1500 miles for the year. Keeping track in a small notebook. I've been able to ride some in January and February this year as the winter has been very mild for a change.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Slate Peak from the valley floor. Angels Staircase. Some kind of Winthrop/Mazama loop because I didn't get one in last year, and Loup Loup Pass.
  • RidingPastor
    RidingPastor Posts: 10 Member
    my goal for 2016
    1. is to ride 4500 miles or more.
    2. ride my mountain bike more
    3. ride some rail trails
    4. ride more metric centuries this year
    5. ride a century this year
    6. ride across NC.