
wd773 Posts: 122 Member
Hi ladies I think one of the keys to our success is going to be being honest with ourselves and writing down everything we eat. If you went over or under log it. We need to see what we are eating.

Who has time for that? The kids, hubby, the job, school, church, meetings etc... No mom does!

Let's make time we are worth the effort


  • I enjoy tracking. I don't know why, but it brings me some sort of satisfaction. I'm a place now where I don't cut out things, I'm not restricting anything. I'm aiming for moderation. So if one day like this past Friday, I go way over my calorie goal because of the Chinese takeout we had for supper... I don't freak out... I don't eat that every day. Not even once a month. It's in moderation... it will all balance out. I am just so proud of myself for tracking and sticking with it for over 10 days now, whether the numbers are over or under, I'm still proud of myself every day simply for paying more attention to ME.

  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    I like tracking too and I keep my stuff open. I write down all of it. I had KFC last night (grilled chicken and greenbeans) wasn't as good as fried, not gonna lie, but I had room in calories for that biscuit and I enjoyed it and its on my diary for last night.
  • Abowman806
    Abowman806 Posts: 20 Member
    I just started tracking every little speckle of anything that i consume this week - down to the spices. Time to be accountable!!
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    Wow the spices! I wanna be like you when I grow up. I hear you Abowman806 lets get this DONE!
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    I know what you mean. I am a wear house supervisor by day and a mom of boy boys (2 and 4) by night. I feel like i never stop running. I also have Fibromyalgia which means ever nerve in my body is constantly screaming even when there is nothing causing it pain. so if i sit down at home to log things i will not be getting back up. I get home from work have to get the kids from day care, get home and make dinner before my husband heads out to work the night shift just 2 hours after i get home, keep the house clean, bath the boys, and get them in bed. all by my self every-night. Its exhausting. and then to try to squeeze in a work out is just killing me. So what i do is on my first break at work each day i sit at my desk and log everything for the day. what i had for breakfast, plan out all the snacks, what i packed for lunch, and what i plan to make for dinner. then at night when i lay down and i get back on the log and adjust anything that had changed.