Introduce yourself.



  • mallaidhnme
    mallaidhnme Posts: 423 Member
    Hey! I'm new and a late starter, but I am excited about making this work.
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, I'm Judy. I've done the roller coaster up and down, but something clicked and I'm really paying attention to what I eat and trying to get to the gym even if it's only for 5 minutes on the bike to help keep my knees good. I've gone almost a month with no anti-inflammatory drugs, so between being more active and losing some of this weight I'm ready to be more active!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited March 2016
    @mallaidhnme so pleased you made it. Don't forget weigh in and you can still join amazing race if you have not yet.
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey there. I flunked out of the Winter Blast challenge (I always forget to get on MFP and chat/enter weights/etc) and didn't participate in the second half. This time, I'm determined to change that. I won't be participating in the Amazing Race portion, as I have trouble exercising (severe chronic back pain, that I'm soon undergoing treatment for) and don't want to being my team down. However, I'm here to get some camaraderie and maybe meet some new friends. I have entered my name and starting and goal weights in the spreadsheet, and I am raring to go. My diet has been bad for almost two weeks now, and I need to curb that before it gets worse. I will text my dietitian in the morning.

    A little about me: I am polyamorous and have two husbands whom I love very much. I split my time each week between them, so I'm constantly on the move. Luckily they live close to each other. lol.

    Aaron is my legal husband, and we live with my parents, my sister, and my sister's son. We have a deer chihuahua named Bowser and a russian tortoise named Gandalf. We also have an angel baby, Puck, who we lost 5 and a half years ago.

    Dylan is my other husband, and we live with his mom and brother. I "adopted" his cats, Mystery, Stripe, and Fred (who doesn't like me. lol).

    I have a slew of medical problems, both physical and emotional, that I'm working on right now. Because of this, I spend a lot of time in bed. I enjoy spending that time watching movies and TV shows on Netflix, reading, playing Facebook games, coloring, and loom knitting. I also enjoy MMORPGs, but my computer is a little older and doesn't handle them well.

    Ok, I think I've talked enough. Once I get started, it's hard for me to stop. Haha. If you wanna know anything more about me, either respond here or send me a private message.

    I'm excited to be on this challenge with y'all. I hope we all do great!!!
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, I'm Chris, 57 years of age, and an on-again, off-again MyFitnessPal devotee. My immediate goal is to look nice at my brother's wedding at the end of May; my next goal is to have lost 25 lbs by the end of September, and my ultimate goal is to get below 170 lbs and stay there. I'm one of those people with bad knees, so I won't be running, but I can walk for a really long time. I need to get physical activity back into my daily routine. I'm hoping that being part of a team in the Amazing Race part of the challenge will help me stay accountable!
  • briwashington5
    briwashington5 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! First challenge, trying this for motivation. Started my journey in August, have lost 40 so far. Hopefully this will keep me going. Thanks!
  • Dex_
    Dex_ Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Thais, I'm 30 years old and very excited to join you. I've been working hard since December 2015. working out almost everyday and doing a good job with my diet. I've stopped drinking soda and juice almost completely, which is a miracle, I have either only once in a while, and at this point I don't even crave it anymore. I'm stuck inside as it is winter here, but I do shovel snow as my outdoor exercise, whenever it's needed! I'm so ready for the challenge.
  • lcolpo
    lcolpo Posts: 57 Member
    Hello. My name is Lindy and I am in Milwaukie, Oregon. I am 54, soon to be 55, mother of 2 high school aged kids. I am a nurse, but spend most of my day sitting at a computer. I lost 40 pounds here 5 years ago, and hope to repeat that success again. I joined back up with my local gym, but haven't been motivated to go. Hopefully this challenge will inspire me to move forward.
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Connie. I'm 54 & live in the Chicago area. I was in the Winter challenge & so happy the challenge was restarted for spring. I lost about 10 lbs in the last challenge so still have more to lose. It's coming off slowly but that's alright with me. I've lost the same 30 lbs, never quite got to my goal weight before gaining it back. I'm hoping this time will be different. I know I feel a lot better when I'm eating healthy foods!
    Good luck to us all, looking forward getting to know you all!
  • MiraVertega
    MiraVertega Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! My name Mira and I'm 18 years old. I live in the part of Texas that's country being invaded by city. I advocate for mental health. I have bipolar depression and sometimes that effects my motivation, so I like to challenge myself. This is the second challenge I'm enrolled in, and it's going on at the same time. Hopefully that'll allow me to rack up some extra credit points. So far I've lost 21 pounds. School keeps me busy but I always fit my workout in! I'm planning on running a 5K/10K over the summer. I love hiking but I don't get to do it much.
    So looking forward to this challenge!