it's a mental block for me - i need some support

MyPrimalLife Posts: 123 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups
i am on day 21 of LCHF diet. i hit a stumbling block a few nights ago; my psychiatrist prescribed a new med, and i can't drink while i'm on it, so i had 2 nights where i drank a bottle of wine (divided between the two nights) before i started my med yesterday. other than that, i've done well and have lost almost 13 lbs. (gained about 2 lbs due to the alcohol consumption, and beef lo mein dinner night before last...kind of my "going away party" for carbs LOL)

anyway, i am sitting here right now having a wonderful egg w/ cheese/bacon/blueberries w/ HWC breakfast and my MIND cannot wrap around the fact that this is healthy. it was literally drilled into my head by countless dr's over not only my entire life, but very recently because my cholesterol & triglycerides are through the roof due to my taking a psych drug last summer, and my very unhealthy eating lifestyle of the past. i also have gene defect of MTHFR, which has caused alot of health issues for me. i am using lots of vitamins & supplements to remedy that issue, and this WOE "should" help with that as well.

i am having a huge mental block that i can't seem to shake today. not only have i started a new psych drug (which causes weight gain) but i just can't seem to get over the fact that i am consuming fat and losing. i just need a little pep-talk this morning, and thought some of you long-timers might have some words of wisdom for a newbie.

TFS :flowerforyou:

**Edited to add:
BY THE WAY not only do i need/want to get healthy, but due to a pregnancy and surgeries, i gained 60 MAIN goal is to lose that weight, so weight loss is HUGE for me.**


  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    I struggled with this too the first time I did LC. I made cheeseburger casserole one night and the grease was so thick, I couldn't fathom this ever being good for me. My numbers never went up though and the weight loss actually improved things. Now, I realize, my grandparents, both in their 90's grew up on a high fat diet and are in great health. My grandmother seasons everything with lard and bacon grease still to this day. Fat is not the enemy.

    And I feel you on the alcohol. When I got put on metformin, I read that it could cause lactic acidosis if you consume alcohol. Yeah, that doesn't sound fun at all. I miss my margaritas. :((

  • MyPrimalLife
    MyPrimalLife Posts: 123 Member
    thank you :smile:

    my grandmother is 93 and eats the same way! you would think i SHOULD learn a thing or two!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I started Keto with no health issues only looking for weight loss. What I got was, I kicked a severe sugar addiction, more energy, better mental function (I'm ADHD), clear skin, no more IBS, and a much better understanding of what it actually takes to be healthy.
    I didn't think I had anything to benefit beyond weight loss and as it turns out, weight loss is just a secondary bonus compared to everything else I'm experiencing. I came into it thinking this would be a temporary woe. I'm absolutely convinced that Keto level carbs and fat are what's best for me for life.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Yep - drinking is just plain bad, all the way around. I gave it up many, many years ago. :)