Any college girls here?

Rise116 Posts: 1 Member
Hey ladies. Hope I'm not starting a new thread that already exists, but I'm almost 22 and have fluctuated between 135-140 over the past few years (although this morning I was at 135!). Now that I'm in college it's so difficult to eat healthy, much less get away from processed foods, because I'm forced to pay $2k/semester for a meal plan as long as I'm on campus. Crazy right? :s

I would just be interested in getting to know some girls here who are in college now, and what you're doing to stay healthy. Most of my friends at school are either much heavier than me (and don't want to hear about it), or are naturally thin and don't have to watch what they eat.


  • ariellenkov
    ariellenkov Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in college and I'm vegan! It helps me stay healthy but I also work out almost every day
  • xoestaplez
    xoestaplez Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm in college too and been fluctuating between 145-155 over the past few years. I just love food, so it's been a struggle, but I also work out a lot. I'm not vegan or vegetarian, but I love eating organic foods. I just about never eat out because I'm poor. I can totally relate to the friends that are naturally thin or heavier and are just annoyed by my talking about being healthy and fit. It's hard to find someone that's in between like me!