Need to start this group moving again

toffee444 Posts: 18 Member
I've been a member since the start and have just came back on, sad to see this group is diminishing - please don't let this group curl up and die xx


  • EmmC21
    EmmC21 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello toffee, happy new year. I've been a member of MPF for a few years but fell off the wagon. Back on it now. This is my first ever post though!
  • johnjames83
    johnjames83 Posts: 4 Member
    hey nice to see some scottish people on here im back after falling off of the wagon
  • avalon1497
    avalon1497 Posts: 1 Member
    Glasgow here, back on MFP after a bit of time off. Lets keep the group alive :)
  • toffee444
    toffee444 Posts: 18 Member
    nice to see some people coming back to this site - can we please start posting so that the site doesn't fall by the way side. Lets get some challenges going - any suggestions ?
  • EmmC21
    EmmC21 Posts: 6 Member
    well the Glasgow wineathon is tempting but I think it will possibly be called off! Wine aside, I would be up for a challenge. I would like to lose about 5 stone but first goal is to be under 200lbs by the end of June.
  • toffee444
    toffee444 Posts: 18 Member
    Small steps xx
  • Brewlands
    Brewlands Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there - Im new to this group but nice to see people from Scotland
  • EmmC21
    EmmC21 Posts: 6 Member
    How is everyone getting on? I was just back at the gym today after 4 days off as had a terrible cold - will be aching tomorrow! Another one pound to go until I've lost a stone since 1 Jan :-)
  • caz30uk
    caz30uk Posts: 25 Member
    Hey just outside of glasgow feel free to add me need the support n kick up the *kitten*!!! Lol
  • mhairhidunn9
    mhairhidunn9 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Just started doing this in Aberdeen - need all the support I can get - much easier when someone has to hold you accountable for what you're doing !
  • LorMuldoon81
    LorMuldoon81 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm back using MFP after attending slimming work for a over a year. I reached target & gained then just couldn't get back on plan. Enjoying calorie counting again