15-20 lbs away from goal?



  • Scrappydo67
    Scrappydo67 Posts: 17 Member
    These can be some of the toughest lbs to lose, especially if you are within your healthy BMI. I am currently 152 and am losing the last 17 lbs to get to my goal weight of 135. I have already lost 20 lbs from when I began in march. Just trying to get motivated for these last 17!

    Join me and tell me your story!

    I started at exactly the same weight, 152, and my goal weight is 135. I'm 5'4 and 48 years old. Trying to lose this weight is hard because most of my life I've been able to eat what I wanted with no consequences. Middle-age has changed that LOL! I tend towards almost binge-eating sometimes in the evenings lately which has had a lot to do with my weight gain. I feel your struggle and I know you can do it!
  • NicoleChimay
    NicoleChimay Posts: 2 Member
    I just started using intermittent fasting (IF) and I'm hoping this will get me down to my goal weight of 125. I have 12 pounds to go and it really is super hard. Good luck!
  • lucyee
    lucyee Posts: 32 Member
    fleurhaus wrote: »
    I'm about 13 pounds away from my goal (healthy BMI currently). I have lost about 33 pounds already. It feels like it is so much harder to lose these last pounds, but we have to trust that we can do this. Stay motivated, you'll get there.

    I'm also 13lbs away! I'm giving myself six months to do it - slow and steady wins the race!
  • LC20202021
    LC20202021 Posts: 24 Member
    I too am 13 lbs away. I've lost 19 so far. Hope to get there before start of summer.
  • lindsaykristina11
    lindsaykristina11 Posts: 62 Member
    Sarah Lynn, I am in the same boat. Similar weight and similar weight loss goal. This is the heaviest I have ever been and on the border of being in a dangerous BMI for my height. Never thought I would let myself get to this point. When my fat pants started feeling tight and I started to not recognize myself in photos anymore I knew I had to change. Plus I just feel unhealthy overall. Exercise is off to a really good start. Joined a very challenging bootcamp. Now just have to focus on smaller portions, eliminating the emotional eating and making wiser food choices. Anyone else in the same boat?

    I am in the exact same boat. Trying to tackle the emotional eating and changing my mindset to choose healthier options. Definitely challenging, especially when you're used to a certain routine and comfort. Good for you for joining a bootcamp! What a great first step. I am trying my best to change how I think about food and hopefully I will get into a new and healthier routine :)
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I have been really struggling mentally since hitting the 'only 15 lbs to lose' mark, feeling really complacent, so what I've done is set my MFP goal to my ultimate goal weight, rather than my 'first goal, see how I feel when I get there' weight. Seeing 25 lbs left to lose is a lot more motivating than 15 left to lose, haha! I'm hoping this will encourage me to stick to my calories better and not go 'oh well I'll just eat at maintenance today' which is what I've been doing.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    I have never been obese, just slightly overweight. My BMI is around 25,5. I weigh 147 lbs and my goal is 130 lbs by July. I am losing around 1 lbs per week by cutting 3500 cal. I would love to lose a lot faster but there is no way, I can eat less without beeing hungry all the time. Patience is the magic word and its hard to keep.
  • Scrappydo67
    Scrappydo67 Posts: 17 Member
    ^^ This is how it is for me, denying myself in order to lose faster doesn't seem to be working for me, so I've reset my calories to 1400 in the hopes that this allows me to feel satisfied with my food intake and not go crazy and binge because "I'm over my daily allowance anyway".
  • catkins6781
    catkins6781 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also about 15-20 pounds away from my goal weight. If anyone has any tips of healthy but filling snack options...please share!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    I'm actually 23lbs from goal weight. (cw:168 gw:145) I'm hoping by being in this group I get one step closer to my goal.

    I plan to weigh on Thursday 1/14...fingers crossed

    This is awesome to look back on. I posted this Jan 11. And as of today I am now 12lbs away!
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    13 lbs left to go til my first goal weight of 120! I've upped my activity level so I can hopefully maintain a 1 lb per week deficit all the way down. Aiming to get to goal by mid June.
  • highergoals1
    highergoals1 Posts: 12 Member
    what do you do to help you lose the last few pounds? I am really struggling with this. I have 10 pounds to lose.
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Up your cardio.
  • sbl1881
    sbl1881 Posts: 213 Member
    Hello, I just joined this group. I am 5'3, 139 and am trying to get back to the 120-125 range. I've gotten down to the low 130's a few times, but for some reason I always wind up sabotaging it. This time, I'm down 10lbs since the start of the year. It's definitely been slow coming off this time. I am religiously weighing my food (to the gram), and got a scale that shows water weight % so I don't freak out every time I gain a pound, even though it's really water weight.

    I started C25 last week, so my next run tomorrow will be Week 2, Run 3 Pt 1. I generally run 4 times a week, so I run Day 3 twice. I also go to Title Boxing, and take 3 classes a week. Friday's I double up running and boxing class and Saturdays are my off day.

  • 29diamond
    29diamond Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone today will be my first day joining this group
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 20-30 pounds from where I want to be. My GW is 135, and if I feel good losing down to 125 I'm gonna make that a new goal. Basically see where I feel best. I've lost 10.5 pounds total. Trying to get motivated when I should be losing 1lb/wk instead of 2lbs is rough! A lot slower results and if I mess up even a little, I don't lose anything. :( Working on it, though.
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    It is slow go for me too these days. Life is hectic. You just have to keep plugging away and make good choices.
  • tbartis
    tbartis Posts: 2 Member
    Me! I'm about 15 - 20 lbs away... I'm great during the week, but on weekends, I loose it! I'm either out and about with the kids OR I decide to "treat myself" or "relax" with unhealthy foods. I am trying to cut out processed sugars and add in some healthy fats so hopefully I won't feel deprived and need to go crazy on the ice cream on the weekends.
  • lg738
    lg738 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 51 and my doc told me 2 days ago that he wants me to lose 15 pounds. I had already told myself that's what I wanted to do because that is the weight that I felt my best and I've been taking steps to get there. I weigh 149.7 and need to get down to 135. I added the Pacer app to my phone to count my steps in the background automatically for me everyday. I haven't been able to sync it with mfp yet because they are having problems right now. I am working on combining Hailey Pomroy's Fast Metabolism diet (I lost 20 lbs quick and healthy on that diet) with the Tiny and Full diet. Within the past 2 weeks my divorce was finalized. So I'm ready to get busy and make this weight loss happen. I'm pretty sedentary. So I'm going to have to force myself to get with it on the exercise part. At least I've begun counting my steps. My Mom will be coming to visit me in a couple of weeks and she has 70 lbs to lose and wants to get started with me when she gets here. Hopefully we can help each other! Good Luck to you all!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I am 160.4 right now, aim for right now is to cut to around 140lbs until my daughter is old enough to stay at gym daycare then to get back into lifting and settle probably around 145-150lbs.