October 2016?



  • Ooh I love T25! I finished that up right before testing positive with this baby. I bet it's awesome to do pregnant as long as you stick with Tania as needed. Good for you for staying fit!
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm due 10/5! Since finding out I was pregnant, I've only worked out a handful of times. But last night I went back to the gym, hoping to start out this week right. Ended up doing 20 minutes on the elliptical and 40 minutes of walking. My dr. said to not get my heart rate above 140, it's hard to focus on that.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I've read a lot that the 140 recommendation is antiquated and the current recommendation is that its ok to do what you were doing before you got pregnant, just listen to your body, and if you weren't active to start slow. My HR hits 140 climbing one flight of stairs to my bedroom these days, I swear.
  • kristisanchez11
    kristisanchez11 Posts: 30 Member
    Same here. In fact the Dr basically told me the whole HR 140 guidance is "hogwash". She said to keep exercising and doing whatever feels good/comfortable. Her main point was just to use common sense.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Not that we are by any means trying to give you different medical guidance :) Maybe do some reading, see what you find out. I think that the 140 recommendation started as a means of making sure pregnant women didn't over do it.

    On another note, yesterday I realized that its taking me like 4 hours to drink one cup of coffee in the morning... I think baby doesn't like it :(. So today is my first day sans americano. I figure if I start dragging I can grab a cup from the office.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    edited March 2016
    Late to the party, but I hope I can still join in :smiley: . My EDD is October 7th. This is our first...and it's definitely a new experience. :smiley: As far as fitness, I've had ridiculous fatigue for the 1st trimester. I'm still getting in my 10k steps of walking/day most days, but haven't had much gym energy...I'm hoping I get an energy boost, soon. I miss strength training & lap swimming. I was a 2-hour 5x's a week gym-rat prior to this pregnancy...lol.

    As a brief history: We had "not actively tried but not preventing" (i.e. no BC, but I wasn't closely tracking cycles, temperatures, ovulation dates/strips, etc) for 5 years, hoping for an organic "Surprise, we're pregnant!" moment that never happened. I ended up being diagnosed with PCOS last summer, underwent a lifestyle change (LCHF diet, paired with lifting & moderate exercise, + Metformin & supplements), and lost nearly 60 pounds in 6 months. Those 6 months we were also closely monitoring cycles. My doctor was getting ready to start me on Clomid or Femara this April, but a +HPT in January changed that plan :smiley:. I'm still overweight, so my doctor & I have actually set a "no gain" goal for this pregnancy, although she said she 10-15 is allowed.
  • Bump the 140 thing--my dr said there's no harm in staying under 140 if that makes you feel better but previously fit women can just keep doing what they do regardless of that 140 (unless it's a contact sport or something inherently dangerous, of course).

    I think it's very rare for any working out to actually be detrimental to your little one. Still, I avoid jumping and drop from jogging to walking for my own peace of mind when pregnant... I think how you feel physically and emotionally about your workouts is the best measuring stick.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Of course you can join! We're happy to have you :)
  • Ncm2011
    Ncm2011 Posts: 4 Member
    The 140 used to confuse me at first. I understand you don't have to be above 140 for a long time. When I hit 140, am restless. That's is my clue to reduce and drop it to a rate where I can converse. If you have been active before its not easy to hit it because your body is used to activity. I am 12wks and doing 1min run / 1min walk for 30 minutes. I am only hitting 130 in the last 5 minutes. The trick is to listen to your body, there are days when I can only walk. I am due end of September, sorry for intruding I am following October and August because the experiences are similar.
  • bettymags83
    bettymags83 Posts: 23 Member
    had my midwife appointment today and she said it was safe to continue existing exercise routine as long as it didn’t involve pulling on the stomach muscles as all the muscles, ligaments and joints are a lot more relaxed and more likely to injure ourselves and to stop immediately if there was any bleeding or spotting until the all clear. She did place a lot of focus on things such a swimming, walking and gentle jogging and if working out at the gym let the staff know you're pregnant.

    I 100% agree with listening to your body and as long as you can talk, there is not contact sport or risk of falling then you’re good to keep going.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I disagree with Ncm. I've been doing t25 and running for 20 months solid, and even before I knew I was pregnant I kept my heart rate comfortably between 160 and 175 for the majority of my workouts. It is your experience that it's hard to get to 140, but that is not the rule. Walking my dogs at a 3.5mph pace each night I am comfortably in the 135-150 zone after the first two blocks.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I've been following the HR140 discussion, and laughed when I saw this article on NYT-online today. Timely.

    What is the science behind telling pregnant women to keep their heart rate no higher than 140 beats per minute when exercising? Shouldn’t the acceptable heart rate vary with age, fitness level and length of intensity of the exercise?

    My doctor said to "aim for no higher than 140", but if it goes a bit above, not to worry. My heart rate typically *doesn't* go much above 140 though with lap swimming, walking, jogging, etc, which were my mainstays pre-pregnancy (hoping to get back to swimming, soon). Even with interval sprints with swimming. But my heart rate has always been weird & self-moderating like that, even in high school. I think the first couple of weeks of pregnancy though, when I my heart rate was elevated all the time & I was shorter-of-breath, I would have maybe pushed into a potentially dangerous zone a little easier. Thankfully my system evened back out since then.
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Interesting debate! Fetal haemoglobin (which carries oxygen around your body) is different than maternal haemoglobin. Whereas you oxygen saturation (how much of the oxygen carrying capacity in your blood you are using) is normally 95-99%, it is less than 80% in a fetus. I am therefore less concerned with my own heart rate than my breathing. Of course the two are related, but I used a pulse oximeter (those things they put on your finger in the hospital to measure oxygen levels in the blood) whilst exercising and let my pulse go over 140 and my oxygen levels were fine. I would not let my pulse go too high though, but 150 and even 160 should be fine as long as you are breathing properly. Being able to talk is a good rule.
  • Ncm2011
    Ncm2011 Posts: 4 Member
    I disagree with Ncm. I've been doing t25 and running for 20 months solid, and even before I knew I was pregnant I kept my heart rate comfortably between 160 and 175 for the majority of my workouts. It is your experience that it's hard to get to 140, but that is not the rule. Walking my dogs at a 3.5mph pace each night I am comfortably in the 135-150 zone after the first two blocks.

    You are right Ash, I had that problem up to week 10. In my case, the moment I discovered that I was pregnant I reduced my run speed from 12 to 8 (on the treadmill). In weight-loss mode I maintained above 150 as my fat burning Zone and walk less. I enjoyed being breathless for a while (HIIT). With my runs (jog) now at 8, am only hitting 140 in the last 5 minutes. I agree with the group it depends on the activity levels before and weight (am 205lbs). At 12 weeks my energy levels are back and my heart rate is stable. I am lazy doing long runs as I easily get bored, 30 minutes is all I can do thus HIIT and 20 minutes of strength (upper or lower body).
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Anecdotal funny:
    I have this cup at work I have been drinking out of for like four years. I scanned the barcode on it, and was told it was 24 oz, so I ran with it. Before getting pregnant, I was drinking 3-4 of these bad boys a day. In the last two weeks, I have been barely been able to choke down 2. Well today, I came into work with a 24 oz iced green tea... and realized that two of them could fit in my cup. So while I have been a little worried that I'm not getting enough water, really my body was telling me DUDE STOP THAT IS ENOUGH.

    Made me laugh.
  • djlebreton
    djlebreton Posts: 50 Member
    Well its been a bit of rollercoaster week, nausea and tiredness hit me full force, lots of nana naps and little to no exercise.

    I started spotting on Tuesday and doctor said it was a threatened miscarriage but had to wait until Thursday for an early scan. Good news is baby is perfectly healthy with a regular heartbeat but advised not to exercise until the bleeding stopped.

    First midwife appointment on Thursday so fingers crossed I can get back to some light jogging by the weekend.

    Has anyone given any thought to a home birth?

    Hayley (7+6).

    With my second I did a completely med free home birth and it was an awesome experience. I enjoyed it so much that I will be doing the same thing with this one. Its not for everyone but its a great experience :smile:
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    So, sharing random good/fun news...

    My doctor had recommended we have the "cell-free fetal DNA" test done to test for chromosomal anomalies (short story: history with a niece, + my husband's mother has a history of SEVERAL 2nd & 3rd trimester miscarriages/stillbirths in the 70s & 80s of unknown causes but were probably "chromosomal" per her doctors).

    I just got the results back earlier today (currently 12w3d)...and it was negative for any of the common trisomies or deletions. Which is a MAJOR "YAY!" I know that doesn't mean we're out of the woods by any means, but it did help take some of this constant fear I have away.

    I was also able to find out the gender of our little one...and it's a GIRL! I'm so excited to surprise my husband with that info tonight (I already let him know that there weren't any detected chromosomal issues as soon as I found out, since we were both worried about that bit).

    We honestly didn't/don't care which gender LittleBit is, as long as baby is healthy...but it's a bit funny because we've had a girl name (& a backup girl name) picked out for YEARS, but we have a lot of trouble coming up with boy names we both agree on. I had this weird tendency to always revert to feminine pronouns when "talking" to LittleBit or praying, so I had this hunch it was a girl...but it's fun to have it confirmed :smiley: .
  • kristisanchez11
    kristisanchez11 Posts: 30 Member
    Fit & Fab Ladies,

    I'm really enjoying the 140 conversation! ASearch, I definitely giggled at the timeliness of the NYTimes blog! I've actually been really blown away by how active we all are. Just the fact that we're having discussions about getting our HR above 140 is spectacular... especially when some are still feeling the 1st tri queasiness and exhaustion! Good work! Hearing about working out, walking, lifting, jogging, swimming... it all keeps me motivated!

    Ashlie - the same thing happened to me. I was a solid 3-4 20ish oz coffee cups per day person just a few months ago. Almost as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I developed an aversion to coffee. I can't even stand the smell of my hubby making his morning cups in the morning. Funny how your body tells you things that might not be the best for LO!

    ASearch - Congrats on the girl! That is so exciting! I'm a little jealous because I can't wait to find out during the Anatomy Scan in May. Like you, we have a girl name already picked out... if we find out we're having a boy, we're clueless on names!

    Welcome to the newbies and to the mamas joining the discussion (even if part of a different month club)!

    Enjoy the rest of your weeks


  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I had my first actual visit with my OB and u/s today. Much to my relief, there was only one baby there! Ryan has twins, so I was a little worried. Everything looks perfect, Lil'bit's heart rate was 163. I was approved to start couch to 5k again, which I do every spring, and see if I tolerate it. She also told me that she is just fine if I maintain my weight throughout my entire pregnancy. I was hoping to not gain for another 10 weeks or so, but she told me since I'm eating well and active, she would not bat an eyelash at me maintaining. She would only be concerned if I started to lose a bunch, or gained too much.
  • kristisanchez11
    kristisanchez11 Posts: 30 Member

    10/5 - LMR
    10/6 - Ameech
    10/7 - Lourdes
    10/7 - Asearch
    10/9 - Charlie
    10/12 - Jvezz
    10/12 - Pretty
    10/13 - Kristi
    10/18 - Siobhan
    10/18 - Jinni
    10/22 - Calla
    10/23 - Ashlie
    10/24 - Betty
    10/26 - Jasmine
  • kristisanchez11
    kristisanchez11 Posts: 30 Member
    Ashlie - I know what you mean about when you see only "one" on that first u/s! I know plenty of mamas that have twins, but I just don't know how I would do two at once! :) Glad to hear everything went well for your first visit.
  • kristisanchez11
    kristisanchez11 Posts: 30 Member
    Sorry it's been a few weeks since I checked in!

    I will hit 13 weeks on Wed. Part of me can't believe that it's already the end of the 1st Tri... the other part of me feels like this pregnancy seems to be going waaaaay slower than with my first. I am looking forward to an end to the queasiness and possibly a touch more energy in the 2nd Tri. Now that the weather is nice, I really like getting out for walks and doing things outdoors.

    Last week during yoga, I started feeling a little uncomfortable in a few of the poses. There were a few times when my slightly enlarged uterus just did not want me bending or moving in certain ways. Time to modify! :)

    For the past 10 weeks or so I've been slowly losing weight (I think from the nausea and metabolism boost). I estimated that I went down about 6-7 pounds during the 1st Tri, but wasn't too worried because I'm starting about 15-10lb heavier with this pregnancy than with my first. However, when I weighed myself this am, it was the first week that I saw a gain (^ ~1-lb since last week). Probably a combo of starting to be able to eat a little more (and maybe not eating the best food?! :blush: ). It will be something that I'll keep an eye on. I haven't set a weight gain goal for the 2nd Tri yet, but am hoping to gain about 20-lb overall this pregnancy.

    How is everyone else doing and feeling?!?!?!?!
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    @kristisanchez11 I hear you on the yoga! I do a few self-directed flows on & off throughout my workday (helps my back with my desk job). Without even thinking about it, I did a cobra position on Friday...yea...LittleBit-in-the-Little-Bump did NOT like that. My cobra days are over for a bit I think...lol.

    For my check-in: I'm currently 13w3d. We told my parents yesterday about the pregnancy, they were obviously pretty dang excited (as a refresher, my husband & I tried to conceive for nearly 6 years, and this is our 1st). We're telling the rest of the immediate family this Thursday-Saturday, and then extended family via Facebook on Sunday. It feels nice to finally be able to tell people!

    The nausea/exhaustion is starting to fade away, and for that I am VERY thankful. I still have some smell-aversion to a few things, but they are things I didn't like the smell of *before* pregnancy, so I'm wondering if those are just going to hang around the whole time. Bone-in poultry is the "fowl'est" smelling thing ever...cooked or raw. Ick.

    Now that the nausea is going away, I'm going to be stepping back down my carbs to 80-120g a day (similar to my pre-preggers diet, and at my doctor's suggestion to help ward off the potential of GD) & gradually amping back up my activity. I'm nervous to give back up my carb-crutches (eating bread/crackers has been SO NICE), but I think I'll feel better in the long run (I did before pregnancy on a much lower carb diet, 40-60g/day).

    I'm also switching my gym membership to a place closer to our house, because my husband said he wants to work out with me through the summer until the end of pregnancy. So that will be a fun adventure to try. :smiley:
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    We told the other monsters over the weekend. Despite the twins begging us to have a baby for a year, they seemed pretty ambivalent, as did my 13 year old. The 10 and 8 year old were quite excited, all my 8 year old could talk about was how she isn't gonna be the baby any more.
  • Swanwave
    Swanwave Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2016
    So happy to find this group! I'm due Oct 17! This is our first baby. My husband's bday is Oct 22, so it'd be cute if they ended up on the same day. <3

    Just got over the worst of my morning sickness though I still can't stand the smell of pizza, bread, or pasta. Makes it easier to stay thin! My appetite is picking up again though.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    We announced on social media this morning, 11w4d.
  • kristisanchez11
    kristisanchez11 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome, Swan! :)

    Ashlie - LOVE the announcement! Anyone else have some creative ideas for announcing on social media. We will probably do something in the next few weeks.

    (13w 1d)
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I really liked the "could be pink, could be blue, all we know is we are due!" poem, but like 3 weeks ago a friend of mine's gf announced her pregnancy that way. I've seen the pictures of dad and moms shoes, and then little baby shoes with the due date. You could include your first child's shoes too. Another friend posted a picture of the calendar with a pair of shoes sitting on it and the due date circled and "Baby Beaner!" written on it. It was cute and funny since the baby is half Hispanic
  • Swanwave
    Swanwave Posts: 12 Member
    Ashlie for a second I was worried you were evicted! Ha! Cute announcement! :)

    My baby will be half hispanic. Seems funny to me still because where I grew up was ridiculously caucasian/asian. Moving to Los Angeles though made that extremely likely. Add a little spice to my family tree. ;)

    We made our announcement already. Actually at 5 weeks! I couldn't bear to go through the morning sickness in secrecy. I was pretty confident that the baby would live since I got pregnant the first time I ovulated after coming off the pill. It was so easy. We joked about getting pregnant the first month and then it happened!
  • So glad to hear most of us are hitting the fun part: less nausea, less fatigue, maybe sharing the news or even starting to show a bit