Team 9



  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    We all have bad days and weeks and this week is rough I think for everyone. Thanks for doing that with the spreadsheet . I am pretty much spreadsheet stupid. I can do the basics but that's it.
    Laurab384 is going to be the leader for the duration and I really thank her for stepping up!
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    @Nikion901 Please don't leave the challenge! We are here to support each other! I'm sure we've all had experiences of feeling out of control. I'm also trying to get back to my March 1 weight after gaining last week (too much junk food and beer too many days in a row and now I'm paying the price). But it's never too late to make a fresh start!

    If the whole week's challenges are too overwhelming try focusing just on what you can do today. The water challenge may help you this week as drinking more water generally helps reduce edema.

    Is there something in your day that's triggering the binge? Maybe you feel to restricted during the day? Or maybe there's a food in the house that is harder to resist? (These are two big triggers for me. Just yesterday I had to throw out a bunch of candy left from my son's birthday because I couldn't stop grabbing "a bite or two" every time I passed it!)
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    We all have bad days and weeks and this week is rough I think for everyone. Thanks for doing that with the spreadsheet . I am pretty much spreadsheet stupid. I can do the basics but that's it.
    Laurab384 is going to be the leader for the duration and I really thank her for stepping up!

    Thanks Melodie! I'm happy to help out and hopefully our team can stay on track!
    Go Dream Achievers!
  • lmdsmiles
    lmdsmiles Posts: 6 Member
    @Nikion901 I'm having the same issue, but hanging in there. I have not been faithful to tracking, but each day, well, actually each minute, can be a new start. Don't leave the challenge,we're all here for you.
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning Dream Achievers!

    How is everyone doing on their roadblocks?
    I've done the egg workout a couple of times now (Though I held my phone as I didn't have an egg!) It's a fun little workout and only 5 minutes. I'd encourage everyone to try it!

    I haven't posted an egg recipe yet because I haven't had time to look for one. Tbh I don't eat eggs very often. How about you guys?

    Here's to a great day! :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thanks for the encouragements to stay with the challenge even though I am doing so badly in the fitness department, and have a set back in the weight department as well.

    But here is some good news, this mornings weigh-in shows I dropped a couple of pounds since yesterday morning ... and I was running to the porcelain convenience, it seemed, every few minutes. I did get in my cup of water per .50 pound of weight so maybe that's what did it because today I am somewhat less water logged in my legs and feet and was able to put shoes on today. Now ... here's the tricky part, now that I do have shoes on, I should go for a walk. And, drink another 15 cups of water today!
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    That's great to hear @Nikion901! Here's hoping things keep moving in the right direction! :)
  • issy62087
    issy62087 Posts: 19 Member
    This water drinking business is a little more challenging than I thought. I can't sit at my desk for more than 30 minutes without having to get up and go to the bathroom!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2016
    TEAM 9 ..... TEAM 9 ..... TEAM 9 ..... LISTEN UP - ...- LISTEN UP -

    I know you already know this, I know you do!
    However I want to double check it with you ...

    Our spreadsheet is up and customized for you
    It's waiting and ready for your keystrokes
    Tell it ... every day is good, but by Sunday Night is the goal:
    1 - Daily activity minutes
    2 - Did the Roadblock 1 and/or 2 ... remember the rules
    3 - Extra point Activities ... optional but fun and easy to do ...
    .......Nuttition Challenge and Accountability Challenge....

    Our LEADER ... the great and wonderful @laurab384 will do her part too
    .....Tally our points values
    .....Report to the 'Big Cheez' Melodie
    .... Fill in the blanks for the new Golden Ticket you will be reminded of what to do ....

    And remember dear Team 9 members all -
    - we get extra credits for doing more miles (duh, minutes) than required!

    We are the Goal Achievers ... we can do this. B)
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    I missed my run this morning, woke up this morning to a layer of ice covering everything! :o Spring cannot come fast enough! I'll have to try to get a work out in later this evening.

    I've been hitting my water goal but I also have to pee all the time!! I hope our bodies will get used to the extra water in a couple more days. I can't really tell if I can feel a difference yet (besides in my bladder!) but I'm curious to see what the scale says next week.

    Omega-3s - I saw this link posted somewhere else and thought it might be helpful for anyone struggling to find foods with omega-3s

    I didn't realize brussels sprouts were a source! My kids love them, I think I'll roast some tonight with canola oil for dinner. yum! :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Yep, there are a ton of different foods with omega-3 and MUFAs ... the ones I've been having this week are those already in the pantry/fridge ... walnuts, almonds, olives, avocado, peanut butter, blueberries and nut oils. There is also a tin of my favorite sardines waiting for me for later this week.

    @issy62087 --- I had a hard time on day one with the water challenge because it necessitated me to drink an additional 5 cups of water a day over what I normally drink ... but I've done it for 2 days now and am well on my way today to make it day 3. And, although I too have been running to the porcelain convenience much more often, some of it has to do with the rapid water loss I'm having from my swollen feet and legs ... over 4 pounds as of this morning. ... So, it does drive out the edema ... interesting, no?

  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    Just a quick reminder to please post your activity minutes in the spreadsheet before Sunday night. Or you can send them to me and I'll update it for you.

    We still have a long way to get to our goal so let's get those minutes in! B)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Yes ... this morning, when I was updating, I took a look at more of the tabs besides our team tab ... being 'nosey' and saw that Team 9 is at the bottom of the cumulative score after week 2. We've only earned 558 points in the first two weeks, Team 4 is ahead by about 50 points and most of the others are about 300 points ahead of us. The team with the highest cummulative score after week 2 is Team 1 with over 1300 points ... gosh, maybe we will be eliminated? After all ... this is the Amazing Race and in the TV version, teams get eliminated.
  • sukkara
    sukkara Posts: 51 Member
    edited March 2016
    Sorry Team, was down with the flu and could hardly move out of bed. Didn't want to let you down especially that we really need the points. I couldn't exercise, so instead was walking slowly as much as I can these past 3 days when I started getting a bit better. Yesterday, pushed myself to walk for 55 minutes, and today I'm sore and aching all over.. couldn't get more than 10 minutes total :(
    Will need around a 100 minutes tomorrow to reach my quota. Maybe will break it into 5x20-minutes, hope will be stronger tomorrow.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    sukkara wrote: »
    Sorry Team, was down with the flu and could hardly move out of bed. Didn't want to let you down especially that we really need the points. I couldn't exercise, so instead was walking slowly as much as I can these past 3 days when I started getting a bit better. Yesterday, pushed myself to walk for 55 minutes, and today I'm sore and aching all over.. couldn't get more than 10 minutes total :(
    Will need around a 100 minutes tomorrow to reach my quota. Maybe will break it into 5x20-minutes, hope will be stronger tomorrow.

    Do not hurt yourself ... get well!
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    sukkara wrote: »
    Sorry Team, was down with the flu and could hardly move out of bed. Didn't want to let you down especially that we really need the points. I couldn't exercise, so instead was walking slowly as much as I can these past 3 days when I started getting a bit better. Yesterday, pushed myself to walk for 55 minutes, and today I'm sore and aching all over.. couldn't get more than 10 minutes total :(
    Will need around a 100 minutes tomorrow to reach my quota. Maybe will break it into 5x20-minutes, hope will be stronger tomorrow.

    That's awful! Let your body rest, you need to take care of yourself! Hope you get well soon!
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    Happy Easter team!

    I think I've had my fill of chocolate now ;) Time to get some exercise and burn off all of this sugar!

    Thanks to everyone who's been posting their minutes!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi everyone ... just a tip about this weeks challenge for Egyptian Food ... it is so very flavorful, so very similar to Eastern Mediterranean (and some are like the Greek food, even in name!) ... here is a link to an interesting article on Wikepedia that has a list of food I know you will be able to find easily.
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thanks Nikion901! I don't know anything about Egyptian cuisine so this will be an interesting week!

    We seem to be down to 11 team members this week. And with over 6642 miles to go that's 604 minutes each! I know we'll have to dig deep to reach that goal but I believe in us! Remember activity doesn't just have to be a killer sweat session. A 15 minute walk at lunch or 30 minutes of yoga after dinner all count. Let's all try to fit a few more activity minutes in wherever we can! :D:D

    Oh and it's weigh-in day tomorrow! Don't forget to post your weights!!