Introduce yourself and your goals



  • vivrevotrevie
    vivrevotrevie Posts: 80 Member
    My name is Samantha. I was working on losing weight last summer and tore my ACL and a few other important bits in my knee playing field hockey. The injury, surgery and recovery have put me back to where I had started. I want to lose weight to get back in shape, continue to rehab my new ACL and get healthier!

    Tons of friends and family are getting married this summer (6!) and I want to feel and look good at these events. The first wedding is late May so this is perfect :)
    JANANOEL69 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Jana, from New Brunswick Canada, I have tried Atkins, Ideal protein and This year Weight Watchers, I have IBS and have had a lot of problems going thru these programs because of Intolerances although I have had success just very very slow success which came with Pain. Soo I found this Ap and believe if I can eat my own foods and stay below 1000 calories I can succeed so if you don't mind I would love to Join you all on this Challenge.

    SW 203
    CW 198
    GW 145
  • torriabowling
    torriabowling Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi there everyone, My name is Torria. My goal is to be 125 or lower by June. I would love to get to that goal and stay there. I recently had a baby girl. I'm a mum but I would like to be healthy and fit mum.
    Pregnant weight was at 170
    Weeks after 157(was not working out at this time)
    CW: 149.9
    GW:125 and lower

    We can do this guys!!!! Livonia, MI
  • kimdejong
    kimdejong Posts: 2 Member
    I want to be a healthy mom and be able to run and play with my kids and also look great for my husband!
  • aguspd
    aguspd Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Agustina, I'm from Argentina and have been kind of stuck so... what a better way to motivate myself than a challenge? I've already lost 17kg and I need another 13 so... let's rock it :blush:
  • alannabuck
    alannabuck Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Alanna. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by summer. People think that I am very girly for wearing skirts and dresses all the time, but I do this because shorts and pants haven't fit me properly for years!

    My weight ticked up five pounds over the holidays and my birthday, which I was feeling sorry about. But enough of that! Last month I picked things back up. I'm currently at 153 and hope to lose 5 pounds a month until summer hits. Here's to smooth sailing and staying motivated!
  • slimmdown
    slimmdown Posts: 18 Member
    Call me Slim, I want to lost 20 lbs. Down 6 lbs so far. I want to get back into shape and to eventually start running again - like the old days. First, Weight off and tone, then 5k by the fall.
  • momo_t90
    momo_t90 Posts: 288 Member
    Hi! My name is Morgan. I want to lose 93 pounds in 2 years. I'm taking it slow this time because I've tried a few times before and while I lost weight I gained it all back and more and all those times I was trying to lose weight too quickly. I've been on mfp for years, but I reset my stats every time I start over. I'm excited to try this challenge! It's my first one.

    SW: 253
    CW: 250
    GW: 230
    UGW: 160
  • tigakai
    tigakai Posts: 23 Member
    I'm Tigs and am a little late to the official start but began my weight loss trek around then anyway. I'm mostly going for a target in inches and clothes size, I started around 140 and am aiming for about 120.

    The weight is a way to keep track and I'm definitely seeking to slim down for a special outing this summer, but my real main goal is keeping my discipline in on my portion sizes and food choices. I'm hypoglycemic and low carb is best for me and keeping my energy levels and metabolism straight, so I'm following a keto regimen and staying active with about 30-45 mins of steady cardio and some bodyweight routines.

    Best of luck to everyone! Friend me if youre doing low/no carb and lets do it together
  • vivrevotrevie
    vivrevotrevie Posts: 80 Member
    alannabuck wrote: »
    Hi everyone! My name is Alanna. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by summer. People think that I am very girly for wearing skirts and dresses all the time, but I do this because shorts and pants haven't fit me properly for years!

    Same! It is a lot easier to shop for as well...
  • svgordon
    svgordon Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am Sheetu. I have two young kids - and I am tired of always being tired. I want to stop hoarding my old clothes in the closet in hopes of one day wearing them again.
  • Ketomilly1
    Ketomilly1 Posts: 52 Member
    svgordon wrote: »
    Hi I am Sheetu. I have two young kids - and I am tired of always being tired. I want to stop hoarding my old clothes in the closet in hopes of one day wearing them again.

    So there with you on the clothes thing
  • Beploveshomer
    Beploveshomer Posts: 283 Member
    My name is Bethany. At my goal weight of 160 I will be in my normal BMI range. I have an apple shape so from the hips down I am toned and small, and my stomach holds alll my fat which leaves me with a spare tire and rolls of fat only in my midsection, YUCK, not a good look. I just want to have a normal shape, and 20 pounds will do it!
  • Jmgris1
    Jmgris1 Posts: 55 Member
    My name is Jon. What I am going to achieve is another step in my journey. I will gladly participate in this challenge as a part of my journey to my total goal.
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    Better late then never! I'm doing this because after three kids I'm still 35 lbs+ from when I found out I was having my first. I want to get the weight off, gain energy and feel happy with my body. I lost about twenty lbs in 2013 and gained most of it back this past year. I realize I need to get out of the habit of stress/ depression eating!
    SW 150
    CW 140.8
    GW 120
  • isabelle596
    isabelle596 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Isabelle. Motivation? 20+ lbs by June will put me 13.5 lbs from GW. GW => Healthier and have more vitality. On a side note, good timing since career change = wardrobe update.
    SW: 210.2 (Jan 2, 2016)
    CW: 192.4
    GW: 159 (June 172)
  • slange310
    slange310 Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi my name is Susie. I am a mom of 1 very active toddler. I am doing this because I'm sick of not having the energy to do more with my son. Having struggled with weight all my life, I do not want the same things for him. I want to get outside and be active with him. I want him to learn to enjoy life outside of food. I too have clothes in my closet I'm desperate to be able to wear. I want to go on my vacation in July lighter and happier. Started out at 257lbs just after having him and I am now 241lbs, ultimate goal is 160lbs.
  • nichole_finley
    nichole_finley Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Nichole. I've been on the heavier side most of my life. Back in August I decided enough was enough and started going to the gym, but had to stop going the last week of October because my asthma got out of hand. my asthma under control and headed back with the same determination that I will not live my thirties over weight like i did my twenties.
    Start weight in August was 212.6
    during my first round with the gym I lost 8 lbs but gained 2 back during the holidays.
    Last week of January was my return to the gym at 206.2
    Weight in this passed Monday (Feb 29) was 199.6
    Ultimate goal is to be between 130-135
    Goal for this challenge 15-18 lbs (mostly because I've been loosing about 1.2 lbs a week and it's 15 weeks till the first Monday in June) for a weight of 181-184
  • queenofscones
    queenofscones Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Kimberly. This is my return to MFP, since I've found I do better when I hold myself accountable for diet/exercise. I'm wanting to drop 2 dress sizes this year and doing it before summer would be even better :) I'm having foot surgery mid-summer and I know I'll be off my feet for 6 weeks. Trying to get a jump start on weight loss so that doesn't sabotage me. Thanks for the support here.
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    My name is Rachael. I am going on holiday soon and hope to lose for that. I know from when I was younger that this will have to be a lifestyle change to be the ultimate weight I want so continuing after June and probably forever as I 'd really like to be under 120 Ibs as long as I don't get loose skin :neutral: