Cool weather cycling gear

FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
Hello! I used to only ride my hybrid in the summer but since I'm trying for some races, I started riding last week. I realized I only have riding shorts and tanktops/short sleeve shirts! So a friend let me borrrow a windbreaker last week which was great, but this week will be cooler. Generally it'll be a little too chilly for my current apparel for the next few weeks so I was wondering where you all get cycling clothing? Local store/online/chain? - Any 'must haves' for when it's below 50F? - and can I use some of my running gear (jackets./windbreakers) while on a ride?

Notes about me: Training for a few sprint Tris and only Oly (not trying to win, just push myself), max race mileage will be around 30, but I plan to ride every weekend and have ride mileage somewhere between 15-50miles per ride. Currently I have a Specialized Vita that I want to upgrade but that may be a year from now. I also already have clipless pedals.


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    one of the best ideas for "spring" conditions are arm, leg or knee warmers... used in combination with shorts and short sleeved jerseys, and of course the handy windproof gilet, they can allow the first couple of hours of a ride to be comfortable, then as the sun gets out and temperatures rise, you can peel them back or remove them.

    That said, some people run colder than others - I'll be honest, when the temperatures are down in single figures °C I pretty much always ride in full "roubaix fleece" longs, a l/s compression base layer and usually either a "normal" l/s Roubaix jersey with the Trusty Castelli Gabba Over it - or - if the forecast is set fair but cold, a windproof softshell type jersey...

    I've deliberately not mentioned specific makes or models, because a) I'm a bloke, and what fits me perfectly is unlikely to be to your taste or shape/size and b) I don't know where you're based - some of my favourite kit is probably likely to be prohibitive if it's got to be shipped across to america for example...

  • Jen58473
    Jen58473 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, you can definitely use your running gear. If you're using running pants/tights, you'll want liner cycling shorts underneath. Your regular cycling shorts should also work. Just make sure you're more windproof than you would be for running at the same temperature.

    For me, the colder it is, the less cycling-specific clothing I wear. I don't have the money for additional gear, yet I still manage to be comfortable below freezing. Sure, what I wear is bulkier and probably slows me down, but I'm not racing in it, so it's all good.
  • denversillygoose
    denversillygoose Posts: 708 Member
    I'm big on layers. Here in CO, I can start a ride at 25F and end at 65F. I wear my regular cycling shorts with a pair of warm leggings. They are a little looser, so I can yank them up to my knees when it gets warmer. I start out with 2 pairs of thin wool socks. On top I wear a good thick sports bra, short sleeved jersey, a long sleeved shrug, and a wind breaker or heavier cycling jacket. I also use a buff to cover my head and ears under my helmet, and I have 2 pairs of gloves. I like having a lot of options. This is all for spring riding when temps change so much during the day.

    I usually buy my stuff on sale at REI or Nashbar. Not all of my stuff is cycling specific, but it helps because when I shed layers, they are small enough to pack away in my frame bag or jersey pocket.
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Quite a bit of my winter gear is from Target/Walmart with a few exceptions (shorts, most gloves). My most used bit is a pair of UnderArmor Coldgear tights that I've been using for years (they're going to need replacement next year I think). On a typical day in winter (lows 20's, highs 30-40's) it will be cycling shorts, tights, shorts/knickers (so I don't exhibit the superhero/over-stuffed sausage look) long sleeve thin base layer up top and a jersey-ish active top and depending on the weather/winds a windproof vest or jacket of some variety, cycling gloves and something to cover the ears. When the weather tops 50F it's usually down to shorts with cycling shorts under, base layer and 3/4 zip top and gloves, nothing else really. I can be out for an hour + in 50F in that and be a little chilled when I get home but not too bad. I too have bought a bunch of stuff from REI, especially when it was close, but tend to rely on Walmart and Farm stores at this point for everything except padded shorts. You'd be surprised what you can find at places that cater to folks working outdoors!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,240 Member
    I'm like the rest here. Fashion goes right out the window when it's cold. I dress in layers with stuff from army/navy, Target, Walmart, whatever is on sale at the bike shop or sportsmen. Most my upper body layers are running gear except the gloves. Don't skimp on gloves. Cold fingers are useless. If you can't feel the brakes, how do you know how hard you're squeezing them? Take a daypack the first few times. You will either over dress or under dress and being able to shed gear or grab that extra layer is priceless.