mag, potassium, sodium and keto coffee

cenright0 Posts: 80 Member
Could I get some help with my potassium and sodium minerals? I took some helpful advice and picked up Mag Glycinate with D3 (200mg mag 2xday) and some potassium citrate 99mg 2x day.

I've been feeling blah and possibly keto or low carb "flu-ish" so I'm hoping these two supplements help. I just want to make sure I'm getting enough especially of the magnesium. Should I be taking a sodium tablet as well to increase my sodium?

I've also had a surge of anxiety about an hour after I drink my keto coffee in the morning and I'm starting wonder if it's related to the mct oil?? maybe I'm sensitive to too much caffeine and surge the mct oil gives me. Anyway, two days in a row I've had to take a small dose of Xanax which I normally never take to calm down. I'm going to omit the mct oil tomorrow to my keto coffee and just use the grass fed butter. Hope I see a difference.

Any feedback would be much appreciated! Thank you, I love this forum!


  • ClaireBearOz
    ClaireBearOz Posts: 64 Member
    Do you normally drink coffee or have you just started? For me, one cup of coffee in the morning is good, two and my heart races. If it's not the caffeine then I guess it has to be the MCT. How much do you add?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Take your magnesium I've found that helps me a ton ton ton with anxiety, almost immediately. I'd focus more on sodium than potassium, how much are you getting daily now?
  • cenright0
    cenright0 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm only drinking one cup of coffee but I run the pod thru the kurig twice so I guess it's technically two cups which isn't out of the norm for me. Ive been adding 2T of mct oils for about 4 weeks and just started to pay attention to the anxious feeling, maybe I didn't realize it before. I dropped down to 1 T yesterday and today but still had the anxiety within about an hour of drinking my keto coffee. I think tomorrow I'll omit the mct and just use the grass fed butter.

    My sodium averages about 1800mg. Monday it was really low at 877mg and I felt the blah-est I've felt in a long time. I will defiantly up my sodium even if I have to add a little hymilayan sea salt to my 60oz of water per day.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    If you think taking a sodium tablet is the simplest way for you to ensure you get a minimum amount every day, then I would do that.
    So, if you average 1500 mg a day, then take 2 1000mg tablets each day.
    You can probably just take 1 potassium. That ones not as big an issue because we actually get more than we realize in our food. It's not required to be included on labels.
    As far as the anxiety. I bet you're getting a "hyper" feeling from the quick energy that MCT provides that is triggering it.
    What brand MCT do you use? Some are more potent than others.
  • cenright0
    cenright0 Posts: 80 Member
    I've been using sports research mct oil.
  • rachelrussell792197
    rachelrussell792197 Posts: 40 Member
    So what I do because I'm very new to this diet (week three for me) is do one tea spoon of sea salt in 8 ounces of warm water three times a day for sodium and for patassiam I eat half a avocado a day and about two or three servings of spinach broccoli! I'm still working on the patassiam intake and just hoping my intake for mag is ok but I've been feeling better little by little and praying it all pays off in the end. That's my story, hope it helps or gives you insight!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    cenright0 wrote: »
    I've been using sports research mct oil.

    That's a quality product. It's not one of the higher short chain concentrations, so if my thinking is correct, that the sudden, quick energy is triggering anxiety, then I think it's the right product for you. Unless you just opt for regular coconut oil to get a little less of the short chain fatty acids and more lauric acid instead. Or you could just reduce the amount of MCT even further.
    So this isn't the same thing of course, but sometimes when someone is put on meds for ADHD, which are stimulants, they can have some anxiety symptoms that they never had before. I'm just guessing that it comes from the brain being so hyper focused. But, the short chain fatty acids in coconut oil provide a burst of mental energy and I don't think it's a stretch to say that is "stimulating" the brain. So, that's where my thought process is getting that idea from.
  • cenright0
    cenright0 Posts: 80 Member
    What would be the benefit of tAking regular coconut oil vs skipping it all together? Would it be primarily just be providing me that extra fat and satiation without the brain boost?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    cenright0 wrote: »
    What would be the benefit of tAking regular coconut oil vs skipping it all together? Would it be primarily just be providing me that extra fat and satiation without the brain boost?

    It's a very healthy fat. The fatty acids in it are very good for the brain in particular and seriously contributes to boosting ketone production and appetite control.
    It's obviously a personal decision, but I am of the belief that those are tremendous benefits that I want. I also think if you can find the right amount to have, that your body will adjust over time and you would even be able to use more at some point if you wanted to. That's often true for people on the ADHD meds. If they're dosage is lowered, the anxiety goes away and they either maintain that dosage or go back up slowly.