Team 8 - Amazing Race



  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey I'm here!

    Great! So happy you're still with us! :)
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning Team. I have been pretty consistent with exercising. I messed up on friday night - vodka, wings, popcorn. Got back on track over the weekend and looking forward to a good week!
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey guys, how are we all doing? I'm doing good (I think haha!) I have decided to take the plunge and starting jogging. Not sure where to start haha but I'm going to give it a go!! We did a great job coming third! I'm upping the water as well as sometimes I think I grab for a snack when really I'm just thirsty! So if I feel like that this week I'm going to have a drink of water first then see how I feel xx
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    @bex_2016 - check out for running programs. There is a Walking to Running program that I did last year. I loved it and managed to do a 5 k before I even finished it! Very slowly - but I did it! There's also the C25K program.
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member
    enuf200 wrote: »
    @bex_2016 - check out for running programs. There is a Walking to Running program that I did last year. I loved it and managed to do a 5 k before I even finished it! Very slowly - but I did it! There's also the C25K program.

    Thank you! X
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    If you need extra incentive to drink more water try looking into different gaming water consumption apps. I use plant nanny and I hate to see my plants wither away, so it makes me drink a lot more!
  • kaitkolo
    kaitkolo Posts: 32 Member
    This water challenge is going to be super hard for me! I definitely don't drink nearly 1/2 of my body weight (as ounces) ever ever ever. Today I made a conscious effort to drink more water and I think I'm only at 8 cups and feel like I'm going to float away! I guess this is going to teach me that I've probably been nearly dehydrated for awhile now haha
  • sepoep2
    sepoep2 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree. I definitely don't drink 1/2 my body weight. This is going to be tough plus I always get so cold when I drink a lot of water and I hate being cold....
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Yeah....I am usually very well hydrated (I usually pee clear - sorry if that's TMI) but I got in my ten cups today. It was spey of tough but I really want to stick with it, maybe through the end of the month to see if it changes anything.

    I bought an avocado and some almonds for this week, so I'm definitely trying to get those fats in! I had half the avocado today with beets and I'll do it tomorrow too, then Wednesday the nuts are for my six hour car ride.

    Anyone else doing the omega challenge?
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    I am trying to do the omega challenge but having a hard time figuring out the labels... where do you find them listed on labels... like tuna, peanut butter bread etc? Trying to figure out something to eat till I can get to store!
  • Ahollowed
    Ahollowed Posts: 22 Member
    I'm doing omega. Is there an amount we are suppose to eat or just eat some every day? Also i have to pee AGAIN
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Met the water challenge for the day yesterday. Was up once in the night to pee and then woke up early (its 5am) to pee again!! LOL! Could be a long week!!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    edited March 2016
    I followed some suggestions from the post about avocado, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate. Someone else posted this link:

    I guess you can look under the fats on the label and look for monounsaturated fats.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Thanks @BJerzy I will look for that. Probably get them and don't know it. Very thankful the water challenge is when I'm home and not traveling!
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    I upped my water intake a few months ago. I carry a huge water bottle with me and refill my coffee cup as needed. I find I drink a lot more water if I'm drinking out of a mug versus the bottle. And yes, it sucks getting up every half hour peeing like crazy :)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    I'm doing the omega challenge, I take an omega 3 supplement daily so that's easy! Plus I use olive oil 3-4 times a week. I already posted my egg recipe....I love omelettes and have thought about trying the muffin tin ones. I tried that and had one breakfast today and have 5 more in the fridge to get me through the week. The protein early in the morning is a great start to my day. I haven't done the easter egg workout yet but I will get it done 5 times this week. It's spring break so I have extra kids here, I have a busy home daycare, but I will stay on track. Water....that one's easy for me! I need 80 ounces for half my weight and usually hit that every day, weekends are a bit tougher but I will do it. I just saw today that we came in third place last week, congrats to everyone for working hard. Let's make sure we do everything we can this week and don't let the Easter holiday mess with us.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    I did the Easter egg workout the other night. It's only 5 minutes so I repeated it 3x's. Plan to do it again tonight to complete it. I'm getting the water in and the omega 3's daily! Weigh in is tonight for me. Hope we are all successful!
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    I wouldn't say I've fallen off the wagon, but I feel like I'm dragging behind it and about to let go. Some words of encouragement would do wonders <3
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    303lissy wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I've fallen off the wagon, but I feel like I'm dragging behind it and about to let go. Some words of encouragement would do wonders <3

    Why would you want to stop now? What are your goals for the day, week, month, challenge, season, year? WHY did you join the challenge? Keep your focus on why you are doing this and know that we all fail but the key is to pick yourself back up and keep going. I had a bad weekend eating wise....Burger King on Sat, a 6 inch Subway sub Sunday and McDonalds for dinner on Sunday. I have chocolate treats daily but generally keep within my calorie goals, drink my water and lost a pound this week. Focus on your goals but keep in mind this journey is for a lifetime. You can do it...let us know what you have done today to refocus and help you reach your goals. One step at a time, no need to make too many changes and not be able to stick with them. We will do this as a team.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    303lissy wrote: »
    I wouldn't say I've fallen off the wagon, but I feel like I'm dragging behind it and about to let go. Some words of encouragement would do wonders <3

    You have got this - don't think of it as a daily pass/fail but as a week or month with those curve days thrown in. Yeah - we all have bad days/weeks - hey I even had a string of 8 months of bad.. .but I am back and on MY track. It may not be everyones track.

    When you signed up for the challenge, I am sure you had goals - but guess what? YOU Helped me with one of mine! IT was finding others that didn't always have that "Super record" but a REAL Life record - you know, ups and downs and not everything in their world is perfect. What you are describing is something I have struggled with for years - finding that my get up and go really just got up and went. It helps me to know that others struggle but if we can come together and reach out without fear -- then we can do this together! Everyone has those days. Reaching out the way you did instead of silently slinking away means to me that you do WANT this. Just know we are here. I look forward to seeing everyone's updates - helps me want to do more. We all signed up as individuals. We were put together on a team. But we became a SUPPORT for each other - and that is why we will all make it through. Don't give up on yourself - because we sure haven't given up on YOU. {Hugs}