Daily Chit Chat



  • kirili5
    kirili5 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all!

    I've been busily putting on weight. Exams and work, but mainly gratuitous self-indulgence. Crawled back on the wagon today, started the day with a workout and a foul-flavoured protein shake (I saw the brand described on Jezebel as tasting of muck from the forrest floor, mixed with garbage water and garnished with the flavour named on the package, which is very accurate) that actually makes you feel very much awake, though that was somewhat the energy drink I had with it.

    Anyway, back on the wagon for today. Not too mad about screwing up. Sure, putting on 10 kilos over the last eight months is ridiculous. But then, if I hadn't lost those 10 kilos a few years back, the problem would be worse, so I've got to be grateful for each day I've done something somewhat good for the weight loss.

    Hope you all are having a good week.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    @kirili5 Good job coming back to it. It sounds like you're in a good mindset though - no guilt, no judgement, just acceptance and focus for the future!

    Maybe treat yourself and give up those god awful shakes though haha I'm sure there are plenty of other delicious, healthy and satiating things that you can have for however many calories it is!
  • kirili5
    kirili5 Posts: 15 Member
    @evelynwhitelaw True! Though the protein shake is oddly effective after the terrible taste.

    I feel like an addict in recovery a bit, you know? Like if I slip up I'll just go careening off the edge, and also like I've suddenly got a lot of time (previously spent binging and feeling bad about it) that I'm too tired and tense to do much with. I hope it will all level out.

    How is your week going? Hope you've recovered from the cold you mentioned above!
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    @kirili5 Excellent! Well if it works for you then go for it. I wonder if pinching your nose actually works...

    I know that feeling very well. I sometimes scream internally when I pass the sweet aisle in the shops like "run for your life" and wonder if that what recovering alcoholics feel when the pass the booze aisle. That being said, we have to learn to live with the temptations and letting ourselves have reasonable amounts of the things we used to binge on, otherwise you either fall back into the patterns that made you heavy in the first place, or spend your life internally screaming in grocery stores haha.

    All good this week. Bummed I won't be near the scales tomorrow for the weekly weigh in, but I will be on sunday - feeling confident. Had a new non-scale victory last night, lying in bed looking at my phone and under my chin felt really funny... took me a moment to realise that my under chin roll had become two, smaller under chin rolls! got to celebrate where we can :)

    What's your plan for tackling this weekend? I find weekends the hardest to stay on track!
  • KrazedBemused
    KrazedBemused Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry if I've slipped off the radar the past few days! I'm away visiting my neurologist, attending my mother in laws 60th and husbands family reunion! Needless to say, wine is been consumed this week but I have been doing some excess walking. Expect to see me back regularly early next week!
  • kirili5
    kirili5 Posts: 15 Member
    Cheers, well done on the non-scale victory, @evelynwhitelaw!

    I'm back at work (it's already Saturday here) but I'm with you on the weekend issue! Not sure what to do really, except to keep reminding myself that having what one wants means taking the whole package: wanting to overeat comes with wanting to be that much less fit, and if I want to be fit for the wedding for my friend's photos then I've got to want to get through the cravings.

    It's all very well writing it down, but lets see how it goes.

    Best of luck with everything, @KrazedBemused! Hope you have a great week!
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    @kirili5 Totally! Wanting something doesn't make it so - but it helps motivate to make a plan and to stick with it. Helps that we are all here helping each other too!

    @KrazedBemused Have a great week! :)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I had a NSV today my daughters boyfriend actually told me I looked good and asked me how much weight have I lost. I was really good I didn't say I lost as much as he has put on. LOL
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    I had a NSV today my daughters boyfriend actually told me I looked good and asked me how much weight have I lost. I was really good I didn't say I lost as much as he has put on. LOL

    Maybe you can be a role model for him! :) So nice when other people notice the difference.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    edited March 2016
    When you skip yoga and sit on the couch eating a boost bar instead :( I could blame PMS but I'm not gonna! (Well maybe a little...)
  • KrazedBemused
    KrazedBemused Posts: 129 Member
    Good work ladies!!! I am back from my week away and ready to get back to it!!! NSV for me - it would appear I have dropped one dress size, was happy to fit into a size 14 when I purchased a blouse and dress last week instead of a size 16. Have to say though my NSV happiness was short lived. Saw some photos from my hubby's family reunion and realised I still have a long way to go before I reach my goal.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    So every year this older guy George buys me a Shamrock shake well I looked it up and it has 560 calories so I told him not to do it this year. Well in he came with it and I thanked him and as soon as he left I called up one of the teenagers who had done me a favor in the morning and asked him if he would like it and he told me I was the best ever. My coworker goes you are such a stinker you just saved yourself a zillion calories and look like a saint. LOL
  • KrazedBemused
    KrazedBemused Posts: 129 Member
    Hahaha good effort @2020pinktogo
  • kirili5
    kirili5 Posts: 15 Member
    Back to the gym this morning! Grateful that my friend is there to motivate me to wake up and go... woke up at 6:20 am, was very proud of not turning the alarm off in my sleep and smugly napped until my second alarm at 6:30 am ... woke up, closed my eyes "for a minute" and woke up when the phone buzzed at 6:59 am when my friend messaged to see if I was awake. A real blessing. A weekly trip to the gym is better than not going at all, as I'm sure many wise people say. Topped off the weekly exercise with the garbage-water-vanilla-garnish protein shake.

    This week has been better for the weight loss. My binges tend to occur in the evenings (when I start eating after I get home, I don't tend to stop until I feel sick or fall asleep, it's stupid but a very old habit, starting in middle school I think, and hard to break), so I'm making that a hot drink, and eating mainly before 6 pm. Trying to apply the idea that an alcoholic can control whether they take the first drink.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    kirili5 wrote: »
    Back to the gym this morning! Grateful that my friend is there to motivate me to wake up and go... woke up at 6:20 am, was very proud of not turning the alarm off in my sleep and smugly napped until my second alarm at 6:30 am ... woke up, closed my eyes "for a minute" and woke up when the phone buzzed at 6:59 am when my friend messaged to see if I was awake. A real blessing. A weekly trip to the gym is better than not going at all, as I'm sure many wise people say. Topped off the weekly exercise with the garbage-water-vanilla-garnish protein shake.

    This week has been better for the weight loss. My binges tend to occur in the evenings (when I start eating after I get home, I don't tend to stop until I feel sick or fall asleep, it's stupid but a very old habit, starting in middle school I think, and hard to break), so I'm making that a hot drink, and eating mainly before 6 pm. Trying to apply the idea that an alcoholic can control whether they take the first drink.

    Good job! First step to changing a habit is recognising it in the first place :)
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    I've been a bit all over the place with my eating in the last week and a bit. Cravings, take-aways, alllllllll the chocolate. Anyway, feeling back in the game!
  • KrazedBemused
    KrazedBemused Posts: 129 Member
    Hey peeps!! I'm sorry I disappeared for a 4 weeks!! It's been a crazy hectic month! I'm back to logging my food. I did a weigh in and my measurements this morning. I am happy to say in the last three weeks with no real control or routine I am at the same weight& size as I was at 01/04/2016. So I blew past the deadline for my first mini goal unfortunately here is hoping I can achieve it by 01/05/2016. How is everyone else doing??
  • kirili5
    kirili5 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! Sorry I've been gone for ages, hope everyone is doing well.

    I've put on some weight since the last weigh in (had an exam season, not great) and I'm trying to get back on track. I rely really heavily on comfort food... I hope I can get it together and figure out a way to fit into the dress by the wedding.