Any November 2016 moms?

I barely missed the October 2016 forum by one day. According to my last cycle, I'm due on November 1. Any other moms due in November?

Little about me bullet point style:
~The wife of a handsome soldier
~Mother to two intelligent, beautiful, athletic daughters
~Enjoy my career as an accountant
~Lift weights regularly
~Despise cardio (I have started walking more though :smile: )
~Love spending time with my husband and children
~Read or listen to audio books on a regular basis
~Also looking to meet new MFP moms due around the same time



  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I barely missed the October 2016 forum by one day. According to my last cycle, I'm due on November 1. Any other moms due in November?

    Little about me bullet point style:
    ~The wife of a handsome soldier
    ~Mother to two intelligent, beautiful, athletic daughters
    ~Enjoy my career as an accountant
    ~Lift weights regularly
    ~Despise cardio (I have started walking more though :smile: )
    ~Love spending time with my husband and children
    ~Read or listen to audio books on a regular basis
    ~Also looking to meet new MFP moms due around the same time

    Hi! I am due in November too haven't been to the doctor yet.. I am a stay at home mom to two beautiful little girls 7 years and 14 months old. My husband is a mechanic. We have been married for a 1.5 years. I am also on Fitbit at if you have one! I try to go to the gym m-f mostly walking and arms. I haven't had any symptoms of being pregnant yet! Which is surprising usually I am on my deathbed by now with morning sickness! So maybe it's a boy! Lol
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My first appointment isn't for another 2 weeks. I have actually been blessed with not suffering from any morning sickness with any of my children so far. Although this baby has drained me of all my energy. I find myself going to sleep super early these days. Hope all is well with you and yours. I have sent over a fitbit friend request. Happy Pregnancy!
  • missy5290
    missy5290 Posts: 68 Member
    edited March 2016
    Happy pregnancy ladies. I'm new. Got the good news on Saturday and I'll be seeing my doctor the 8th week. I haven't had any symptoms either other than my boobs being tender as hell. No morning sickness.....knock on wood.

    Oh, according to my last cycle. November 8th is my due date.
    missy5290 wrote: »
    Happy pregnancy ladies. I'm new. Got the good news on Saturday and I'll be seeing my doctor the 8th week. I haven't had any symptoms either other than my boobs being tender as hell. No morning sickness.....knock on wood.

  • mcfattest
    mcfattest Posts: 45 Member
    First time momma here:) due November 9th... I am so nervous and excited at the same time!!!
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    Hello!!! New mama here too! :) Due November the 10th! Can't believe it, just got my *kitten* into gear with my weightloss journey, 9 lbs down and BAMN! I'm pregnant! haha! I'm so excited. This is my second pregnancy and hopefully the first one to go to term, this already feels different to the last.

    I'm tired, sore boobs, crying over Tescos being out of Snackajacks and have pinchy feelings in my belly. I just can't believe it! I found out on Sunday and did another test today just to make sure I wasn't lying to myself! Can't wait to take this journey with you guys ! :D
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I will be glad when the I'm past the tiredness. Although I am getting enough sleep in these days. Normally I get between 6-7 hours of sleep a night and lately I've been getting my 8 hours or more. Husband asked me today if I had thought about baby announcements for us to tell our families. So can you guess what I'll be "Pinteresting" today? lol
  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I love Pinterest! I literally have boy or girl room put together on there ha!
  • missy5290
    missy5290 Posts: 68 Member
    I love Pinterest! I literally have boy or girl room put together on there ha!

    My pinterest has been out of control since we started trying. Lol
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I'm pregnant! Still sounds crazy to we were not trying and actually were taking measures to prevent for now, but I guess God had other plans. First time pregnancy so super nervous and excited. According to due date calcs, I think I'm around Nov. 2nd. I can't get an appointment until mid April (I should be around 10/11 weeks by then), makes me kinda nervous that I won't see a doctor by then because I have no idea what to expect or what I should be doing in the meantime!

    Not really having any major symptoms (thank God, if I never have to experience morning sickness I'll be a happy lady), I just feel like my period is trying to start and never comes! My boobs are sore, and the constant period-like cramps are driving me crazy. I hope they go away!
  • mcfattest
    mcfattest Posts: 45 Member
    How is everyone doing?
    I find it so hard to exercise already for some reason.. Tired all the time!
    Cannot move for more than 20 minutes, even at a low impact pace...
    But with nausea I cannot eat too much so still maintaining my weight. Even lost a couple of pounds...
    I really want to, if possible, not gain the first trimester, then slowly ramp up to 1 lb a week.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I think I may have added a pound or two. Right now, I'm at about 6w2d. Lifting has been difficult to stay on track with because I'm very tired. Plus running around with our two older daughters and their softball schedules, it's quite exhausting.
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    I'm hitting 5 half hour spin classes a week at the moment... I can tell you they have become increasingly harder all week and I'm only 5 weeks 2 days. I'm going to keep trying though. I've told all the instructors I'm pregnant so they know to look out for me. I hope I can keep going until the end.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Still no nausea, thank God! I get exhausted around lunch time and I'm pretty sure I nod off at my desk for about 15 minutes, but I literally cannot help it. I'm already ready to go to bed around 7:30 every night...ridiculous! What I find crazy is I just found out and by calculators I'm only about 5/6 weeks, but prior to finding out this week I was working out for a minimum 2 hrs a day, sometimes 3 when I would get in a workout over lunch break. So I don't know if it's in my head that now that I know I'm just succumbing to the tiredness and before I was just pushing through it...or have I just finally hit the tiredness phase?

    I don't know, I want to keep working out as I'm overweight so I don't want to gain a ton so I'm hoping to continue.

    On another note...can we talk constipation? Is this normal? I'll have a good bowel movement one day, and the next nothing even though I feel like I need to. Is it because the digestion process slows down in pregnancy?
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm hitting 5 half hour spin classes a week at the moment... I can tell you they have become increasingly harder all week and I'm only 5 weeks 2 days. I'm going to keep trying though. I've told all the instructors I'm pregnant so they know to look out for me. I hope I can keep going until the end.

    I have used the excuse that my husband left his tools in my space which prevented me from working out this week. :smile: He was kind enough to put them away last night after he finished working on his truck. So now I have no excuse. lol

    Still no nausea, thank God! I get exhausted around lunch time and I'm pretty sure I nod off at my desk for about 15 minutes, but I literally cannot help it. I'm already ready to go to bed around 7:30 every night...ridiculous! What I find crazy is I just found out and by calculators I'm only about 5/6 weeks, but prior to finding out this week I was working out for a minimum 2 hrs a day, sometimes 3 when I would get in a workout over lunch break. So I don't know if it's in my head that now that I know I'm just succumbing to the tiredness and before I was just pushing through it...or have I just finally hit the tiredness phase?

    I don't know, I want to keep working out as I'm overweight so I don't want to gain a ton so I'm hoping to continue.

    On another note...can we talk constipation? Is this normal? I'll have a good bowel movement one day, and the next nothing even though I feel like I need to. Is it because the digestion process slows down in pregnancy?

    Luckily, I have never had to experience morning sickness with any of my children. My husband and I found out were pregnant VERY EARLY. Like 3 weeks into the pregnancy type of early. I have noticed though that within the last 2 weeks, I'm EXHAUSTED in the evenings and could nap all day long if I could.

    And yes, constipation is normal.
  • BrittLange
    BrittLange Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Brittany and I'm due November 3 with my first. I'm so excited!

    I'm feeling pretty good, a little morning (rather, all day and night) sickness and some stomach pain, but other than that pretty good.

    I'm already very heavy, so I'm being very careful with what I'm eating. I've been trying to eat very well, at least until the cravings kick in
  • ejames74
    ejames74 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm due Nov 1st too! I'm fit and active and usually run and lift weights but I'm high risk so not allowed to do either at the moment. I'm hoping to get cleared for at least light weights and home exercise soon. I miss it!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Hi ladies...unfortunately this is where I leave you. I miscarried, and even though this whole pregnancy was a surprise it's amazing how quickly you become attached to the idea. We're both sad, but both have strong faith that what is meant to be will be. We're also trying to stay optimistic that nothing showed up on my ultrasound that indicates I wouldn't be able to have a healthy pregnancy when we're ready to actually try.

    So good luck to you all, wishing you healthy and happy pregnancies.
  • mcfattest
    mcfattest Posts: 45 Member
    Hi ladies...unfortunately this is where I leave you. I miscarried, and even though this whole pregnancy was a surprise it's amazing how quickly you become attached to the idea. We're both sad, but both have strong faith that what is meant to be will be. We're also trying to stay optimistic that nothing showed up on my ultrasound that indicates I wouldn't be able to have a healthy pregnancy when we're ready to actually try.

    So good luck to you all, wishing you healthy and happy pregnancies.

    I am so very sorry for your loss! Stay strong!
    Your current loss usually equates an embryo that is not best equipped for a healthy happy life, but that is not a reliable indicator that fruitful happy pregnancies won't happen in the future. My bestie got pregnant and carried to term what is the cutest boy I've met. And that was less than 3 months after she miscarried (her 3rd misscarriage in the past 5 years).
    Sending prayers and hopeful thoughts your way!

  • mdpeoples
    mdpeoples Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello!!! New mama here too! :) Due November the 10th! Can't believe it, just got my *kitten* into gear with my weightloss journey, 9 lbs down and BAMN! I'm pregnant! haha! I'm so excited. This is my second pregnancy and hopefully the first one to go to term, this already feels different to the last.

    I'm tired, sore boobs, crying over Tescos being out of Snackajacks and have pinchy feelings in my belly. I just can't believe it! I found out on Sunday and did another test today just to make sure I wasn't lying to myself! Can't wait to take this journey with you guys ! :D

    I am in the same boat! Just got serious on my weight loss journey and started seeing progress, and got pregnant. We had actually started trying in January but I had no idea it would happen this fast for us. Very excited!
    This is my first pregnancy though! According to my cycle, I am due November 17! :)
  • mcfattest
    mcfattest Posts: 45 Member
    Had my first ultrasound today and saw my baby's heart beating ♡♡♡. EDD 11/06...
    I don't know if I am just too excited but today I feel better that I did in a while now. I might even have a workout first time in weeks! Hope this week is fabulous for you all !